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Posts posted by snaggletooth

  1. They have no legal right to occupy an important district of Bangkok and terrorize normal citizens. Next ...

    But when they wear Yellow shirts Foreign MP thinks it is "good fun"...

    The yellows who created havoc should be put in jail too. And so should the reds. The difference is that the yellows never fired rockets and didn't shut down the central part of the city for two months (the airport occupation was 8 days).

    The foreign minister should be jailed for his part in what he did. This Sae Daeng character, now on his way to hel_l, had he still been alive when all this had happened should have been put before court martial and executed for treason since he is, after all, a soldier.

  2. I was just about to comment that "that will never happen" & then I saw the second post! :) Well, I have no idea what's going on behind the scenes, but I'm going to bet that the Red leaders thought that Sutep would never do it. He's either called their bluff or he's obeying the law. :D

    Calling their bluff. That's my bet. and they'll come up with a new demand because they've proven to be disengenous

  3. Abhisit just tries to safe his $ss, because he know's wen he resigns, his life is over.

    Stupid "vision"! Get real.

    Get real? Mmmm...let's see, where to start? :)

    - Almost starting a war with Camobodia over a stupid temple?

    - Dumping refugees out in the ocean to torture and then die?

    - Introducing computer crimes act?

    - Southern problems increased drastically?

    - Drug problems increased drastically?

    - Working together with the criminal Sondhi?

    - According to CRES has taken illegal donations?

    - Not allowing the Dalai Lama into Thailand?

    - Deportation of Hmong refugees back to Communist Laos ?

    - Rejecting human rights commisions?

    - Need to go on?

    Thaksin murdered 2500 Thais and he's still around. He has done other shit of course but 2500 dead Thais I think tops the list.

    - The temple row was started by that foul-mouthed swine Samak.

    - Under Thaksin, more than 100 southerners were killed when they were piled into the back of trucks like logs after being rounded up by the army.

    - Thaksin strong-armed the Thai import-export bank into giving Burma a loan to buy satellite service from his company Shinsat.

    - Thaksin strong-armed the national communications commission into giving his cell-phone company preferential treatment by absolving it of paying the same fees as its competitors.

    - He rigged a bid so his wife could buy a massive land plot in the heart of BKK.

    - He threatened advertisers in newspapers that were critical of him.

    - He shut up the free media by threatening lawsuits over accurate reporting, such as the cracks in the runway at the new airport.

    This is just a short list.

  4. Reply to deadsnoopy.

    Thailand has had democracy for many years, the basis being 'one man one vote'. Just because some people choose to sell their right to democracy to the highest bidder is not the fault of democracy. It is the fault of the seller of their right of a democratic vote.

    Cheers, Rick

    I think the ignore feature will provide better results.

    If you can't counter an argument, just ignore it. It will probably go away. But not really, as we've seen with the PM ignoring the issues of the rural poor. Ignoring works on ThaiVisa, but not in real life. :)

    And that's where the rubber hits the road. He hasn't ignored the rural poor. That's just the red's propaganda. He hasn't taken funding from them, taken way their rights.

    In fact he's increased funding for rural schools to help bring up the educational standards in the provinces. He continued with Thaksin's 30baht health care plan

    And a majority of his economic stimulus plan was aimed at the "grassroots," particularly farmers.

    What else should he do? Give them money so they don't have to work anymore? Give them near-dead rubber saplings? Give village headman $1 million baht each to "lend" to their communities so that they can pocket 30% for themselves?

  5. Electoral fraud is rigging an election. The Election Commission recommend the dissolution of the ruling Democrat Party for receiving an illegal 258 million baht donation and the alleged misuse of a 29 million baht political development fund provided by the EC.

    So if I get an illegal donation and then use it to pay for my election, that isn't election fraud? Either way, it's fraud. So basically, we have a fraudulent government and a fraudulent Prime Minister telling the whole country that there might be elections held if everything goes according to them. Great. But thanks for enlightening me. :)

    These are allegations, remember? I know you think you are, but sorry little man, you're not enlightened.

  6. a reasonable person would expect to see the proposals in writing, go through them, develop questions and rebuttals, and then go through back-channels to express their concerns. Most negotiations are not done under the spectre of the tv camera.

    I think you missed the part about there will be no more negotiating with red shirts ... they lost that option after showing their true color.

