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3 weeks past due date still no new 90 days note

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Bangkok, my 90 days notification expired July 23rd, I sent by registered mail (have track ticket) on July 7th (before 15 days due date) still no reply....shall I wait until 1 month has past as mentioned immi. website "- Waiting for reply mail over 1 month, please contact Immigration Office with your registered mail receipt."  or check it out now? I'm afraid Immi. officer will just tell me to wait and come back after 1 month so it's for me a waist of a "long travel".....suggestions please!


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Did use tracking to confirm it was received? http://track.thailandpost.com/tracking/default.aspx

I would guess that it was received and processed but the receipt got lost in the mail.

You could check on it now since you are 3 weeks past the report date. Take your receipt for registered mail a copy of the the online tracking results with you.

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4 minutes ago, rgrdns said:

I'll go today anyway....but why Immi. mention after one month, it's confusing then?

I think that was a random number they came up with to discourage people from checking on it a few days after the report date. Three weeks is certainly long enough to wait.

When I was doing my reports by mail I put 37 baht worth of stamps with EMS written in red on the return envelope for EMS service to insure it was delivered promptly.

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On 8/16/2018 at 8:07 AM, ubonjoe said:

I think that was a random number they came up with to discourage people from checking on it a few days after the report date. Three weeks is certainly long enough to wait.

When I was doing my reports by mail I put 37 baht worth of stamps with EMS written in red on the return envelope for EMS service to insure it was delivered promptly.

Mine was late once.. I phoned them.. (Sakon Nakon).. they looked on their computer and very quickly told me there was a problem with my form.  long story but there wasn't anything wrong with what I sent in.. I got my new slip back in return mail.. maybe try a phone call..

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