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Posts posted by igotworms

  1. I remember the day so clearly...I was returning home from work, the sky was aglow as the sun was dipping below the canopy of the coconut trees, buffalos were grazing along the side of the road, the echos of children laughing reverberated in the distance as I pulled into my driveway to see a rooster humping a goose. 

    Strange and wonderful sights indeed.

    Trust you to bring sex into it :o

    How is that? I'm known to do such things? The sexual habits of the roosters surrounding my house qualify for a topic such as this. I speak the truth.

  2. I remember the day so clearly...I was returning home from work, the sky was aglow as the sun was dipping below the canopy of the coconut trees, buffalos were grazing along the side of the road, the echos of children laughing reverberated in the distance as I pulled into my driveway to see a rooster humping a goose.

    Strange and wonderful sights indeed.

  3. have never tried it myself, but know a guy, who (being in that "business") certainly has plenty of experience, and he was prepared to swear a holy oath that the best blow job he ever got came from a guy - have to add, he is be!!  :o  :D

    I heard a few Aussies tell me on seprarate occassions...that the best head they've gotten was not by sheilas but by their hoovers.

    I don't know about that...but I guess one perk of a vacuum-job is the lack of clean-up afterwards.

  4. chips

    chips are what you get in macdonalds.

    we are talking crisps here.

    Nope...if you look on the McDick's menu, it says fries, not chips. The correct term is Potato Chips my retarded friend.

    They were invented by a Native American in 1853...and he called them "Saratoga Chips", named after the region he was from. The term "Chips" was coined by the inventor, thus that is the correct name.


  5. bad things, like to whore around from time-to-time, get p1ssed occasionally, like young gal students
    What's wrong with that, Kreon? Seems to me you answered your own question -- if you've let the raggers from previous threads get to you regarding nailing 18+ yr. old students, forget it amigo -- you're alright! Regards!

    Yeah...he sounds like a winner.

  6. ok ok I'll start the ball rolling.

    I caught my very beautiful Thai girlfriend taking a pee standing up.Do Thai girls normally do this? Your help would be appreciated as I find this behaviour very strange.



    That's not very Trollish........................many farangs have caught their beautiful Thai girls peeing standing up...........all part of the learning curve

    wonder if he's talking abiout his katoey :o

    seen many of them peeing standing up :D

    Were you laying underneath them at the time?

  7. We walked between the sparse ruins of the 5 star Laguna Resort. I found the remains of one chalet in which just some bedding cushions and one attractive vase were identifiable.
    This is bullshite. Laguna has minimal damage. It definitely isnt in ruins.
    The Phuket Governor, head of police and a Japanese forensic pathologist have all told me that an incredible amount has been learned from all this which should benefit the whole world in the future.

    But wasn't World War 1 described as the war "to end all wars"?


  8. It took 15 post to mention masturbation until it all got too much for igotworms........

    why on earth do you have to masturbate in Thailand.

    The shagging here's great, but you can't beat the real thing :D

    i stll leave it to my gals to do the job though, dont want to get bored having the same thing over and over again :o

    Try using the left hand for a week....oh man, how I love new pu**y.

  9. It took 15 post to mention masturbation until it all got too much for igotworms........

    why on earth do you have to masturbate in Thailand.

    Simple... do you see an endless supply of acrobatic circus midgets in this kingdom?

    Well, me neither. I have no other options considering my needs.

  10. my 2 cents....

    it is impolite for "guests" to complain when they are staying in someone else's home.

    imagine for one moment the following scenario...

    ..you invite someone over to your house for dinner.  as soon as he/she enters your house, they start complaining about the way the furniture is arranged, how messy it is, or maybe you didn't serve meat for dinner.  etc.

    what would you do?

    frankly, I would kick the person out of my house.  ..wouldn't you?

    people who complain too much are not sensitive to other people's feelings.  they are usually not aware of the pain and hurt they cause other people because of their critical remarks.

    thai people have feelings just like everybody else.

    here they are...  they invite you into their home, and then, you complain about everything????

    entitled to your opinion?  if you are a guest in my home...  no, you are not.

    this applies to the in-laws, the kids, and anyone else who is a "guest" in my house.

    if you want to express your opinion while in my house, you better have the same opinion as me. otherwise, I'm going to walk you to the door.  and tell you where you can "take your opinion".  comprendi?

    if you are in thailand on a visa, you are a guest.  remember that.  or else, you may not be welcome anymore.

    Brilliant analogy. Lets try another one.

    Say you are invited into someones home for dinner. While looking for the bathroom, you take a wrong turn and come upon a room that has:

    a) kidnapped children locked in a closet

    b. an anthrax lab

    c) a group of highly trained midget assasins

    d) a crack-cocaine lab

    e) a collection of hazerdous waste or nuclear material

    f) two surgically altered chimpanzees and a horse

    As a guest would you complain to the authorities about these illegal activities or would you mind your own business and leave the host to his savage habits?

  11. "If God controls the land and disease,

    keeps a watchful eye on me,

    If he's really so dam mighty,

    my problem is I can't see,

    well who would wanna be?

    Who would wanna be such a control freak?"

    -Isaac Brock of Modest Mouse-

    This whole God business is bullshit. This is an act of nature, and human kind's inability to control it. I'm sure poverty is a big factor as well. India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia are plagued by poverty. Shanty-towns built on or near a beach are not going to survive tsunamis. If similar tsunamis approached a richer region I'm sure the death toll wouldn't reach such heights.

  12. Does anyone know of any legit documentation citing the negative effects of corporal punishment (i.e. Scientific journals, studies, research, etc.)? I'm also looking for documentation proving that corporal punishment is illegal in Thailand....and the charges that could arise. It's time I educate my director.

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