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Posts posted by hawthorne

  1. We go back and forth to the states and to date never an issue. I do not declare anything that will also leave with me or has been and out of the US. I am a citizen of US but not a resident. We are body scanned every time we entered and the gold shows up as huge green patterns on the inspectors screen. Never questioned. The gold is not bright and shiny so it does not resemble new. There are tricks for this but will not divulge because some people clean the jewelry which keep it shiny even if older and well worn. We always have exit flights so we are not staying. I think most people on TV are the same as us. Few would actually be smugglers. In the end most do plan to move back to Thailand for retiring so the goods will be removed from the economy.

    I feel most people on here should not have to pay the tax as it was intended, meaning you brought it to the home country because it was cheaper to buy outside rather purchasing in host country. This does not apply. There fore taking it in the country without declaring is not an intent to break the law as the law was originally intended. The courts certainly may not side with us but my conscious is clear and I will make sure I tell this to judge as I pay my fine, LOL

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  2. I say the hooray for Bob, he should name his bar BOB, Bend Over Biitch. How many of us have name spelled the same forward and backwards. Bob does. He probably spent a lifetime being with western women that tried to convince him that it was unnatural for a grown man to actually feel or think sex is a necessity in life. Well you only need to have a pair to realize women are only spending a lifetime trying to convince men of this fact. BOB found out this ain't true. Have fun with your Lek. Live long, hard and prosperous my friend.

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  3. Freedom of choice is welcomed but what people do with thier freedoms and how they enforce their wills upon others is criminal and a master slave mentality. The world is evolving and various groups do not want change for the betterment of mankind because people are harder to control when given a choice. Control by group association is a form of brain washing and similar use in a communist society. We must stand up to the root cause of the problem or be swallowed by the beast. You own interpretation of this message serves your believes and self satisfactions for a peace of mind.

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  4. It sounds like you are living under their roof and their rules. Change that situation and become your own King in your own castle. You sound like a young man that is allowing others to take advantage of yourself. You will either grow up and put a stop to it or be run over. These people are not stealing from you, you are willingly giving your money away. Running away only solves the problem this time. Take a stand and say no and move out of their house.

  5. No need for anyone to get wound up here guys. This is politics and that is it. This game is played played by idiots, normal folk not allowed on the field. So the spectators don't need to fight over their idiot players. No country is without its own special needs team.

    Sit back, grab a six pack and be merry the show never ends, always another season.

  6. While out of the house or apartment pay off the landlord close the lease. Set up home some other place. She will latch on to another Farrang in hours and forget your name or you ever existed. Don't feel so special her mind will change like the wind. She is a parasite. Think of how you met her. She is a semi professional my friend and you are the mark. Accept it. Get on with your life and drop the Drama.

  7. The govt and its crime syndicates do not properly represent the people of a nation. I do not see the Russian tourist touting terrorism or demanding Thailand to change its laws. But there is a fast growing group demanding change and becoming a large financial investor into Thailand which is a common problem with Russia and many western nations. I know who I would prefer to have as a neighbor. The Chineese will eventually and slowly become better tourist. All nationalities are known to have their own social issues, hell I am American one of the least liked nationalities and mostly due to foriegn policies of our govt. and loud volume of our speech in public, lol.

    I do not agree with the Putin policy....I think the people are not properly represented by the ex KGB officer.

  8. Well the American Phillipine tie is much deeper than us and Thai relationship. The U.S. was involved with P.I. Since zone Spanish American war freeing P.I. From Spain. The U.S. had several large navy, Air Force and and army bases in the P.I. So these should have given an edge to P.I. But does not. The average Filipino and Filipinas are a lot more educated than the average Thai. Because English is well spoken in P.I. They have over 25% of their population working abroad. OFW overseas foreign worker. They easily migrate all over the world as well. I strongly feel P.I. Worst impediment for a strong economy is the awful infrastructure linking the thousands of islands. The roads are awful. Poverty is awful. Many more nurses in P. I. Than Thailand. Crime is multi fold worse in P.I. There us an armed guard in every 7-11, McDonald's, Starbucks and just about any other high traffic store inP.I. I went on business to Cagyan d'oro a few years back as one reader mentioned. It is poor and dangerous not a first time place to go in P.I. plus you have the southern part of Mindanao whic most know is the home of Varios Muslim terrestrial groups and much more dangerous than the group in Thailand but only because the groups are larger inP.I.

    All in all I have to agree that corruption, violence and perverbial poverty follow the Catholic Church. That would be my biggest attribute to the endless problems of the Phillipines. I do however agree that Thailand is a better location for trading through land rather all by sea.

  9. I hope this turns out to be the healthy correction that stabilizes markets and not a long term stagnation of sideways movement. Well let's be patient let the dust settle and pick up stock at good evaluations. Too early to clearly see all ramifications from the drastic fall in oil prices, for sure with world markets finding weaknesses capital spending is slowing, banks will increase defaults, leveraged development groups will not be able to sell the properties, constructions slows and soon unemployment goes up. It just has a cascading affect that you see fear in the markets because what might happen. We need a healthy scare to pull in the spending and to create more cautious stock buying. Good luck to you traders as I am sure adrenalin is free flowing.

  10. My thoughts when seeing her was the average thai college student, except the ones on campus tend to wear their uniforms in a sexier fashion than this gown. Ofcourse no Thai gal with and skin pigment will ever be considered beautiful. Their culture not ours.

    My first thoughts were of the talent contests and this lady must of really stood out until a reader reminded us of the most beautiful teen announcement. Oh well..congrats to the young lady.

  11. Where is CSI? Sounds like a lot of evidence was left at the scene and a little effort would eliminate or identify the suspects. Why is it so difficult? What is most disturbing news coming out of this whole situation is releasing the homocide rate of Brits in the kingdom. Thailand certainly has done a very good job of keeping this bit of info away from the would be travelers. I am still in shock. Thailand is a dangerous country and keeping it from the populace does not help to prevent it from happening. A friend just returned from Pattaya and he said walking street was opening later at night and many clubs not even open. A huge change. Is this the start of a change and a more safer Thailand? Hope so but too late for these very young full of life souls. RIP

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