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From Poles to Filipinos? UK food industry needs post-Brexit workers


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22 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

You underestimate the People who voted out, mainly becasue  Unelected men who cannot be reprimanded or sacked, Go in a closed room lock the door in secret and make Life changing decisions for 500 million people , the EU is one big trading Quango. Speak to Polish people they have the same attitude they have immigrants from Latvia, Ukraine. The EU wants free movement of people to keep wages down, cheep labour.

 My comments were based on anecdotal evidence, such as that reported by goldenbrwn1, but mainly what was said in the media at the time.


Are you saying that all these people were lying?


Of course, most of those who voted Leave are not among this group of racist ignoramuses; but, as I said, given how close the result was there may have been enough of them to tip the balance in favour of Leave.


Of course, the rest of your post also shows an ignorance of the facts; an ignorance shared by many which definitely did influence the result.


Fact: all decisions made by the EU are made by elected representatives; either

  • the heads of state
  • the council of ministers
  • the European Parliament.

Remember, too, that on many issues member states have a veto; a veto which the Irish Taoiseach said he would use if he didn't like the agreement on the issue of the border between the RoI and NI.


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13 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

yes They Give part of our OWN money back 

So you agree that farmers should be subsidised?


If so, do you also agree that all these subsidies should in future come from the UK government?

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9 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

At least Britain will have a Say in who can enter the Country.

 Like we do at present for most of the world!


Of course, the remaining EU countries will have a say over British citizens entering their countries. What many people choose to forget is that the FoM directive works both ways!

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Farmers are subsidised becasue the EU  pay them not to grow food to keep prices artificially high, Even pay for not growing product, make them throw away imperfect produce ie, Carrots, potatoes, bean, not to EU shape. I wounder how Britain managed before the EU, Millions of tons of food are wasted because they do not meet EU rules, 

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10 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

Farmers are subsidised becasue the EU  pay them not to grow food to keep prices artificially high, Even pay for not growing product, make them throw away imperfect produce ie, Carrots, potatoes, bean, not to EU shape. I wounder how Britain managed before the EU, Millions of tons of food are wasted because they do not meet EU rules, 

Set aside used to be a cornerstone of the CAP; partly to help keep prices up, also to ensure the quality of arable land by utilising modern crop rotation.


After many reforms, set aside was abolished completely in 2008.


Your final sentence shows that, yet again, you have fallen for the myth rather than the reality. What EU 'rules' do you mean? Straight bananas and cucumbers, the minimum and maximum length of leeks,  the colour of apples, the Eurosausage, banning British yoghurt etc., etc.!!!!!!


The EU is actively working to reduce food waste. From the EU: Food Waste


This website provides information on EU actions to tackle food waste, a repository of good practices in food waste prevention, communications materials to help raise awareness and a food waste resources library.



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2 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

Set aside used to be a cornerstone of the CAP; partly to help keep prices up, also to ensure the quality of arable land by utilising modern crop rotation.


After many reforms, set aside was abolished completely in 2008.


Your final sentence shows that, yet again, you have fallen for the myth rather than the reality. What EU 'rules' do you mean? Straight bananas and cucumbers, the minimum and maximum length of leeks,  the colour of apples, the Eurosausage, banning British yoghurt etc., etc.!!!!!!


The EU is actively working to reduce food waste. From the EU: Food Waste



 as  said before you post and paste you know every thing 

Edited by Thongkorn
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Currently, EEA nationals who do not meet the requirements of the Freedom of Movement Directive can be denied entrance to the UK; So I see no reason why EEA nationals should be treated any differently to all others post Brexit. Except for those covered by this agreement who will be resident in the UK on the date of Brexit and their families. The same, of course, applies to British citrizens who will be resident in an EU country on the date of Brexit.

Yes of course, also British passport holders (which will be biometric types)

The latest U.K.-EU ‘joint report’ is rather full of creative adjustment narrative, however phase 2 is likely to be very uncomfortable, and not from the U.K. side either considering the surplus element.

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13 minutes ago, citybiker said:

Yes of course, also British passport holders (which will be biometric types)

The latest U.K.-EU ‘joint report’ is rather full of creative adjustment narrative, however phase 2 is likely to be very uncomfortable, and not from the U.K. side either considering the surplus element.

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Now that's an interesting point! UK passport holders or those normally resident in the U.K.?


One benefit of registering in another European country is that your pension is not frozen if you spend much of your time in Thailand!

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28 minutes ago, Thongkorn said:

 as  said before you post and paste you know every thing 

 I don't know everything; far from it.


However, when I post about subjects of which I have some knowledge, I do believe that what I am posting is correct; whether it be an opinion or the evidence with which I support that opinion.


Are you saying that you do not believe the same about your opinions; that you do not believe your opinions to be correct?


Surely not!


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3 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Now that's an interesting point! UK passport holders or those normally resident in the U.K.?

 We'll have to wait and see.


A few years ago we returned to the UK with a Canadian couple we had met on holiday. 


We could, of course, use the UK and EU gate, but the Canadians, despite being lawfully resident in the UK for many years, had to use the other gates.


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3 hours ago, 7by7 said:

Of course, most of those who voted Leave are not among this group of racist ignoramuses; but, as I said, given how close the result was there may have been enough of them to tip the balance in favour of Leave.

That was my point.  I think the tipping point towards brexit was the millions of refugees/economic migrants flooding Europe because of Angela's open door with no checks ect policy.  I'm sure this swayed many on the brexit vote. And the timing of this great German guilt release response to the Syrian crisis fell into the hands of the hard brexiteers campaign.  I truly believe that if Merkal didn't make this rash decision , brexit would never of happened and by a much larger margin to what brexit won.

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Now that's an interesting point! UK passport holders or those normally resident in the U.K.?
One benefit of registering in another European country is that your pension is not frozen if you spend much of your time in Thailand!

UK passport holders should be unaffected (unless someone else has expert subject matter knowledge) I can’t see HMG making significant changes that will just over-complicate the current system or either place an unnecessary burden.....yet.

I travel periodically & I just plan & research accordingly so not to get caught out.

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11 hours ago, 7by7 said:


Farm profits may halve after Brexit, says report


Do farmers make more from subsidies than agriculture?

Of course much, not all, of these subsidies come from the EU; and that money will probably stop after Brexit.

The article just proves the agriculture industry treat their employees like slaves. Seasonal, no benfit, employment is only suited to certain workers which they exploit. Employment regulations gauaranteeing workers rights regardless if costs needed to rise slightly should be mandatory. Its akin to transporting slaves from Africa to work the cotton fields in the 19th Century. They should be ashamed of themselves yet blatantly moan about the disposition they will be in. 

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