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Kidnappers In Roi-et Area


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Amazing! How are you privy to all this secret information? Can you share the decoder ring with us please?

Didnt you know village topman and Cops are keeping quiet on this?Perhaps they have a new truck or TV, if you know what i mean,

To me, this body parts thing is utter crap, kidnapping is apossibillity, but NO ONE here knows a victim!!

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"Amazing! How are you privy to all this secret information? Can you share the decoder ring with us please?"

It's called google, you can find it at www.google.com

Oh, well then it must be true. Pardon me!

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I'll fall for the bait, but just this once because you did ask for a pardon (and you don't seem to know what google is).

hhmm where do you want me to begin? The UN?

OK, good starting point because then you can maybe conceive how it trickles down to GIJoe or police Captain Somchai or whoever at the bottom of the pyramind.

UN ship 'carried child prostitutes'

THE United Nations is investigating a report that a ship chartered for peacekeepers in >East Timor< is also being used to bring child prostitutes to the island nation, the organisation said today. The allegations surfaced over the weekend in the Portuguese weekly Expresso. The Expresso report said UN personnel were involved in bringing girls from Thailand to East Timor as prostitutes....



scroll down to "Slave Ship" (this is seperate ship to Timor one)

UN staff accused of raping children in Sudan

>>London Telegraph<< Wednesday, January 3, 2007

..twenty different cases of child sex slavery involving UN staff have been reported in southern >Sudan<...

UN troops face child abuse claims

>>BBC<< Thursday, November 30, 2006

...Children have been subjected to rape and prostitution by United Nations peacekeepers in >Haiti and Liberia<, ....

Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade'

>>London Guardian<< | May 7 2004

....Western troops, policemen, and civilians are largely to blame for the rapid growth of the sex slavery industry in >Kosovo< over the past five years, a mushrooming trade in which hundreds of women, many of them under-age girls, are tortured, raped, abused and then criminalised, >>>Amnesty International<<< said yesterday. ....

Sex and Drugs at the UN

>>New York Post<< | June 1 2004

Three United Nations fieldworkers are publishing details of sex, drugs and corruption inside U.N. missions - despite an attempt by the world body to block their book....

American firm in Bosnia sex trade row poised to win MoD contract

>>The Guardian<< Friday November 29, 2002

The American defence contractor forced to pay compensation to a UN police officer unfairly dismissed for reporting colleagues involved in the >Bosnian< sex trade is poised to be awarded its first contract by the British government, the Guardian has learned...

UN struggles to explain away presence of weapons inspector with S&M fetish

>>London independent<< 11/29/02

..The United Nations' investigating arm has cleared several U.N. workers of charges of sexual abuse against >West African< refugee children but has substantiated 10 new cases against aid workers, officials said..

and so on and on and on and on but I hope you're starting to get the picture?

Edited by Shokdee
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Before I forget (it's late) a good idea is to watch places where children congregate. I notice Farang paedophiles hanging around my local Tesco play area. Even large notices for moms to HANG ONTO their children around the play areas can help or even (now dreaming) a community watch that can look out and also take identifying photos, even follow suspects to find other hotspots!

The message I have is simple


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Before I forget (it's late) a good idea is to watch places where children congregate. I notice Farang paedophiles hanging around my local Tesco play area. Even large notices for moms to HANG ONTO their children around the play areas can help or even (now dreaming) a community watch that can look out and also take identifying photos, even follow suspects to find other hotspots!

The message I have is simple


I know what Google is. It is a search engine that you can use to search for and retrieve information on the Web. What you do with that information is an entirely different thing, as you illustrate. Look, there is no doubt that there are pedophiles and other unsavory characters in this world. There is no doubt that persons working for different organizations have engaged in illegal and immoral activities. But to go from that to claiming that the very purpose and goal of these organizations is to kidnap, molest, and kill children is entirely different thing and places you in the tin-foil hat brigade.

But lets bring it back to this thread. The idea that there are mobile units in white vans going around snatching children, removing their vital organs, and discarding their bodies all over Isaan is an entirely unfounded rumor (urban legend) without a shred of evidence presented here to back it up. Further, the idea that this is going on and yet the local and international press can't be bothered to get off their bar stools to investigate and report is ludicrous in the extreme.

BTW, how do you know that those watching the children at the local Tesco are pedophiles? Do they wear some kind of ID? Is the fact that they like to watch children playing a sure sign? Have you seen them molesting children? Did they arrive in black helicopters?

Am I saying we shouldn't worry about our children? No. I am saying that you should use some critical thinking skills in processing the information that is out there. Probably too late for you to develop those, sad to say.

Edited by qualtrough
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"BTW, how do you know that those watching the children at the local Tesco are pedophiles? Do they wear some kind of ID? Is the fact that they like to watch children playing a sure sign? Have you seen them molesting children? Did they arrive in black helicopters?"

