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Posts posted by Stray

  1. It should be banned , its dangerous , , probably helps erode these rock faces ,

    And, while they're at it, they should also ban water. I've heard that rain and the action of waves also erodes rocks and mountains but I have no proof of this.

    Riding motorcycles, driving cars, riding bicycles, walking down the street all should be classified as potentially lethal activities (every day I read stories about injury and death related to these activities) yet I hear no calls for a ban.

  2. Isn't it obvious? Call the Thai Elite Visa 24-hour Call Center. You paid for the service, so why not use it?

    Dude why you don't read the topic before responding ? Their service is very useless as they said they could get me only a 1 yr renewal instead of 5 yr (my old driving license is 5 yr by the way).

    No way i'm going for the 1 yr license, to much hassle to go there every year.

    Would be interested in learning how they could get you a 1 year licence. Wasn't aware that they existed.

  3. I must admit that I don't know the procedure when changing from a domestic flight, to an international flight, in Thailand.

    Are you saying, that in the past, it was possible to bypass all of the international security procedures at Swampy airport, simply by flying into Swampy on a domestic flight?

    If this is the case, I applaud the change of policy.

    I don't know of any country where it is possible to change from domestic to international flights without first clearing international flight security checks.

    Should try some of the transit flights through Doha. Security screening at an international transit point?!?

  4. Are you sick of getting scammed?

    Tired of living a boring life?

    Want to be your own boss?

    Make big money and work when you want?

    well, send me 100,00 baht and it's time to live the dream you imagined?*

    *no returns, no guarantees

    Who do I make the cheque out to?

    I've already sent a cheque but will cancel it. I've just received an e-mail telling me that I can have a share of a multi-million dollar fortune which was left behind by a prominent member of the Nigerian royal family, following an air crash in Port Harcourt.

    Now, I've just got to send them $2000 to release the documentation from customs which will make me a beneficiary of this vast fortune.

  5. If people aren't drinking milk, there must be a reason why the local Makro stocks 5 litre containers of the stuff (produced by several different companies) and sells out. It can't all just be for use in cooking.

    The adults in our household (apart from me) don't drink it but the kids sure do.

  6. I appreciate what Tesco Lotus is trying to achieve by buying direct from the farms, however, what has happened around our way is that one big farm has now assumed the role of the middleman/consolidator.

    As the small growers do not understand (or, even know) how to sell to the big markets, they sell their produce to one of the big farms who, in turn, sell to the big markets (Tesco Lotus, Big C, Macro). We are guilty of it, ourselves. Our major customers are the neighbourhood (a number of which do come from quite a distance away). Some produce is sold to local markets. In the event we have good quality, unsold produce, it is sold to a distributor/consolidator/middleman.

  7. Thai men are no worse than most when it comes to rape - and better than many. Don't believe me? Do a search of the top ten countries with the highest rape figures. Thailand does not figure, but the the US, UK, France, Germany and Sweden are all on the list. People in glass houses. . .

    And this has 'what' to do with regards to the story of a taxi driver raping his passenger in Bangkok?

    It happens in other countries so it's alright if it happens in Thailand?

    How about Thailand leading the way? It happens in other countries but not in Thailand. That is the headline I want to see.

  8. Never a dull moment.

    Save a seat in the shade of a tree and I'll bring along some more cold beers. After a saga like that, you wouldn't want to also end up with a 'dry' esky/cooler/chilly bin.

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  9. Why wear a motorcycle helmet?

    Because it's the law?!? Because having an extra layer of protection between the brain and (potential impact with) solid objects just might save you (despite what those who believe that the bones in the skull are protection enough)?!?

    Driving on Thai roads can be a scary proposition. Do you drive with your eyes closed so that you don't see something that might terrify you? Do you drive without a seatbelt because you've heard that there is a slim chance that, in the event of an accident, you may be thrown clear and saved from a potentially life threatening injury?

    I've heard that the sudden jolt of an opening parachute can cause serious injuries or, if you get tangled up in the ropes, you can be strangled and killed. Would you go skydiving without a parachute?

    Why ride a motorcycle without a helmet? Is your life so worthless that it's not worth the investment in prolonging it?

    Not a trick question.

  10. thai personality traits are not conductive to investing money or creating passive income streams.

    not sure why, but likely has to do with inability to control emotions well and being much more closely emeshed others resulting in needing to be accepted and gain face. makes living frugally and saving for the future a rare trait.

    the money will be gone soon unless they happen to buy a better business which succeeds with its own income stream and which can be seen by friends and relatives and gain face (shown off basically).

    So, by that logic, there are no rich Thais and there are certainly no Thais living well on their investments and passive income streams?

