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Posts posted by clockman

  1. The proof is in the pudding , over decades the RTP have proven that they are far from a professional team as a law enforcement agency , it might very well be that this time England has been too quick to accept the court's verdict , another case in Chiang Mai this wasn't so, and along with the murdered girl's parents with BBC help they hired a ex Scotland yard detective to investigate , end result RTP dropped the charges against a Sydney lad and charged the Thai owner of the Hostel, in retaliation the BBC was then banned in Thailand for a period time. The point being raised here if it can happen it will happen in Thailand , there should be life handed down by the court , at least those innocent won't lose their life, right from the start this case was floored with unprofessional conduct , so why should opinion change against the RTP.....................................................coffee1.gif .

    And the killer is still at large? Because the suspect has passed the brown envelope!

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