Because I was trying to sell him some property and spent some time with him as he talked about:

(1) how he fled his previous location Hawaii due to police trying to catch him for raping a 9 year old,

(2) how he detailed problems he just had on Samui after raping another 9 year old and had to pay the family off (questions like - what is the going rate, did I pay too much?)

(3) eventually getting to the real issue: Where to find more children as his current plan - which was tennis coaching young Thais for free at a local big hotel - had dried up as the hotel had barred him

When I then see this creep every day hanging around the Tesco children's area for hours (go to movies he's sitting there alone, come out the movies he's sitting there alone) I put 2 and 2 together and get 4 (amazing I know. Might just be my tin-foil hat).

I'm not here typing this to waste anyone's time so please I ask that you don't waste mine. I know I'm new to the board and I know I seem crazy/arrogant/whatever. But please can that kind of discussion shift off to a new thread (Kidnappings - urban legend?, Mutilations - is it true?, Shokdee - who is this ######? whatever). Can we keep this channel open for Reports and Solutions?

Yes the INDUSTRIAL /INSTITUTIONLIZED aspect and the LONER guy are oppposite sides of the spectrum but they lead to same end result ...

ASIDE as it's now making news in USA: Let's look quickly at USA government, the white house (Carter, Raygun, Bush, Clinton whatever) - one job benefit of president is you have sex slaves provided. As part of your job working in the inner circles at the white house you have sex slaves provided. Every president knows this. Whatever you want - children, boys, girls, ladies, black, brown, yellow. TAKE YOUR PICK SIR (man I just thought of that scene in V for Vendetta where the aide goes to the cardinal and says "I'm sorry sir, there was a mix up at the agency and they can only find an older girl". And the cardinal says: "Oh dear, I hope not too old".) THEY LIST WHAT THEY WANT AND THEN ITS DELIVERED. So, Mr Bush or Mr Reagan says, I want some little boys tonight. His staff go off to Boys Town, pick up the goods, and deliver (google "Franklin coverup" to start then "sex slavery" or "sex scandal" and White House/Reagan/Bush/Catholic Church/Vatican/Dyncorp/Royal family whatever word you want). Just to expand on this thread - what about say top people at GE, Shell, BP, goldman-sachs whatever? Are they doing this too? Well yes but they go off and meet at places like Bohemian Grove. IT IS INSTITUITIONALIZED. IT IS A JOB PERCK! IT IS AN INDUSTRY! Last hint - think of Marilyn Monroe as the first presidential sex slave to go public.

We need accurate reports! We need solutions! We need to act! Stop dreaming folks!

Some quick ideas:

(1) I NEED TWO VOUNTEERS! CAN YOU PLEASE HELP? I'D DO IT MYSELF BUT I DON"T HAVE THE SKILLS! I'll pay you with love and respect for the rest of my life. &lt;deleted&gt; I"LL PAY YOU EACH B1000 BAHT OK.

Anyone with Excel or relational database experience to creat a database FROM THE PREVIOUS 80 or whatever posts. Feilds include: date - location(town) - location(province) - number and age of children - missing or murder - mulitation (y/n) - nature of mutilation - useful info (modus operandi, size of group, etc). Also to tag each entry with 1-3 (?) levels of reliability (primary means from police/newspaper and 1st hand accounts, secondary means 2nd hand accounts, tertiary means 3rd hand or more accounts).

The second job opening is for someone who knows Thailand really well and can work with first person to quickly locate all the towns/villages mentioned IN THE PREVIOUS POSTS to fill the location fields in the database. If one person can do both jobs they get the full B2000!


Please can all the people who posted with secondary/tertiary reports GO BACK AND FOLLOW UP. If wife says my uncle told me then phone up the uncle, that sort of thing. Let's shift out the rumours and get ACCURATE AND RELIABLE 1st HAND reports. Have pen and paper handy and take notes - who what when (use database fields as guide). Post back to here and get it to database person.

If in the future someone comes to you with a report please try track it back to source and get as much info as possible. Spend time on the phone trying to get close to the source then get them to report. Make detailed notes: who what when and then post info back here.

(3) The LONER guy we need to identify (as qualtrough suggested MAKE THEM WEAR ID CARDS) as explained above and name and shame and keep tabs on.

The INDUSTRY we need to attack basic supply/demand. Demand is sky rocketing so no chance there. If we can make SUPPLY more and more difficult to grab kids then they will look elsewhere (make cost of production too high, in Thailand now cheap). If we can attack distribution (the transport system they're using) we can make it more difficult and push up cost of production too. LOGICALLY they must have mobile facilities in the back of a mini-van to do basic surgery (think ambulance to picture the inside). We can follow this up. Who sells necessary medical equipment? Any doctors reading this - what would they need? Dry ice? How do you transport living organs? Where could they get what they need? What can we look for?