    Just looking at some of the wealth around Bangkok, there be an huge number of foreigners in Thailand.

    there are a few, usually have higher education and better thinking skills.

    but on the whole most thais dont have the education and thinking skills to manage large amounts of money or to set limits when faced with emotional demands from others.

    those skills translate into ability to plan for the future and delay gratification for future reward. also dont usually have the math skills to deal with it from elementary or high school classes.

    most of it is just about havinf fun now. and most people dont find self control that fun. im sure you caught onto that somewhere diring your visit.

    And this only applies to Thais?

    What's that old statistic regarding the richest and poorest in the world?

    Most people, globally, are living beyond their means. Be they perceived as rich or poor.

    While this thread is concerned with a local in Thailand, the sudden influx of wealth affects most people (regardless of their country of birth, standard of education, emotional ties to family and friends) who have not had such financial security, in the past.

    The saying, "easy come, easy go", as far as I'm aware, was not coined in Thailand.

  11. thai personality traits are not conductive to investing money or creating passive income streams.

    not sure why, but likely has to do with inability to control emotions well and being much more closely emeshed others resulting in needing to be accepted and gain face. makes living frugally and saving for the future a rare trait.

    the money will be gone soon unless they happen to buy a better business which succeeds with its own income stream and which can be seen by friends and relatives and gain face (shown off basically).

    So, by that logic, there are no rich Thais and there are certainly no Thais living well on their investments and passive income streams?

    Just looking at some of the wealth around Bangkok, there be an huge number of foreigners in Thailand.

  12. sleepy-smiley.gif (Yawn) Here come the usual tired old transphobic comments.

    So predictable. So generalised. So pathetic!

    Yet, with the myriad of stories and topics there are to read and comment on, they are all mysteriously drawn to every topic that alludes to transgenders.

    Those that kick the hardest are often those most at odds with their façade of heterosexuality.

    Is that a photo of your boyfriend?

    Which photo are you referring to?

  13. Thanks again Joe and thank you, Stray.

    @Stray... How long was your "proof of address" from the Aus Embassy valid and is it a single use original only?

    @Joe... I'm seriously debating it or trying to figure out how to build my own house faster. She's inspiring if nothing else. =p

    The 'proof of address' form was valid for 30 days and was single use, i.e., the land transport office took it and did not return it when I applied for my driving licences.

    If you require more than one copy of the form, I assume, you will have to fill out several copies of the form and pay the fee for each copy.

  14. Jeezo this thread dragged out some real cheapskates.

    I'm with Don Mega on this one, but fifteen months for me on current lifestyle.

    Much different story when the oil industry boots me out the door though!

    Can't believe the 15k a month post, my electric bill, gardener and pool cleaning costs that.

    So to not become a cheapskate you need a gardener and someone to clean your private pool ?

    Try to get out of the bubble you're living in . If you live in a condo and pay the rent 7k , electricity is maybe 1200 baht . They even have a swimming pool inside the condo complex. 15 k is working fine for some people .

    electricity only 1200 Baht = sweat is dripping in your lukewarm beer tongue.png

    1800 baht (or less) per month for electricity and, after tending the palm oil this morning, I'm sitting under the shade of mango tree (there's a slight westerly breeze blowing), in the back paddock, drinking a very cold beer on ice. (The bottles were sitting in ice, not ice in the beer.)

  15. Taking the OP literally and having no other funds except the 3 million baht, at my current outgoing expenditure rate of 1000 baht per day (which includes 300 baht per day for my visa), I could survive a little over 8 years.

    House, land and car are all paid for. Have no expenses (nor commitments) outside of Thailand and no debt. In my case, only day-to-day living expenses are required.

  16. As ubonjoe has stated, the best place to go, in your situation, may be the embassy.

    I understand that a trip to Bangkok is a pain (distance, time and inconvenience) but must sometimes be endured. (No, I'm not being sarcastic as I understand that not everyone lives within an easy taxi fare's ride of Sukhumvit.)

    I can only comment on the ease of receiving 'proof of address' from the Australian embassy but, I assume, other embassies would have an easy procedure.

    The Australian embassy provides a laminated pink example template. I simply copied the information from the sample form onto the blank 'proof of address' form, inserting my own details, handed the form in (with the proscribed fee - I don't remember the charge but it's included in the list of fees displayed on the wall) and, within several minutes, the form was returned to me with all the 'official' stamps and signatures.

    The Australian embassy did not request (nor did I provide) any proof that the address existed nor any evidence that I was staying at the address I entered on the form. In the case of my Thai driving licence, the person completing the paperwork at the land transport office looked up the address on the computer to ensure that it was correct. (As there were three similar addresses, he turned the screen around and asked me to confirm which was the correct one.)

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