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Are Thai Girls As Materialistic As U.s. Girls?


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That really depends on who you meet - you're talking about one country with a female population of 30 million people, and another one with over 125 million women (roughly).

As far as I've seen personally (just my personal observations based on 3 years living here and 10 years of involvement with Thailand and Thai culture), there are more materialistic girls than non-materialistic ones. My judgement may be clouded because I am a foreigner and a westerner and as such will meet more materialistic people than if I was born a farmer's boy in the Northeast.

I suppose in some ways it's also a matter of necessity - when there is no basic safety net, you have to struggle to get your share, and this mindset is hard to shake once you're in it.

"Mee kheup yaak dai sawk", as the Thai proverb goes, roughly meaning "Once you have an inch, you want an ell".

Of my Thai friends though, none are particularly materialistic, and if you make an effort to look beyond many of the Thais that typically hang around the bar scene and westerners/tourists, then you'll find them as well.

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Thai VS Yanks Women. Well I dare say there are materialistic and practical ladies on both sides.

Ladies like to shop, but for the most part I think Thai women generally look to save and spend money on family rather than themselves.

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Thai VS Yanks Women. Well I dare say there are materialistic and practical ladies on both sides.

Ladies like to shop, but for the most part I think Thai women generally look to save and spend money on family rather than themselves.

I would disagree, They like to spend on themselves just as much if not more. Of course this is broad generalization and mainly from the Thai women I know in the states.

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I hate making generalizations but my opinion is based on Thai GF I have in country and course her mates. My gf very frugal and only buys what she needs rather than any excess. Looks at me crazy when I spend some dosh on her. Her mates are like that too, but my guess you'll find all sorts.

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I hope the girlfreind is as ambitous as American women, but more civilised perhaps,

If you trust your GF, then take full advantage of the situation and give her the purse strings. :D

Please know your own limitations in the relationship first hand. :o

Perhaps a Tiger with the purse strings would save on mishaps in the future. :D

Yes, trust the GF. :D

Thaimee. :D

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It's difficult say. Some Thai women that I know are very materialistic, others are not. I agree with meadish_sweetball that since many of them have had no safety net for much of their lives, they are probably inclined to collect "things", particularly jewelry that may be converted to cash quickly at need. Also, I think they are learning the lessons we westerners have taught them over the years. We Americans are very materialistic and have taught that lesson to much of the rest of the world.

American women are, in my opinion, very materialistic. Ladies - this is only my opinion, not a fact based on any sort of data, so take it easy on the flaming! :o


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Thai VS Yanks Women. Well I dare say there are materialistic and practical ladies on both sides.

Ladies like to shop, but for the most part I think Thai women generally look to save and spend money on family rather than themselves.

I would disagree, They like to spend on themselves just as much if not more. Of course this is broad generalization and mainly from the Thai women I know in the states.

I also noticed that just about everybody in Thailand has a cell phone. It seems to me that most of the people really don 't need them, it's probably a status symbol for them. I guess you could call that materialistic.

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It's difficult say. Some Thai women that I know are very materialistic, others are not. I agree with meadish_sweetball that since many of them have had no safety net for much of their lives, they are probably inclined to collect "things", particularly jewelry that may be converted to cash quickly at need. Also, I think they are learning the lessons we westerners have taught them over the years. We Americans are very materialistic and have taught that lesson to much of the rest of the world.

American women are, in my opinion, very materialistic. Ladies - this is only my opinion, not a fact based on any sort of data, so take it easy on the flaming! :o


Flame on!

Just kidding , I agree with your post . But women are probably the same everywhere. :D

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It's difficult say. Some Thai women that I know are very materialistic, others are not. I agree with meadish_sweetball that since many of them have had no safety net for much of their lives, they are probably inclined to collect "things", particularly jewelry that may be converted to cash quickly at need. Also, I think they are learning the lessons we westerners have taught them over the years. We Americans are very materialistic and have taught that lesson to much of the rest of the world.

American women are, in my opinion, very materialistic. Ladies - this is only my opinion, not a fact based on any sort of data, so take it easy on the flaming!  :o


Flame on!

Just kidding , I agree with your post . But women are probably the same everywhere. :D

Yeah - I guess that, since this is a Thailand Forum, there is a tendency to measure anything Thai against it's western counterpart. Not really sure what the point is of doing that, but it does keep us occupied. :D


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I also noticed that just about everybody in Thailand has a cell phone. It seems to me that most of the people really don 't need them, it's probably a status symbol for them. I guess you could call that materialistic.

No that is called PRACTICAL if you are on the move a lot.

Also installing a phone at home was / is not very easy.

Now looking at the models that some people have may verge on materialistic:-)) but .........


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I also noticed that just about everybody in Thailand has a cell phone. It seems to me that most of the people really don 't need them, it's probably a status symbol for them. I guess you could call that materialistic.

No that is called PRACTICAL if you are on the move a lot.

Also installing a phone at home was / is not very easy.

Now looking at the models that some people have may verge on materialistic:-)) but .........

My wife is Thai and I have known her for 11 years and we have been married for the last 4 years.

She lives up country and needs a mobile phone as we have been on the waiting list for a land line for over a year.

Also she does her best to control my urges to spend what i have in my pocket just in case money goes out of fashion.

I love her dearly and marrying her was probably the best decision that I ever made.

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