    Says who? You? Abhisit clearly is negotiating. You understand nothing about how politics work, my friend. Behind the scenes they're drinking coffee and having dinner together while discussing things. It's just a "show" for the "little people".

    That's a foolish, condescending comment and shows your how ill-informed you are. Have you sat in one these fictitious coffee clatches too? This what is happening is not politics. If you think it is, you really are out in left field.

  7. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

    The dissolution move by the electoral commission has nothing to do with election fraud. Read the news before you spout off your ill-informed opinion.

    It's for not reporting a major campaign contribution. Not the same thing at all.

    I did read the issue, and it is electoral fraud. In the last election, the Democrats received 259 million Baht in illegal donations, that they then used in the election. Abhisit was the chairman of the Democrats at the time the donations were received, so he knew everything about it. That's why the Democrats face dissolution and Abhisit faces a 5 year ban from politics. There are the facts, just for you :)

    Electoral fraud is rigging an election. The Election Commission recommend the dissolution of the ruling Democrat Party for receiving an illegal 258 million baht donation and the alleged misuse of a 29 million baht political development fund provided by the EC.

  8. 3) The government will ensure that the media will function as a constructive tool.

    By banning the opposition TV and radio channels? How can there be fair elections under such circumstances?

    If mobs chase people in train station and airports in Khon Kaen

    How can there be fair elections.

    yes and when mobs demand to search private vehicles through intimidation, how do you think there will be free and fair elections back in the Red's home territory. If this is the way they deal with problems, through thuggery and intimidation, what to you think is going to happen at the polls in Isaan and the North. Do you think anybody would dare vote for another party than the ones the reds support.

    These people will be a thorn in Thailand's side for years to come after this and they will run ramshackle over the people in their regions, making them cowtow to their demands. Mark my words. Once they've had a taste for this type of thuggish power, what's to stop them taking additional steps later, like extra judicial killings of rival politicians, barring rival politicians from campaigning in their regions.

    Watch and see Snoopy.

  9. Can't see the red leaders getting Amnesty the PM has been firm on this he wants people charged and investigations to continue.

    I think Abhisit is the one that will be looking for amnesty. Remember the Democrats face dissolution and by the time the next election comes in November, Abhisit will likely be banned from politics for 5 years for election fraud.

    The dissolution move by the electoral commission has nothing to do with election fraud. Read the news before you spout off your ill-informed opinion.

    It's for not reporting a major campaign contribution. Not the same thing at all.

  10. Tourism authority wants Bt1.6 BILLION. They can spend all they want but they can't pull the wool over people's eyes any longer. These demonstrations will echo for years to come for the tourism industry. TAT may be able to sweep all the tourist scams and increasing criminal targeting of foreigners, but when you have zealots taking part of a city hostage, bloodshed and now frisking by red shirts of passers by, the only people who come will be bypassing the Big Mango and heading straight to the beaches or to the Rose of the North.

  11. Most of these people firing the m-79 granades are none of the protesters, its other people trying to cause a bigger problem than what is happening.

    These granades have been going off long time before the protesters came, not as regular but since the protesters have arrived, they thought they'd join in, whoever they are they have there own agenda.

    Applause. You seem to know what's going on. Glad I'm not alone.

    You think the military or pro-government people shot grenades up on to innocent civilians and it wasn't red shirts trying to target the people at the station bridge who were taunting them. genius.

  12. Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

    Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

    I watched a video with lunatic general red threatening to blow shit up , i watched a video showing thaksins goons paying these terrorists money to come to Bangkok and stir up as much shit as they can, figure the rest out.

    And I have first hand proof of that. 25 seamstresses making clothing for me in Chiang Mai decided that a possible 1000 baht per day to protest wearing red in Bangkok was better than making my garments at piece rate. 21 of them therefore stopped work, didn't tell anyone, and got on the truck to Bangkok and have yet to return. Of course, had to move production to a "non red" area but then people here don't really think of the longer-term results do they. They'll be the losers in the long term with more wage struggles. I have to say they are no doubt red supporters but would NOT have made the journey if it wasn't for the rumour-mill 1000 baht wage.

    Too bad they'll come home in body bags.

