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Posts posted by tooninthai

  1. Sometimes labels are true and have power -- red shirt terrorists. Why the wimpiness of the Thai press and legitimate government to spell it out? Its time for the Thai majority to mobilize in clear opposition to the violent red terrorists.

    No. Let the reds get a few thousand people to protest and waste a bit more of Thaksin's money. Let the army and government deal with the violence. Confronting the violent reds with just cause more violence.

    The rest should make sure that the next election is fair, with no corruption and allowing all candidates to campaign. Educate the people about what a fair and non-corrupt election is all about.

    Would you be wanting to educate the Red or Yellow shirts on democracy and corruption? Neither side can claim to have the moral high ground on democracy or corruption. Who will do the educating?

  2. quote "do western women have any particular traits, habits or floors that you disliked. what was it that turned you off?

    would be interesting know and give the opposite sex some idea of where their going wrong. "

    This is a joke, right?

    Especially the bit about giving western women some idea of where they are going wrong.

    Western women in the wrong? Never. They are always right!!

    We men are fat, lazy b*stards who can never complete a DIY project we have started. We leave the toilet seat up/down. We fart in bed. When we reply and tell them 'Yes their arse looks big in that' they go in a huff. We like football. We like ......


    You seem to know yourself pretty well.

    I have been around myself a long time :D

  3. How deep is this womans pockets and how well connected is she?

    With the right lawyer the sky is the limit.

    we live upcountry... village scene... the land has not much value (Bt 300'000.-) the bungalows total Bt 1.5 Mio to Bt 2 Mio..... I want to limit costs for lawyers.... (maybe the youth-department would help???? Land is in kid's names) - - but .... could somebody recommend a suitable lawyer (Chiangmai?? Sukhothai? Pitsanoluk??)

    If you still want the advice of a good lawyer and you can speak Thai or have a friend that does, PM me. This guy and his wife are red hot with legal matters but they only speak Thai. He does love juicy court fights. Also he will tell you straight if you do not stand a cat in hells chance.

    edit - typo

  4. Cold clean glasses containing draught beer with a head on it, instead of the usual flat beer with ice in a dirty glass.

    definatly good head on it is required in bar here, bit of dirty stuff as well. OP i think you know the answer already.

    Not so sure if the head on the beer counts as much as giving.....

    Oh, Oh, reply deleted!! :)

  5. quote "do western women have any particular traits, habits or floors that you disliked. what was it that turned you off?

    would be interesting know and give the opposite sex some idea of where their going wrong. "

    This is a joke, right?

    Especially the bit about giving western women some idea of where they are going wrong.

    Western women in the wrong? Never. They are always right!!

    We men are fat, lazy b*stards who can never complete a DIY project we have started. We leave the toilet seat up/down. We fart in bed. When we reply and tell them 'Yes their arse looks big in that' they go in a huff. We like football. We like ......


  6. This sounds like a ruse to enable to invoke the internal security act and keep the Red Shirts out of central Bangkok. The easy steps have been taken: banning E-tans from the streets, announcing that any vehicle used as a barracade will be destroyed. Now they have an excuse to search vehicles and individuals and generally harrass participants. The ruling elite are shit scared and its showing! 6,000 weapons just Walking out of a base in Pattalung close to the Southern insurgency problem. yeah right!

    That sounds about right.

    And the first casualty of war? The truth is the first casualty and disinformation is always a very handy weapon to have.

  7. After the election then people will know who is in power (unless a hung parliament) but things should then stabilise. Recent polls indicate the Tories do not have enough of a % swing to form a government. That way it looks like another 5 years under Labour.

    As I recall did not a lot of the financial egg heads write to the Times or the Financial Times, backing Labour to get us out of the mire faster and in better shape than the Tories?

    Seems only time will tell the outcome.

    The Labour government has already stated it will sell shares in teh Nationalised banks to the 'people' giving them a share in these institutions. But will any of the 'people' have any money to buy? :)

  8. I was in the supermarket on Friday and they were low on sugar but no mention or rationing. I bought my usual 4kg. If I wanted more, I could easily pop into several 7-11's and stock up.

