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    the running south

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  1. Are the Army and Police working together to bring in a low-level Army Non-Com? 55555
  2. .... at times, choosing being unable to understand 100% what people are talking about... The lifestyle is sabai..
  3. Ngah A constant supply of Snake heads will call the somtam.
  4. Oh... so the Chinese language use with the sub-instruments is still on...also the extra wok was approved for the galley...
  5. The urge, of Hawh Tuah, and spit on that thang.. local style.
  6. The western-born Asian may have some advantage in this situation.... at times...
  7. Good on the Response team and passengers..
  8. Demos will run this old and noble horse and will embarrass himself. The Party will not field Newson... They will run it as is and to the horror of the world. CS 45 will just follow... just show up, attack the hot buttons, and stand back and watch the self-implosion. The media will have so much fun and Trump returns to close the border...
  9. Oh what a telling disaster....the media is having another laugh at such a demanding debate, ah ha....
  10. Need to send Somchai and his pals for a late night party drinking festival on the beach...
  11. The time is tight for him as his mortality comes for him.. one more hurrah for his ego.
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