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Posts posted by 1plumber

  1. "Mastubatory circles". My mind is boggling now!!

    Should have been 'Circle Jerk' whistling.gif

    When a bunch of blowhards - usually politicians - get together for a debate but usually end up agreeing with each other's viewpoints to the point of redundancy, stroking each other's egos as if they were extensions of their genitals (ergo, the mastubatory insinuation). Basically, it's what happens when the choir preaches to itself.


    for real? I honestly thought the author was being polite. Was this really a translation issue? or am I showing my naivety?

  2. Maybe these sort of comments are designed for the domestic audience? A lot of simple, and also not so simple, Thai folk will be very relieved to know the airline and airport are making some merit. I guess the airline and airport staff also.

    Of course, it sounds loony tunes to an international audience, but the stories were in Thai publications. So long as they don't get international exposure, fine.

    I do hope safety procedures are being looked at as well as spirit ceremonies though.

    Oh Why would they address safety when it is in the hands of some unhappy spirits. Don't have someone lose face for not doing their job or spend more money on the issues.

  3. just leave him alone,he won't stay long

    they move around a lot (house to house)

    back in the day the GI's called them "<deleted> you lizards" because of the sound they make

    if they make the "<deleted> you" sound three times in a row,its supost to bring good luck

    also its very bad luck to kill one

    Luck luck luck..... If you believe in it, most like you only get the bad of it. At least that's what I've seen:)

  4. Why not teach / tell the rubber farmers who to grow something else?

    Why do they keep growing crops that are not in demand?

    Can you see 7 years into the future?

    I can't but that is about how long it takes to get a rubber tree into production.

    Depending on the type of soil and the amount of water available will give you an idea of what crop you CAN grow.

    What crops do you, as a keyboard farmer suggest that they grow and can you suggest how they will earn their livelihood while waiting for the new crops to mature?

    What you say is true and with any long term investment it takes time to pan out. India's growth and the old age of the trees in the south are the primary reasons I put in 3000 trees. Also ANY money that may come from them is supplemental for me. Rubber trees are not like rice, corn or sugar.... you can't just suddenly change your mind and go to another crop. But then again these other crops don't produce for 25 years with the wood being a sellable value added. I wish the free market would be given a chance to establish the price of rubber but it's a funny movie while it plays out.

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  5. I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

    Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

    Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

    Self employed Let the free market work for me and it did.

    How quaint. Of course all the rules and regulations put in place to protect this pension aren't worth two hoots either. or did you bury it all under the bed?

    Wow. Do you always hold your breath and stamp you feet when someone has an opinion that differs with yours? Really, those rule and regs hold zero impact on me but it's like that being self sufficient. Additionally, be advised that your pension is only as safe as the crooks that manage it. But to the point I was only making comment that this foreign labour guy really should have larger fish to fry in his own back yard than some juice producer in Thailand. But by all means allow him to ....protect their pensions.

  6. I'm ancient in my views I'm sure but I have far less of a problem with this company's hiring practices than I have with a silly defamation law that Thailand wants to enforce.(another western concept I think) Why are western "thinkers"so intent on making Asia just like what we as westerners are trying to remove ourselves from? Sorry to drag so many along with my desires:)

    Face is not a western concept. Lay off the fox news. This is a completely Thai phenomenon.

    Have you removed yourself from western tyranny with a pension perhaps? Thanks god for laws that protect and provide for such thing, or did you just rob a bank wild bill hickup style and come to Thailand?

    Self employed Let the free market work for me and it did.

  7. When the tracks are in such shoddy state that stationary trains are toppling off them it is definitely time for some repair work. Can we try to get at least 70% of the budget spent on the tracks rather than it all being swallowed up by the ruling greedy vultures.

    I would rather be on a stationary train that derails than one travelling at 400kph. This high speed rail is making me nervous, good for transporting rice or vegetables etc but not sure if human transport is viable on such a system here.

    My thoughts exactly. I almost fell over when this whole high speed train thing came up. I was like that concept is so cool.....anywhere that it would be properly built and maintained and operated. So many things like this here. Conceptually great but lets just slow down and do it right and spend the money properly so that we can have an end result that we can rely on and be proud of even after the shine has faded. Sadly it has never been so and I can not see how it ever can be. I'm sure I will ride the high speed system at some point but not util some sort of "track record" has been established.

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