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Posts posted by ThaiKneeTim

  1. 4 hours ago, bark said:

    I have never seen them fly. Wonder if any are related to the Heroes from the Battle of Britain ?

    I'm not a Brit; but they saved your country. True Heroes.

    I wonder why they would be in Thailand on Nov 11 th ? Remembrance Day.  Better back in England, where they

    are appreciated. But I will go, to see them. Hope for Clear sky and safe flights for all pilots.

    Only seen the USA Blue Angels and Canada Snow Birds; both groups are excellent.


    The link takes you to a page where it explains why. Basically it's part of a sales mission, the Typhoon is the aircraft they need to sell outside the collaborative states, but the Hawk trainer will be highlighted too.

    I used to see the Red Arrows regularly when I did recruiting at the RAF Town Shows, and support at several RIAT airshows at RAF Fairford, it got to the point where I stopped watching them. Now I rarely see them and miss their fantastic displays. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    I don't understand why you were denied boarding of your flight from Switzerland to here. How did they know about your blacklisting? Do you have a stamp in your passport stating that?

    Your offense was not enough to be blacklisted for life or blacklisted at all.

    Simple. There is no need for a passport stamp, everything is stored on a central database. Airlines are responsible for passengers denied entry into a country so they have access to blacklists to ensure they don't have to return unwanted guests at their cost.



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  3. I've been using Western Union for a few years, the cost has just come downdown £2 to £2.90. The only time there was a problem they refunded the fee.

    I've looked at several options, even opening an account with Bangkok Bank in London, but none have been cheaper than WU.

    I was surprised that Bangkok Bank wanted me to pay the hefty SWIFT fee since they probably benefited from having sterling deposits to pass on to Thai buyers wanting to trade with the UK. 

    I used SWIFT once through my own bank and paid an outrageous fee for my money to disappear for two or three weeks before emerging in my Thai bank account. Never again! 

  4. My girlfriend learned English from a text book, and interaction with tourists while working in Bangkok. She is still learning and I'm correcting her pronunciation, but it's also entertaining and endearing to hear her attempts. But 10 out of 10 for effort.

    Question: Is there a total immersion centre for English learning anywhere in Thailand? I once knew someone who regularly stayed at a place in Spain where Spanish people could practice their learning in an environment where there were no Spanish speakers available to help them out.

    I wonder if this would be something that would be helpful to thai's, if it doesn't already exist!

  5. This whole thing is a sickness that seems to affect a lot of people under 40 years of age. Is it a mental disease? Probably....but as long as they don't harm anyone else no-one will bother to do anything about it.

    What causes it. Maybe something in amongst the chemical crap added to the food they eat. Maybe their vegetarian.....or even worse.....vegan!

    The content and grammar of your post suggests that you are an ignoramus.

    The whole transgender thing has been around in SE Asia for a long time, it's only in recent history that it has become mainstream due to greater acceptance. In the west it was a crime to be homosexual, so LGBT people dared not reveal their true gender/sexuality. In Thailand there are so many that, apart from the odd few, most people accept them as part of life, it is the farangs who struggle to understand and accept, especially if their only experience of transgender is in one of those dubious bars!

  6. What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?


    Since when has Trump been known for facts! This is the serial liar who claimed to have raised $ 6m for veterans, and added $1m of his own money. Only when probed about the money months later did he start writing checks.

    Trumps cares no more about veterans than he does about migrants, if Trump cared that much about veterans he'd be one himself instead of being a draft dodger!

    P.S I'm having problems adding a link to this post so I'll add it to another post.

    That link: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/trumps-veterans-controversy-goes-bad-worse

  7. What have all the apologists and the " you are such a racist " crew got to say about this fact ?


    Since when has Trump been known for facts! This is the serial liar who claimed to have raised $ 6m for veterans, and added $1m of his own money. Only when probed about the money months later did he start writing checks.

    Trumps cares no more about veterans than he does about migrants, if Trump cared that much about veterans he'd be one himself instead of being a draft dodger!

    P.S I'm having problems adding a link to this post so I'll add it to another post.

  8. A fully integrated system with single pay, like London Oyster card, would be nice too!

    I now have prepaid cards for London, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur, I'd like to add a Bangkok card to the collection!


    But I think it may be delayed. :)

    Spider card: can be used on tollways too! That would be useful on the taxi ride from Don Muang to our hotel after flying in from smallesville!

    The amount of money they'll make from unused credit in the first year or two should pay for the infrastructure!

  9. This isn't going to go down well in our neighbouring villages where tobacco is a lucrative cash crop. When we go to the market at the village down the road we pass a tobacco buyers premises and at the village nearly every property has racks of tobacco leaves out drying in the sun.

    Oddly enough I've never seen any in our village, but that's probably because we're in rice central.

  10. Just another day in THE most dangerous country to drive in in the WORLD,forget the bogus statistics that it is second or third,it is FIRST.

    There are more dangerous places to drive than Thailand despite what statistics say

    Yes there is Saudi Arabia but not many more and I have driven in many. This forum is about Thailand. I always wondered who designed the roads here and why? I have been given many answers and none of them are flattering.


    As far as I can tell there has been no "design" involved in the roads around our village and nearest town. Just at the end of our road is a Y-junction that scares the shit out of me every time I have to pass through it, and the sign that reads "Accident ahead" doesn't inspire confidence to be honest!

    As there appears to be no convention on who passes which side it's a guessing game as who is going which way and when every time.

  11. So some of the 1% of UK live in Phuket. laugh.png

    I'm pretty sure that he's not part of the 1%. - he just wishes he was and for some obscure reason likes to pretend that he is part of the elite rolleyes.gif .

