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Posts posted by khunAus

  1. Hi, I have been out of the LOS for a while, and will be stopping back in on a trip shortly. What is the current rates for an iphone in mbk, or other at places, are there some places offering them much cheaper than others? i know the demand has risen recently, but not living there right now i am a bit out of the loop.


    Khun Aus

  2. Edit: it should read buy not by, but i cannot seem to edit the title :o


    Just looking for any info on where the better tailors suit makers are in Bkk region. I know of Khao San road and also the sukumvit, but was wondering if these were the best places to go. I know many cater to the tourists and maybe have marked up prices, but i really do not know so i thought i would ask.


  3. Hello, I am on a Non Imm B visa, which runs out on the 14th of this month. I am looking for clarification on the following

    I know you can get a 10 day visa extemntion at the Thai immigration office for 1900 baht. I have been told that I cannot do this during songkran as they are shut for the holidays. However if i go to the immigration department and apply for an extension on the first day they open after the holidays (monday), I will not be charged with an overstay due to the office being closed on the date of my visa expiring. The extension will however be backdated to my expiry date.

    I would just like to know if anyone else knows about this or can confirm it, i would prefer to do this if possible as i do not want to take a flight out of the country at this time, and i do not want (it is crazy to) to make a border run given all the traffic and mayhem that will be around on the roads.

    Thanks if you can confirm or dismiss the above.

    Khun Aus

  4. Hi, I am looking to rent an office within the next month, around the size of 70-90 sq meters. I would prefer a location near the BTS on the northern part of bangkok, towards Mo Chit way, but am open to the exact location.

    I am happy to (if able) to use a condo / home as an office, and have a budget of up to 25,000 for the right place.

    If anyone knows where i could rent a condo that could be used as an office or a dedicated office, please reply to this or message me.


    Khun - Aus

  5. Hello

    I am considering buying a vesper motorbike (older style), and am considering taking this back to Australia with me when I return (only an option at this point and atleast 6 months away).

    I was wondering where is a good place to look in the bangkok area (are there any dedicated shops etc) and what sort of price I can expect to be looking at for one in good condition.

    Any help appreciated.

    Khun Aus

  6. Hello.

    Myself and my fiancé have been to Australia several times, and we are now looking to try and get a permanent visa for her.

    The two options we are looking at are the Prospective marriage visa (as we intend to marry anyway), and the spouse visa , if we marry here in Thailand.

    We would prefer if we could marry in Australia but from a visa stand point what method do you believe is easiest (if there is such a thing) or better?

    We understand the prospective marriage visa is a temporary visa until you are married then you apply for a permanent visa when in Australia, which I see as being easier, but i may be wrong.

    I would just like some views on what you think the better visa routes are in terms of difficulty and costs etc.

    Many thanks for any advice.

  7. Better wait til after crissie at this rate. I'm amazed prices are getting silly.

    Why do you speak about "silly" prices ?

    You should try to understand why we have now such levels.

    First : demand exceeds supply. True with India and China.

    Second : when gold goes up, it means people are looking to protect themselves from inflation. Do we have inflation ? Oh yes ! In thailand for instance (6 %), and in the west we have bubbles (assets inflation): real estate.

    Third : it reactivates the debate between fiat money (paper) and gold. It's a matter of trust. And as we can see the US runing at full speed the dollar printing machine (the new pdt of Fed is named "helicopter ben"....), then it makes sense to have some people who do not trust paper money anymore.

    Look at the datas of the M1 in the USA on the last 5 years : it's a STORM of USD, a tsunami of paper USD. Litteraly.

    So, it's just too easy to say that gold at +500 USD or +10 000 THB is a "silly price".

    1 piece of bred costed XXX millions of Deutsch marks just after the WW1. Was it a "silly" price ? Not intelligent, not silly, it was simply THE price, because hyperinflation.


    What a silly rant......

  8. I currently have a canon G6 camera, and I was looking to purchase another as a family member want one. I went to buy it from Bask, but they had sold our of all stock just a few days before.

    So does anyone know of a decent camera shop in Bangkok that may still have stock of this camera left? I have tried the usual places with no luck (Pantip. MBK etc)

    Any pointers / help appreciated.

    Khun Aus

  9. So I went to the immigration office today, and explained my situation. I had the form all filled out, photo and money in hand.

    To my surprise the officer I talked to said just to not worry about it and just pay the 400 baht fine at the airport as it is only 2 days and the 1900 baht would be a waste of money in my case. So I will do as the good police officer suggested.

    I guess this is not the best solution, and is probably not recommended well at least not by a non official :o

    Khun Aus

  10. Thanks for all the replies

    Yes I would really rather not go though the hassle of a trip to the border or a visa extension as well as 2-3000 baht for 2 days, but then again I do not want to have any "black marks" on my passport and visa, as i do "live" here...

    So it looks like i will have to bite the bullet and do one of the above.

    Thanks again for the comments

    Khun Aus.

  11. Hello.

    I have a plane ticket to fly back to Australia which is booked for 2 days after my visa expires. I am on a multiple entry non imm B visa, which still has 9 months validity.

    I unfortunately cannot change my plane ticket as it is high season and getting this booking was hard enough. So what are my options in this situation in terms visa extension and is it worth it. I only need 2 extra days to make it to my departure date.

    Can I apply or ask somewhere to get this 2 day extension?

    Should I just overstay and pay the x baht fine, and if I do this are there repercussions?

    I could run to Cambodia but would really prefer not too unless it is my only choice.

