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Posts posted by SomTumTiger

  1. Because we can see how well those sonkran riots worked. Abhisits popularity in dealing with Thaksin's militia shot up astronomically. Thaksin played this wrong from the very beginning. He should have been much more circumspect, and (at least pretended to be) humble. If he had done that, there might well be a real danger of mass support. But instead, he's proceeded to shoot his mouth of, and do crazy things like ally himself with Hun Sen, and the support of the "Undecideds" (those neither yellow nor red, i.e. 70% of the population) has fallen substantially. All thats needed is one more Songkran debacle, and that Thaksin "endgame" will rebound on him like a ton of bricks. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

  2. You know, if the red shirts weren't so full of idiots, morons and psychopaths, more poeple would probably be agreeing with them. But you have folks like Jatuporn, who lies so much even his mother has given up on him, Noppadon, the man Cambodians love, Thaksin, the "leader" in exile, Seh Daeng - a mouthbreather of the first rank, and dont' forget Jakrabop, whos still out there, being dumb somewhere. I am no yellow lover - but the red shirts are easy to despise, because they look and sound like crazies. They have already lost, but now seem determined to burn the boat down, before if finishes sinking. Thailand doesn't need these people. They are not saviors of democracy. They are incompetents. The government just has to sit and watch them blow themselves up, unfortunately.

  3. Thailand is not a military dictatorship, nor is it a democracy. Its a confused, adolescent country, going through fits and starts, as it tries to recocile long held beliefs with the realities of life in the 21st century. The military no doubt play a more prominent role than people want, but they have backed off substantially in the wake of the international bitch slap that resulted in 2006. However, the military itself is divided, so the idea that they do things of one mind and direction, is flawed as well. Frankly, with all the different shades of gray involved, Abhisit's government seems to be the best for the time, and indeed, might be the best for a longer period as well.

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