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Posts posted by kelboy

  1. Nice one Oldgit,

    if everbody was so uptight we might as well go back to where we were born.

    JUST enjoy your life and smile it doesn't cost anything,or does it?

    Maybe that's his problem

    khirimart 4 :):D:D:D

  2. Hi nev,

    You are totaly right, but you and me do not have enough money to buy the Yanks out.

    We tried to stop them but money allways wins.

    I'm just a poor utd supporter,let hope they win something. (they will)

    We had problems before and we got around them.

    Khirimat 4 :):D:D:D

  3. Hello Glomp,

    Well done you have done what nearly most of the falangs have never done, WOKE UP.

    But you can have such a good time here without getting involved and spending a lot of money.

    PS. Go on my son.

    Khirimat 4 :):D:D:D

  4. Hi everyone,

    Spot on everybody.

    Ok matey if you really want to get shot off your money's i send you all our bank account details and then we are happy, and maybe we make you happy :) ,(After ten years you will thank me for this message)

    Khirimat 4 :D:D:D:D

  5. Hi all,

    I'm 43 and a man utd supporter since on the tit.

    I have seen the ups and downs and the big downfall.

    I have been all around the world.............(can't find my baby)SOTPA.

    Back tomorrow

    PS I'm back again (Just been to the toilet"there goes another blue one")

    What i really want to say is, leave the politics to the people who don't know what they are doing.

    And lets just enjoy are great football.

    Khirimat 4 :):D:D:D

  6. Get off the flood prone flat land and out of the stink. All towns and cities in Thailand stink and are noisy. Get a car, or truck and move 30km out of town into the hills. Life is bliss. A few minutes into town when you have to. Something we do less often anymore. They have one rental at this time and can buy it or build on large lots available 1 to 4 ria for less then you may think. I am not an agent and don't own these but I do know the lady that does and its a good deal. If you got a rental for a year that's great, we did that while our house was built so no hurry on the job.

    Hi Rednecks,

    Listen to this man he is speaking strait,

    IF you want to live in a city ,go to BKK it has everything.

    But when we all come up north ,maybe we are all country bums in 1 way or another and when you can sit in the country side which is fantastic, you CHOOSE

    Khirimat 4 :):D:D:D

  7. So you're at war just for a beer? :) There are plenty of places where Thai male customers are not welcomed, usually you just take a look at the place and you can tell. Saves a lot of hassle and embarrassment when you are with Thai friends. There are reasons too, one of them you've just given proof of, but another reason could be to make sure Somchay doesn't barge in all Pattaya or Patong bars to hunt down his ex Noy.

    Now if you ask me I think they should allow Thai customers, but have a dual price system, like 800 baht for a Thai when it is 80 baht for a foreigner. Of course 80 would be written LXXX, for the sake of losing them... :D


    Your my type of bloke, be down in your area in a couple of weeks{Maybe we can chew over a couple of cold ones)

    Khirimat 4 :D:D:D:D

  8. Hi,

    Don't listen to the rest because we are the best.

    When you get to bangkok airport you have two choises.

    1.You get in a taxi and go to Pattaya and ask the taxi driver for a good clean cheap hotel because they are very willing to help you. And if you can't find enough good entertainment in this place, you might as well get back on the plane.

    2.Get on another plane(or bus) and head north towards Chang-Mai.

    There you can be a backpacker or just a regular bloke and you can travel all over the north of Thailand and here it is a lot cheaper then Bangkok for everything.

    Khirimat two :):D (2 lost in action)

    Ps. We have been here for ten years so we know what we are talking about(Sometimes)

  9. Hello

    I'm going to be in around the eagle bar(pub) KP tonight.

    Does anybody know if the oldgit will be in town because he owes me A beer(maybe more) and some chow.

    Can anybody let him know, because when chelsea loose tonight he will be suicidel and maybe i have to buy him a glass of tea.


    khirimat 2 at the moment(lost two) :):D

  10. Hello,

    Sorry you did not have a good time at this restaurant.

    It's just not cricket that you don't get beef with your mushroom soup when you ask for it, because you do realise that you are in thailand and not in the mainstream belt of Cambridge.

    Was the gin Gordons or was it just make believe thai whiskey(perish the thought)? :)

    Now listen, if you really want a good falang meal go see your old mother-in-law. :D

    If not head south...

    khirimat 4 :D:D:D:D

  11. Hello mate,

    There are 4 blokes living near khirimat drinking beer most days and talking a lot of <deleted>.

    We can make it 5 if you want to.

    (+ there are more fallangs in our area)

    If you drink chang your in the circle already.

    Hope to see you in the next meeting.

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