  13. Of course it was the reds. They have threatened this. Red shirt apologists, you should be ashamed.

    Where is your proof that the red shirts are responsible? You're ASSUMING. Don't confuse people with lies before you have facts, please. Nobody knows who attacked who tonight. Nobody knows who launched the bombs.

    Sez the man who uses the murderous thug Che as his moniker. Do you have a sense of history and how many lives this man was responsible for extinguishing. Likely too young to know but thought the t-shirt was cool.

  14. There is some truth in this. I have been with 3 separate longterm farang relationships. They all start out well but after a while the expectations that were there in the beginning phase out. The taken for granted syndrome. It just happened to me that I was always expected to keep giving while it was ok for them to slow down on the same front.

    Whether this will happen in my Farang/Thai relationship time will tell, but I suspect that while both sides maintain their side of the agreement that it will not phase out so easily.

    If anything I worry that I might be the one in the longterm that takes the other side for granted. Something I do not want given my sense of finally finding some real companionship.

    The other side of the reality is that I love the exoctic look and feel of Asian ladies. There is something very attractive about them. I still find Farang attractive too, but the gloss of them has worn off given my past relationships and the way they ended.

    One other thing too, my thai lady has encouraged me to take beter care of myself, both in my habits and appearance. It is refreshing that she takes pride in the way I look. The way I was heading prior to her was drinking plenty and looking far beyond my age. My last partner obviously didn't care as long as I was bringing in the cash at my expense. Even my partner preceeding her would say you are looking old, but never offered up anything else but criticism.

    Maybe it was your drinking plenty that took the toll on your relationships with white chicks. I have no problem with white girls and I have found the same issues with Asian girls. Don't get hung up on race, inside all women are the same. Thai girls may be more patient and less domineering, but many of them have the "I need a man to take care of me." attitude. I don't want to rescue anybody. I want an equal partner, a concept that escapes most Thai girls. Plus the conversation with Thai girls (yes I speak Thai) is shall we say, less than stimulating and that goes for educated girls as well.

    All that said, I do prefer the look and feel of any woman who takes care of herself. Although many Thai girls look thin, they never exercise and once they hit about 35 it's downhill because they never broke a sweat in their lives and have no muscle tone (except for go-go dancers).

  15. And he is not in charge. Watch your back mate. If he shouts fire, who knows which way the bullets will be flying. Certainly Thailand will be flying up the UN's list of oppressive regimes and even onto US sanctions lists.

    PAD, the people who wrested power from the People on the premise they were too stupid to vote, through mob rule and army control by their elite backers are now coming back on to the street to ensure that the power is not returned through the ballot box.

    Can I have accurate soundbite of the day for that please on the BBC?

    Nice organisation and I am not surprised they are disguising themselves as multi colourted protesters.

    Once the yellow shirts go on, then the army will split.

    Geesh never really took note of your posts much before but you are a crackpot I see.. time to ignore your ramblings. Why are so many of the RED-farangs unstable?

    Oh no need to answer won't be read

    Why are so men red-farangs unstable? The down and out in the west seethe with anger towards people with educations and blame everyone else for their problems. And when in Thailand they gravitate to the same ilk.

  16. Hehehehe

    Nothing like a pic of Khun Thaksin to have the PAD falangs reaching for the keyboard. When he comes back:

    Wonder if he will close the bars earlier - oooooooooooooooooooooh say the mighty PAD falangs

    Ban go-go dancing in beer bars - ooooooooooooooooooooooh please not that say the PAD falangs

    Make visas harder for the low class sponging falangs who work with no permits and do jobs they are not allowed to do (work in bars, real estate, informal airport taxis) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooh not us, we are doing good for Thailand by working here say the PAD falangs.

    Raise minimum wage for Thais employed by falangs as maids, skivvies and gardners to 1000 baht per day ooooooooooooooooooh, but how will we pay for our ladies of the night?

    Make every Falang not on a proper visa, return to their country of birth for a 3 month visa and only allow them 1 per year. 9 months in Cambodia eh?

    That is really why Thaksin is so unpopular with the PAD falangs on here.

    If you want to see corruption on a massive scale, you should come to the great Thaksin heartland of Phuket!! See life in a Province that truly has escaped the influence of thaksin.

    So according to your post, you would the rich farang, high class farang, who does not go to bars, does not need a visa, pays triple the wage, pays double the price for everything just to make sure that poor sellers have enough money?