    "with the price of sugar in Burma border markets now at Bt30/kg (about $US0.91/kg) compared to Bt25-29/kg ($0.76-0.88) on the Thai side."

    If there is only 1 Baht a kilo difference, why the need to smuggle sugar into Burma??? This makes little sense to me unless the figures quoted are incorrect.

  9. That 'scam' has been going on for years.

    You buy cheap, duty free, over the limit, you get stopped somewhere along the route home for being in possession of too many ciggies and are asked to pay the fine. They often drag you off to the ATM to get the cash to pay the fine, they take your ciggies and quite possibly pass them back to be sold to the next mug that comes along who thinks they can also 'get away with it'.

    You run contraband and you take your chance. Up to you.

  10. I tell them I am English. No problems with that and very rarely misunderstood.

    Thai people do seem to relate where in the UK by football teams. I tell the Newcastle and they understand that quickly too.

    If they ask about Man Utd, they often (in fun) get an expletive in reply and it is taken in jest too.

    People are curious. I went to the local market for months on my own, buying my groceries before I took the g/f along a few times too. When I was away for a few days the g/f went to the market alone and almost every stall holder I buy from spoke to her wanting to know where I am from and where we met and all sorts of trivial information.

    There was no malice intended. Mainly they wanted to know what sort of 'Farang' went to the market on his own so often as so many Farang seem to have a Thai woman in tow to do the buying for them, or they only ever see foreigners at BigC, Makro or wherever.

    I like to think they look at different foreigners in different ways and they judge us on our attitude and how we conduct ourselves. If you are polite they judge the rest of our fellow countrymen in the same light until some idiot comes along and causes problems. Then they tend to balance the idiots against the more sensible, polite ones amongst us and realise we are not all as bad as some.

  11. Ya no Thai and I mean NO thai man would ever pay a dime of sin sod for a previously married women and it would GREATLY insult the thai husband to be if it was mentioned. :D

    That is simply not true. I personally know of a woman who has been married three times to Thai men. The most recent wedding was last year. She elicited sin sod from every one of those Thai men. Granted it was merely a token by the third wedding, 20,000 bt, but nevertheless some Thai men will pay sin sod for a previously married woman.

    An old topic but this post caught my eye (a quiet night now football has finished) :D

    I also know of one woman who has been married 5 times !!

    Yes, she got sin sot every time and you should see the size of her house. She is the talk of the village.

    There must be some suckers out there :)

  12. A mate of mine swears by Qatar for cost and scheduling. You may well find cheaper via such wonderful hubs as Colombo, Amman, Muscat and Adis Ababa but you may wish you hadn't.

    Your mate needs to be aware of local holidays falling during this 'couple of months' as that usually causes fare spikes, ie. Easter holidays, etc..

    And what is wrong with Muscat? No better or worse than Abu Dhabi. Oman Air have the some of the very latest aircraft with in flight entertainment and were only £480 return including taxes in January. If you are only at an airport for an hour or two, surely that is irrelevant?

  13. OK, the cardboard sign outside the house written in marker pen may not look very good, but it works.

    You could have a decent sign made up at one of the local shops that do decals and shop signs. Many will take a computer copy of a design and print it for you in full colour. So have a good For Sale sign made up and attach it to a tall post so it can be seen from a distance.

    Better than a piece of brown card any day. That is if you do decide to sell it yourself.

  14. It may not always be who it seems to be.

    Several months back I was sitting in a club with my girlfriend, we were snuggled up to each other most of the evening and it was obvious we were happy together. She went to the toilet and received a phone call but she could barely hear the call for the loud music in the background on his phone.

    About 1 a.m. as we arrived home, the phone rang. Some 'Farang' guy on the other end and he starts talking to her about a room. After she told him she did not know about any room she hung up. He phoned back again a bit later and started telling her how beautiful she is and that he wanted her. She told him in no uncertain terms she has a boyfriend and hung up.