(4) GUIDELINES FOR POSTING - can we try and not qoute huge chunks of previous posts. Refer to the post number and if needed paste specific sentences. Keep it short and too the point. AVOID FLAME WARS AND PERSONAL ATTACKS AT ALL TIMES.

MY deal with members of this board - If nobody steps up on the job offers or a doctor can explain why this is impossible logistically I will bow out gracefully and you won't hear from me again (now that makes it worthwhile!)


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Before I forget (it's late) a good idea is to watch places where children congregate. I notice Farang paedophiles hanging around my local Tesco play area. Even large notices for moms to HANG ONTO their children around the play areas can help or even (now dreaming) a community watch that can look out and also take identifying photos, even follow suspects to find other hotspots!

The message I have is simple


I know what Google is. It is a search engine that you can use to search for and retrieve information on the Web. What you do with that information is an entirely different thing, as you illustrate. Look, there is no doubt that there are pedophiles and other unsavory characters in this world. There is no doubt that persons working for different organizations have engaged in illegal and immoral activities. But to go from that to claiming that the very purpose and goal of these organizations is to kidnap, molest, and kill children is entirely different thing and places you in the tin-foil hat brigade.

But lets bring it back to this thread. The idea that there are mobile units in white vans going around snatching children, removing their vital organs, and discarding their bodies all over Isaan is an entirely unfounded rumor (urban legend) without a shred of evidence presented here to back it up. Further, the idea that this is going on and yet the local and international press can't be bothered to get off their bar stools to investigate and report is ludicrous in the extreme.

BTW, how do you know that those watching the children at the local Tesco are pedophiles? Do they wear some kind of ID? Is the fact that they like to watch children playing a sure sign? Have you seen them molesting children? Did they arrive in black helicopters?

Am I saying we shouldn't worry about our children? No. I am saying that you should use some critical thinking skills in processing the information that is out there. Probably too late for you to develop those, sad to say.

Yawn.... Yeah, right. The international press does do a great job reporting on demonstrations in Bangkok and other political events, don't they? I mean, after reading about those events in the Nation and/or Bangkok Post. Well, the AFP guys at least manage to get out into the streets sometimes. As does Reuters, once in a blue moon.

Regarding the recent Thai newspaper reports posted above concerning kidnappings, any constructive comments?

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Stay away from our chidren couldn't agre more. But then off into something that seem a bit much but thats you business just can't agree with that. If you in fact know a child molestor avoiding arrest in the states. Have you reported to the embassy?

More the one Amercan has been arrested here and deported for trial. If not maybe it's time you back up your talk with some action.

Somehow this subject always seems to go off to organ harvesting, Urban legend. On the other hand human trafficking is a completly different thing.

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To clarify - I'm not suggesting UN/Dyncorp/WhiteHouse/Church ... exist >>ONLY< < to kidnap children. They also spread disease through vaccination, drain money for personal gain, supply arms and drugs, and so on. What I'm suggesting is that we CAN NOT turn to them (also press, government, police, WHO, UNICEF, ...) to solve this.


I know it's tough to imagine but it's you and me who have to address this. If we can find some good cops/doctors to come to our side that will help. They can maybe slip us police reports/insider tips. It sounds gruesome but we will need PHOTOS or DOCTOR'S REPORTS of mutilated bodies. We really need a doctor or someone with medical knowledge about human organ tranplant to come onboard quickly. ANYONE KNOW ANY DOCTORS who can read through all the previous posts and say categorically this can not be happening? Bear in mind it's not high grade medical care - no anaesthetic, no blood supply, no oxygen supply, patient dies NO PROBLEM. But how do they get organs out, how can they store them, how long can they be stored, and so on.


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This is all very worrying, I have a young boy and my partner has recently asked me to return to Thailand with a harness for him as a young boy went missing from our local department store last week! I'm not very keen on a harness really, not on a 2 1/2 year old, so I started to look for info about chipping my child, I know it doesn't sound right but it could save his life and our hearts! I found this on Google: VeriKid

If anybody else has any info on this I'd appreciate it!

Nikkijah :o

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"BTW, how do you know that those watching the children at the local Tesco are pedophiles? Do they wear some kind of ID? Is the fact that they like to watch children playing a sure sign? Have you seen them molesting children? Did they arrive in black helicopters?"

Because I was trying to sell him some property and spent some time with him as he talked about:

(1) how he fled his previous location Hawaii due to police trying to catch him for raping a 9 year old,

(2) how he detailed problems he just had on Samui after raping another 9 year old and had to pay the family off (questions like - what is the going rate, did I pay too much?)

