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Posts posted by Windy

  1. Before the xenophobia posts start would just like to say 'Passers-by assisted the injured man' I'm guessing that some of these people were Thai so all faith is not lost yetw00t.gif alt=w00t.gif>

    As for officer Somchai Dimwit, not quite sure what he thinks about those pesky foreigners.

    Sorry but I lost all faith in Thai's quite a few years back. It is the most vicious and racist nation I have ever been to (I have spent several months in 25 countries from the US to the middle east, Europe and a year in India as well as living in SE Asia for the past 12 years). I am sure there must be some good Thai's but from my personal experiences over the past decade they are few and far between.

    I regularly warn friends not to travel to Thailand, come to Cambodia instead, the hospitality here is amazing and the smiles are far more genuine.

    Sadly my instant reaction to meeting any Thai now is one of complete distrust.

    and yet here you are on Thai Visa?

    Is Cambodia that boring?

    You don like thai's or thailand, no one here misses you or wants you back, live in Cambodia and enjoy. Bye


    your not thai by any chance are you graeme

    No I would think not. Just not a Thai hater like some.

    • Like 1
  2. thailand is not the land of smile ,no sir .....today .... it is the land who use foreigners to make money.

    thats it.and we are so stupid that we let them doing it.....well not me..!

    they dont understand us, and they dont like us or the way we are, especially the high society who make the rules.

    i leaved there long enough to see and feel that for sure.

    in my opinion we should aplicate exactly the same rules to them when they go to our country ,instead of giving them visas, help for free, money for free, hospital care for free etc and etc for free....coffee1.gif ... but we are democratic..thats the diference!

    i hope one day they will realise they are wrong and change their visa regulation ! and during that time i would say to all new people who want to go to live to thailand .... to choose another country, because in my opinion,.... thailand, today is not worth it sad.png

    If you don't like Thailand so much, why bother posting on a Thailand forum wacko.png

  3. Way too many Thai haters on a forum about Thailand.

    Very hard to understand why so many posters on TV seem to hate and critize anything about Thailand. I'm referring to posts in general not just this thread.

    Seems to me if you live here and don't like it, move, and for the people who want to move here but can't, stop being jealous and wasting all your time posting negative crap, work harder, save money and maybe you will be able to.

  4. PS. If you're going to out me like that, why not do it on your real account, instead of some secondary account that has 30 posts?

    To the person who "outed" you...weak effort fool.

    I didnt "OUT" anyone. Matt posts on an Issan forum and states that he is gay, so what is the problem of me mentioning it here? Also this is the only account on ThaiVisa that I have, so I don't know what you are referring to about a secondary account.

    All I was doing was add some additional info to what was posted originally.

  5. Lots of replies, and everyone is assuming he is referring to a girlfriend.

    Maybe the OP should come out and tell the truth that it is a gay relationship he is talking about wink.png

    That shouldnt make too much difference... personally I dont see where your comment would be leading!

    I know it should not make any difference, but I am sure a lot of posters replies would have been different if they knew in the beginning that it was a boyfriend, not a girlfriend, that he was thinking of leaving.

  6. WP issue aside, you might be accessing the betting company through a site URL that is not the site URL used by customers and thus might possibly not be blocked by the MICT.


    I don't have to access any betting websites. I connect via a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to my companies network so I can work.

    I tried connecting to work during my last trip, last month, and had no problems.

  7. I am thinking of moving to Isaan and wanted to ask if there are any jobs available - preferable working for a company.


    What can you provide there that tens of thousands of locals wont do for 10% of the price :o

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