    We deduced later that the same music was playing in the club as the background music on the initial phone call. Coupled with the fact he phoned her while she was in the toilet led us to believe he was in the club at the same time and watching her.

    This man continued to phone her even after she kept giving me the phone to talk to him. At one point he told me to <deleted> Off and to put her back on the phone !!

    Her number is known to very few people and only to one lady friend who was in the club that night when the original call came through. It was obvious to us who gave the number out, but not obvious why as we had been together several months by that time and happy. Of course, the woman in question denied giving out the number and we could not prove it was her.

    After several days of phone calls where he started to tell her the same things about how beautiful she is and wanting to meet her all subsequent calls were ignored by her so he started using a different number and phoning at different times of day and night. When that number was ignored or only answered by me when the number was not recognised he'd hang up quick but used yet another number. This went on for quite a few weeks but there was nothing we could do about it with regards to finding him or tracing him as the numbers were PAYG and untraceable.

    All in all it took nearly seven weeks for this idiot to stop calling her. At the time, I wish I had known who it was because I really wanted to rip this guys head off for all the trauma he was putting her through. Also we presume he knew my face as she and I were in the club together and even after arranging one meeting he failed to turn up or knew I was there and did not show himself.

    What can you do with no actual proof? Very little. Change the number? Yes but that can be inconvenient too as you have stated.

    Ignoring all the calls seems the best way as they tire eventually and move on to the next target. Though in the meantime that does not stop your wife worrying about if he knows where you live and if he will come calling in person.

    good luck with this.

  15. Can't think of why one would want to do it because its such a thankless job and pain in the arse.

    'Cause if they weren't doing it they'd be organising little residents' commitees, and setting little laws in their moo bahns, and going around making sure everyone's lawn was cut to the regulation height, and their laundry couldn't be seen from the street, and their car was parked exactly 6" from the curb, and all the other sad little self appointed tasks of the common pedantic busy body. You're right about them being a pain in the arse though.

    Or they would be Traffic Wardens.

  16. Bangkok and Pattaya are not. But Thailand still is. :)

    As long as one can distinguish between the foreigner/tourist enclaves and genuine Thailand, one can still find broad, friendly, no-strings-attached smiles to brighten every day. I do. :D

    Yes It is.

    Agree 100%

    I'd agree with that too.

    In the main I find the smiles are more genuine when away from those areas 'filled with Farang' and the general populace tend to be friendlier and more helpful.

  17. Yes, why ban a democratic march? Are people no longer allowed to voice and show their concerns?

    It does not matter if they are Red, Yellow or sky blue pink with red and yellow dots, people should be allowed to demonstrate if they wish, as long as it is a peaceful march.

    Do you forget your history when our forebears had to march and demonstrate to bring change?

    Either that or have a free and fair election without Red, Yellow or whatever colour doling out bribes and let the people decide n their government. It is not up to us to dictate what the Thai people should be doing. It is their country, or have you forgotten that???

  18. The Thai's that realise how good it is here are the ones that move to say Scunthorpe under the false impression their so called millionaire husband lives in a castle when he actually lives in a run down shoddy council flat that hasn't seen a lick of paint since 1968 with the local Kebab shop as the culinary delight after a Friday night out on the piss. These are the ones that return faster than a butchers dog.

    Would that be for a new 'bone' ?

  19. I for one cannot see myself going home to the UK even at this rate of £ to Baht.

    Too many prices in the UK are inflated, like Gas, Electric, food and more. So what if a T-shirt costs more here? How often do we buy those as opposed to gas, electric and food?

    I can still live reasonably well in Thailand even at 45 Baht - £. It is often a case of cutting the cloth to fit and if that means curbing some excesses from my daily / weekly lifestyle, then so be it. What is one less night out in the pub here saving 500 Baht + a week and that compensates for the fluctuations in the £ / Baht.

    Luckily I do not have to pay for sex. I go to the local market for my food and I am happy to cook at home. The car runs on LPG and is economical. I also have a g/f who understands the £ is not too good at the moment and she is also happy to cut back on any excess.

    Wth prudence surely we can manage quite well here. So, be prudent.

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