    Any advice help appreciated.

    Khun Aus.

  12. Hi

    I was wondering if anyone has a list or could help make a list of places where i can renew / reapply for a non immigrant B Visa. This is the one year multi entry Visa limited to 3 month stays,

    I have read Penang and Singapore are places near by..are there many others, such as Hong Kong, shanghai etc? If so could you please mention where.

    I already have had 2 visa's of this type but do not wish to travel back to the UK to renew, and would prefer to travel north to wards China as i will go that way anyway.

    Many thanks for any help

    Khun Aus

  13. Hi.

    My Non immigrant B multi entry expired last month, and i am now on a tourist 30 day visa. My traveling has reduced quit a bit so now i enjoy the time of the 3 months more than i used to.

    I used to send my Visa back to the uk (uk passport) pay the fee and then get the new year visa. I would prefer not to do this if possible. The problem is i need to be in the UK or have a postal address in the UK that the embassy can send my passport to one the visa is complete.

    Is there any way to renew a visa such as this a little closer to Thailand? Are there any place i can get a renewal in Thailand? or via another country i can post my visa too or even go to with a short 1-2 day stay over?

    I am aware that to get a new visa you must be out of the country on that passport, which is why i have 2 passports from different countries :o that i use to alternate. That said i still want to do things as well as possible.

    Sorry if this may have been asked before, and thank you for any help.

  14. Hi.

    I am looking to move to a different place, and am looking for a 2 bedroom condo or even house to rent. I have been looking on the website and have some places i will start looking but thought i would ask here.

    My plan is to get some more information and spend a day or so traveling and looking at them all. The pic shown on the Internet of condos give no real indication of what they look like or what area they are in.

    My requirements are

    - up to 20,000 per month budget, (cheaper is better :o )

    - 2 bedroom

    - Near as possible to bts or train station.

    - Furnished

    - Direct phone line

    - as modern as possible

    - does not need to be in the city bit needs to be near shops.

    - I am currently in Rangsit so open to all locations.

    Thats about it. I have contacted some agencies and look on the web, but i know many people do not advertise or are not listed in the places i have looked.

    I am just seeing if anyone knows of a nice place or can recommend somewhere they have seen. I am sure there are many suggestions you guys could make.

    Thanks for any help in advance.

  15. Related or not. Today (sunday) i have been able to play most of the day with a normal latency. I usually have 400-500 latency. But with the latest problems the battelgrounds have been off limits totally and everytime I i tried to play in them I would lag spike upto 10k latency as soon as i got near some fighting.

    Today I have been able to PVP and do anything as usual with no latency problems whats so ever. All this on a True account.

    Maybe this has helped or maybe not , but today atleast it has been back to it's normal self. Been over a month since i have had play this smooth.

    Khun Aus.

  16. Well this is good news. I am moving house soon as so was going to do this my self as i thing True is also partially to blame. So good to see that this works.

    As for the True phone line with Csloxinfo adsl. I think what they are saying is false. as ISP and line providers are completely different, and the phone line is just a medium. I know this holds true (no pun) in Australia where there are only a few phone line suppliers but many many isp all which give different performances.

    I did however notice on csloxinfo's web page that if you have a true phone line, the max speed you can get is limited. as where if you had a tot line you could get a higher speed.

    edit added link


    I doubt you will be able to get true to change their routing systems for a game but i wish you the best of luck there.

    I would either go the route of using the modem to run your tele-work for the 5 days as try get the new adsl setup...but that is just me.

    Have you considered changing to a ToT phone line? just a thought. anyway i will be watching to see how things go as this is almost the same plan i have to get back to my WoW fix.

    Good luck

  17. Hey, I recently got a true adsl connection when i moved here but now that I have it i wish i read up on the company first :/. Anyways Im seeing other internet gamers using true getting pings better then 1000. When I play any online game for example world of warcraft to the US servers I can't get anything better then about 5000 ping. Basically any online game is unplayable due to the huge lag spikes. I was wondering if everyone has an icon on their system tray which states local area connection, or local area connection 2 depending on if you have another one enabled. But for this connection which comes about when I turn on the ADSL modem it says its status is limited or no connectivity. When I sign onto true then i get another connection icon thing which says true and the connection speed. Is this icon not supposed to be there which states limited or no connectivity or do other people have it? Im wondering why my true 1meg connection is worse compared to everyone elses already bad performance. I'm located in Bangkok and have the connection hooked up to my apartment.

    Hi. If you have a look though this forum you will see many people are having troblue with World of Warcraft. This seems to be a problem Thailand wide (not 100% sure) but we do know it is not limited to True. It is a blzzard issue and have a search for more thoughts and such.

    This does not answer you other True specific questsions.


  18. One thing i would like to know, is if anyone in Thailand playing WoW is NOT having any problems.

    We know True and Ji-Net are the same. Is csloxinfo also the same, are they all having the same problem or just most of them? I am sure True has the biggest customer base so we might not be seeing all areas. Same in other countries some people are having problems others are not.

    I think we all know it is a problem with Packet Loss, and my current theory is that Blizzard changed the code/packet size/protocol of the way their game sends and recieves information.

    With this change some routers /whatevers that we and some other people have to go through to get to the servers from out ISP have firmware that cannot handle these newer "packets" efficiently.

    Where these are or might be I have no idea,. but this is my theory.

    I would still like to see if anyone is not getting problems on any other isp dialup or broadband. I am moving soon and if there is any hope of a working solution with another ISP i would like to try and find it :o

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