    But if you are that rich and that high of a class, should not you be the yellow? may be you little color blind, so please allow me to clarify it for you

    The red are the poor, low class

    The yellow are the rich and the high class

    You have just taken the dumbest post of the year award! I wonder if you can beat your own record? :)

    Sorry that it went over your head. I know most of you never read or digest posts.

    Your simplistic observations are in line with the yellow ruling elite that also understand nothing but keeping their masters snouts in the trough.

    Sorry if this is also too complex for you, but issues usually are which is why this one has not been sorted out yet.

    Basically, it is a rearguard action by a ruling class that is on the way out. They are on the way out as there is a natural phenomenon that happens to us all in the end!! They cannot cling on for ever, because they will not be here forever nor will we. Their rule will end and their pampered offspring are not up to the job of keeping the power in as ruthless a manner as in previous decades.

    What will replace it depends on who gets the upper hand here. Abhisit has been on pole position since he was prised in by the army and they were hoping he would be able to pull off some sort of policy magic and perhaps be genuinely elected next time. This is not going to happen so they are consolidating their grip and calling muppets on to the street to pressure the army.

    An election monitored by outside agencies should clear it up, but they cannot run the risk of the Democrats being defeated in an election for the forth straight time!! which is what will happen.

    It is not much more difficult that this, but if you don't get it, why not do some googling instead of flaming and offering petty snipes.

    What if Abhisit stays and the red leaders are shot? Do you really think that is a pretext for a happy ever after in Thailand?

    Up to you if you do. You are entitled to your opinioin and that is part of free speach. Something that is lacking here now.

    Your beloved red shirts would not allow foreign monitoring either because they get into power by buying votes.

  17. It's another snide piece and another nail in the coffin of journalism at Thailand's premier PAD mouthpiece. References to weight and appearance that would not be tolerated against other groups. Imagine a piece on Hilary Clinton referencing her body shape and appearance and ignoring all she said? Thats how low this pamphlet has sunk.

    This was an assassination attempt. All the footage showed the room shot to bits.

    They are now pinning their hopes on the Army. Are the Army going to run the country now if the Police can't?

    Want to see serious loss of income, support and face for Thailand? Then let the Army go on a killing spree.

    I think the smart move for the Reds is to negotiate with the Army. Then they all win, Army, Reds and business district. Leaves Mark and Thaugsabun out in the cold hoping that their 300,000 facebook supporters are enough to outvote 30 million red supporters!!

    Mind you, stranger things have happened here.

    Hey Grandpops:

    The piece was referring to the fact that this overweight red shirt leader was able to climb down a rope clumsily while the police couldn't stop him. This is an opinion piece not a news article. There's a difference. And it is embarrassing that this guy with a ponch can scurry down a rope while police are trying to nab him. If he was fit and climbed down swiftly the embarrassment would not be as great. THAT's the point.

    Not hillary's calves.

  18. InIn

    first, there is a coup-de-etat.

    then , there is a pm voted by mps - not the electorate.

    one really wonders if abihisit knows his "limits" and want to hang on to something so questionable as a pm post.

    being oxford educated, he should know when to call it a day before he ends up with real blood on his hands.

    You must have been absent when the gov offered a house dissolution within 9 month and the red shirts ran away from further negotiations. It's quite telling what the real aim is.

    In a parliamentary system the PM is not voted in by the electorate. Do some research before spouting off your ignorance.
  19. A

    It appears to me that some of these forum-posters haven't heard of coalitions! What's wrong with a coalition to constitue a majority? It happens everywhere in the world where several political parties are involved. What is there illegal then? Because years ago the TRT and PPP had the absolute majority, these red primates have forgotten that coalitions can be made and formed, fully legal and legitimate, to constitute a majority government.

    Red shirts: go back to school... but schools never teach these things: they teach to sing, dance, drum, fitness, etc...

    Amen to that brother. All of the red supporters on this forum seem to not understand how a parliament works. Coalitions are formed all the time in a proper parliamentary democracy. That's how it works. There is nothing illegal about Abhisit being prime minister. Instead look at Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai and then the current Peua Thai party, which buys votes to win seats. What kind of democracy are the reds fighting for? None. They are only interested in more handouts from square face.
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