    Owning up to just having a bit of a joke, some here think too much and take things to remind me of the in film joker " why so serious." biggrin.png

    Enough now from me, I'll just refer back to my serious rolleyes.gif simple post to the undecided they can just think do I want England to rule itself again or do I want England to follow rules of being in a club with lots of other countries.

    England will still be following the rules of a union should the nation decide to withdraw from the EUROPEAN Union. England is a member state of the United Kingdom, with three other member states!

  12. Whilst most Muslims do not engage in terrorist activities and condemn those that do, the screening techniques currently used are insufficient to detect those that have intentions in that direction. As such there can not be any chances taken just to boost someones over inflated ego that their system is infallible. Until a system of screening s found that is 100% then Muslims should not be allowed in areas that could if they have the wrong intent, maim or kill innocent people.

    Screening is based on what is already known about a person, so a person with a clean record could be targeted by radicals for recruitment because they already work in a sensitive post. This has been the modus operandi for political extremists for years!

    Muslim = one who follows the Islamic faith.

    Islamists = one who uses Islam to further political ideology.

    Using religion to further political ideology isn't new, it happens all the time, which is why separation of church and state is important.

  13. Even when we're in town and eating in the malls we always head for the Thai food section. Thais aren't very good at imitations, and that includes imitations of farang food.

    I must be doing something wrong, because every time I eat in the Thai food section, I get the shakes and I'm hungry and very sleepy (to the point of being crabby) 30 minutes later.

    That's not so prevalent in more expensive places, so I chalked it up to MSG in cheap Thai food, but maybe it's something else?

    Because I love the flavors- but many Thai foods don't appear to like me.

    I used to get a similar reaction years ago, I thought it was a hangover as it invariably followed a drinking session, even a light session. It took me years to pin it down, but it turned out to be salt overdose from my favourite snack while drinking beer. Traditional pork scratchings in the UK tend to be very salty, and my habit of scrapping the bottom of the bag for the last bits didn't help.

    Anyway, the upshot is that now take care of how much salt I eat and the blinding headaches and nausea are a thing of the past.

    Might be a good idea for you to identify your culinary nemesis through a process of elimination, then you can eat with confidence when you know the culprit.

  14. Just back from the supermarket.

    Cheese, sausage, slab of cider and a 4 pack of Heinz Beans. About 5 times the cost of the UK.

    All imported! I'm guessing the OP isn't living off imported farang food.

    I also find it cheap living in Thailand, but then her indoors *is* miss Thrifty. Even if we eat food from the street vendor just down the road it's still cheaper than buying a tin of beans back home.

    I can do more with my money in Thailand than I could ever do back home.

    I don't see how any Western expats live on only Thai food. You wont see the Thai expats in Europe only eating western food...they eat mostly Thai food
    Its called living the dream LOL...eating Thai food every day, morning noon and night must be real crap...i do eat Thai food, but i also eat western food as well, in fact i eat what ever takes my fancy..

    The interesting thing is, those farangs who claim only to eat Thai food sometimes appear to claim they are "better" than farangs who dont only eat Thai food

    Besides if Thai food is do good, why do KFC, MacDonalds, dunkin Donuts, Pizza hut etc etc all do so well in Thailand and its definitely not due to farang custom, the Thai punters seem to love the sh@t as the average cheap charlie would have a conoary when he open his wallet

    The Thais, especially the city dwellers, love to appear westernised, this is less noticeable in smallsville Central Isaan, the only westernised eateries are in the shopping malls in the big city a 30 minute drive from my village. Even when we're in town and eating in the malls we always head for the Thai food section. Thais aren't very good at imitations, and that includes imitations of farang food.

  15. Just back from the supermarket.

    Cheese, sausage, slab of cider and a 4 pack of Heinz Beans. About 5 times the cost of the UK.

    All imported! I'm guessing the OP isn't living off imported farang food.

    I also find it cheap living in Thailand, but then her indoors *is* miss Thrifty. Even if we eat food from the street vendor just down the road it's still cheaper than buying a tin of beans back home.

    I can do more with my money in Thailand than I could ever do back home.

    I don't see how any Western expats live on only Thai food. You wont see the Thai expats in Europe only eating western food...they eat mostly Thai food

    I'm often offered the chance to have a steak, even though her indoors won't eat beef, but I've not felt the urge for western food, and the last thing I'd eat, either in Thailand or farangland, is a burger from a fast food restaurant.

    I do occasionally get a pork chop, mainly because her indoors wants to try cooking farang food, I don't have the heart to tell her that, while it looks like the food she sees on the internet, it most certainly doesn't taste like it. The chop is okay but the raw vegetables don't compliment the meat, so I'm glad to get back to Thai food.

  16. Just back from the supermarket.

    Cheese, sausage, slab of cider and a 4 pack of Heinz Beans. About 5 times the cost of the UK.

    All imported! I'm guessing the OP isn't living off imported farang food.

    I also find it cheap living in Thailand, but then her indoors *is* miss Thrifty. Even if we eat food from the street vendor just down the road it's still cheaper than buying a tin of beans back home.

    I can do more with my money in Thailand than I could ever do back home.

  17. The problem is Perverts are going to use this new law (and in some cases, already have) to troll for little kiddies.

    You want your daughter in the same bathroom with an adult man?

    I don't think so...thumbsup.gif

    Laws are already on the books about that. You're just using a right wing scare tactic that has NOTHING do with access to bathrooms for trans people.

    And the new law will be used by these perverts. They will claim trans status and be allowed in. You are smart enough to understand this.

    The perverts are going to perv no matter what laws are in place.

    Had no one stopped to consider that some women are also perverts, there are numerous cases of women who take advantage of their position, so why kick up a fuss about transwomen?

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