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Posts posted by asdecas

  1. Here are some steps that your son should take urgently:

    1. Arrange another teaching job far away. Only after that is done and a start date agreed should he quit his present job. Do NOT leave a trail of any kind, either for the wife or her creditors to follow. This includes email, phone numbers, friends in common, relations and so on.

    2. You say he has sole custody - once step 1 has been accomplished and his and his children's lives are established anew in a safe location, your son needs to consult a lawyer to be sure of his legal position vis-a-vis passports for his sons and taking them abroad.

    3. It is imperative that your son is pro-active in this and he may need a lot of emotional support to accomplish the above in what will surely be a stressful few weeks; the type of situation in which your son finds himself can only go in one direction, and your son and his children will bear the physical and psychological consequences more and more if he does nothing.

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  2. I've found that it's the Thai Chinese that take this to extremes and they are usually well off.

    My Landlady who was a Judge and married to the Thong Lor Police Chief wore one dress and the other one was always out drying. She came to congratulate me on the birth of a daughter and put up my water bill by 500 baht as we'd be using more. She'd collect my wastepaper and sell it out on the street and she owned property worth at least 1 billion baht, probably a lot more.

    Nothing wrong with frugality. A Chinese-Thai woman claiming to own first house in Bangkok I ever rented in Bangkok tried to sell me a lease. When I found out she was just a previous tenant, she stripped the house, including not only the light bulbs but their fittings too, and the custom fly screens on the windows. She'd have taken the panes too if she'd had a glass cutter, the old <deleted>.

  3. I remember a Brit, a retired dentist, who built his dream home in a village in Northern Thailand years ago. Installed every convenience and a nice big fat expensive generator to run his gizmos when the brownouts came, as they used to regularly.

    On returning from a trip back to the UK not many months later, he was taken aback to find that his generator had migrated, seemingly permanently, several hundred metres up the road to the Kamnan's house.

    Surprising Rural Thailand.

  4. i think "some people " are correct

    you cant sell a vehicle that still belongs to the finance company

    if they agree ,you can have someone new take over the repayments but it wont be a straight sale ,they will have the final say

    I bought a re-possessed vehicle for a good discount from a finance company because the thai owner couldnt keep up the

    repayments and they took it back after just 7 months ,i dont know if he got anything of the 7 months he paid or not but i would guess

    not .............

    Absolutely correct, the vehicle is not the OP's to sell until he has paid off the finance company. First thing I'd do is check the clauses in your contract carefully, to see about early repayment options/penalties. Then talk to the finance company - they will tell you how much you have outstanding that must be repaid. You can then try to find a buyer who will take on the repayments and pay - with luck - more than the amount outstanding for the vehicle. It's unfortunate that you spent the additional amount on conversion - it's unlikely anyone will much, if anything, for that.

    • Like 1
  5. Perhaps the OP is showing his age somewhat. The pre-computer days when one could lead a life of easy anonymity in the certain knowledge that government's left hand did not know what the right was doing have to a large extent disappeared. However there remains the serendipitous ability of bureaucracies everywhere to scramble, misfile, misinterpret and mislay information, often to one's advantage, sometimes to one's detriment.

  6. Another person seeking a sure fire winner in the Lottery of Love. I have friends who have been married to bargirls for thirty years, I have others who married wealthy Chinese Thais and they lasted less than a year. So yes, your post is of the "how long is a piece of string" variety.

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  7. Why is Little Mary Sunshine getting out of her cot? There are bars, and there are bars. If the man is popping in for a couple of beers and buying the kids a pop, then why not? If you are talking about girly bars, then that is different question.Not all bars are ones where lechers congregate. There are many where the patrons go for good company and conversation. In my experience the bar staff tend to take the kids under their wing.

    You must be kidding !!! Any parent that must hold down a bar stool and poop beers all night

    for "good conversation" and let the bar staff watch and take their kids under their wing is a jerk

    and an abusive parent to say the least....A BAR is a BAR. not an environment be bring a 14y/o

    to: You really need to get a life and see what good parenting is all about.

    Always good to see the open-minded adapt their cultural view to the local circumstances.

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