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Everything posted by thaibook

  1. which part do you think is fake? That Democrats are largely socialists or even extreme left wing and anti-capitalist? That there is massi illegal immigration and that the government does not try to check it, actually providing free transport to move these people to states further north such as Pennsylvania? That the government is trying hard to slow down and stop oil and gas exploration and production?
  2. some states tried it in the past and were coerced back into the union. Seceeding unilaterally is not allowed. It is now a federation of states rather than a confederation. Furthermore, while each state has its own national guard with the same weaponry as national forces theoretically to defend itself including against the Federal government the national guards are now integrated into the federal military command structure and governors would find it very difficult to direct their forces independently.
  3. do you realy mean you expect people to live on their official income? Next you will be saying you expect people to work.
  4. many years ago we bought a piece of land beside the Ping river north of Chieng Mai; the land actually grew larger and according to Thai law the extra land was ours. Did not help much as we had bought at the peek of the land buying frenzy.
  5. I assume the indigenous people will be apologising for the scalping and other forms of murder committed on missionaries and immigrants as surely everyone is in favour of unrestricted immigration. This is the man who grovels in front of the Chinese Communist party allowing them to choose bishops, banning religious education, and imposing "hymns" to the greatness of the emperor, Mao and the CCP in churches. This is the man who bans traditional Latin Mass but apologises to cannibals and lauds people who practiced slavery and human sacrifices on a massive scale. What a man. Pray for him.
  6. bear in mind that if you are tax resident in Thailand your UK state pension will not be increased; it will be frozen at its current leve. UK state pension increases are only given to those in the UK and those in a country with a social security agreement with the UK - Thailand does not have one. If you are not UK resident for tax purposes you only pay tax in the UK for income earned in the UK. So if you have investments in the UK or are paid a pension from a UK company you will likely have to pay UK tax on these. Also as a non-resident you have to complete the residency form (SA09) on the annual tax return and this is only available on paper. It can be downloaded but not sent in as a scanned document. Also you will not be exempt from completing a tax retur each year. Unless you are paying tax on foreign income in the UK, or only have the state pension, it may not be worth th eadditional administrative hassle and the loss of pension increases.
  7. the important part of teh pbs origina article is that the penalty for corruption is a prison sentance (unlikely to be demanded for such old and honourable men) or a fine of 2,000 - 40,000 Baht. Yes, tht is the trade off - earn hindreds of millions and face the prospect fo a maximum fine of 40,000!
  8. and as an apology the Chinese may give the Thai Navy a discount ont eh parking fees
  9. Human rights activist is a euphenism for someone with a militant, usually radical, political view on the issue at hand. If the first human right is the right to life, as opposed tot eh right to kill, then these activists should be keen on finding bombs and not supporting bombers.
  10. The system is not yet up and running. Once it is passport details will have to be given at booking with no option to do so at checkin.
  11. Of course it is, otherwise how could it be claimed that increasing hotel prices for tourists will solve the national economic crisis?
  12. what is an air host worker? Do you mean hostess and steward or is it an immigrant who spends all his time in the air?
  13. Will Bangkok be the same without the cables? Apparently in Japan there is a small eatery called Bangkok with decor to remind visitors of the city including of course a jumble of overhead cables.
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