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Gallows Humour

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Voltaire on his deathbed, the bedside priest asking him to renounce Satan: “Now, now my good man, this is no time for making enemies.”


Oscar Wilde on his deathbed in a cheap boarding house: "I am in a duel to the death with this wallpaper. One of us has to go."


Murderer James French before his death by electric chair: "How's this for a headline? 'French Fries'."


Cannibal-serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer whilst being murdered in prison: “I used to eat guys like you for breakfast!”


Convicted murderer James W. Rodgers' (before a firing squad): "I done told you my last request ... a bulletproof vest."


The murderer William Palmer, looking at the trapdoor on the gallows: "Are you sure it's safe?"


Dmitry Bogrov, Russian assassin, positioning his head in the noose: "Should I lift my head a bit?"


General John Sedgewick: "They couldn't hit an elephant at this dist ... ."


Terry Kath, rock musician, cleaning a gun: "Don't worry ... it's not loaded ... ."


Glenn Miller, last known words before boarding the fatal plane: " Where the hell are the parachutes?"


Bob Hope, asked by his wife where he wanted to be buried: "Surprise me".


Groucho Marx: "Die my dear, why that's the last thing I'll do."


Peter the Great: "Leave all to ... ."


Honourable Mention (didn't die)


Ronald Reagan to his doctors in the emergency room, after being shot by John Hinckley, Jr.: "I hope you're all Republicans."


Please feel free to add any I've missed; I'm sure there are many.


Edited by nausea
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