(3) eventually getting to the real issue: Where to find more children as his current plan - which was tennis coaching young Thais for free at a local big hotel - had dried up as the hotel had barred him

When I then see this creep every day hanging around the Tesco children's area for hours (go to movies he's sitting there alone, come out the movies he's sitting there alone) I put 2 and 2 together and get 4 (amazing I know. Might just be my tin-foil hat).

I'm not here typing this to waste anyone's time so please I ask that you don't waste mine. I know I'm new to the board and I know I seem crazy/arrogant/whatever. But please can that kind of discussion shift off to a new thread (Kidnappings - urban legend?, Mutilations - is it true?, Shokdee - who is this ######? whatever). Can we keep this channel open for Reports and Solutions?

Yes the INDUSTRIAL /INSTITUTIONLIZED aspect and the LONER guy are oppposite sides of the spectrum but they lead to same end result ...

ASIDE as it's now making news in USA: Let's look quickly at USA government, the white house (Carter, Raygun, Bush, Clinton whatever) - one job benefit of president is you have sex slaves provided. As part of your job working in the inner circles at the white house you have sex slaves provided. Every president knows this. Whatever you want - children, boys, girls, ladies, black, brown, yellow. TAKE YOUR PICK SIR (man I just thought of that scene in V for Vendetta where the aide goes to the cardinal and says "I'm sorry sir, there was a mix up at the agency and they can only find an older girl". And the cardinal says: "Oh dear, I hope not too old".) THEY LIST WHAT THEY WANT AND THEN ITS DELIVERED. So, Mr Bush or Mr Reagan says, I want some little boys tonight. His staff go off to Boys Town, pick up the goods, and deliver (google "Franklin coverup" to start then "sex slavery" or "sex scandal" and White House/Reagan/Bush/Catholic Church/Vatican/Dyncorp/Royal family whatever word you want). Just to expand on this thread - what about say top people at GE, Shell, BP, goldman-sachs whatever? Are they doing this too? Well yes but they go off and meet at places like Bohemian Grove. IT IS INSTITUITIONALIZED. IT IS A JOB PERCK! IT IS AN INDUSTRY! Last hint - think of Marilyn Monroe as the first presidential sex slave to go public.

We need accurate reports! We need solutions! We need to act! Stop dreaming folks!

Some quick ideas:

(1) I NEED TWO VOUNTEERS! CAN YOU PLEASE HELP? I'D DO IT MYSELF BUT I DON"T HAVE THE SKILLS! I'll pay you with love and respect for the rest of my life. &lt;deleted&gt; I"LL PAY YOU EACH B1000 BAHT OK.

Anyone with Excel or relational database experience to creat a database FROM THE PREVIOUS 80 or whatever posts. Feilds include: date - location(town) - location(province) - number and age of children - missing or murder - mulitation (y/n) - nature of mutilation - useful info (modus operandi, size of group, etc). Also to tag each entry with 1-3 (?) levels of reliability (primary means from police/newspaper and 1st hand accounts, secondary means 2nd hand accounts, tertiary means 3rd hand or more accounts).

The second job opening is for someone who knows Thailand really well and can work with first person to quickly locate all the towns/villages mentioned IN THE PREVIOUS POSTS to fill the location fields in the database. If one person can do both jobs they get the full B2000!


Please can all the people who posted with secondary/tertiary reports GO BACK AND FOLLOW UP. If wife says my uncle told me then phone up the uncle, that sort of thing. Let's shift out the rumours and get ACCURATE AND RELIABLE 1st HAND reports. Have pen and paper handy and take notes - who what when (use database fields as guide). Post back to here and get it to database person.

If in the future someone comes to you with a report please try track it back to source and get as much info as possible. Spend time on the phone trying to get close to the source then get them to report. Make detailed notes: who what when and then post info back here.

(3) The LONER guy we need to identify (as qualtrough suggested MAKE THEM WEAR ID CARDS) as explained above and name and shame and keep tabs on.

The INDUSTRY we need to attack basic supply/demand. Demand is sky rocketing so no chance there. If we can make SUPPLY more and more difficult to grab kids then they will look elsewhere (make cost of production too high, in Thailand now cheap). If we can attack distribution (the transport system they're using) we can make it more difficult and push up cost of production too. LOGICALLY they must have mobile facilities in the back of a mini-van to do basic surgery (think ambulance to picture the inside). We can follow this up. Who sells necessary medical equipment? Any doctors reading this - what would they need? Dry ice? How do you transport living organs? Where could they get what they need? What can we look for?

(4) GUIDELINES FOR POSTING - can we try and not qoute huge chunks of previous posts. Refer to the post number and if needed paste specific sentences. Keep it short and too the point. AVOID FLAME WARS AND PERSONAL ATTACKS AT ALL TIMES.

MY deal with members of this board - If nobody steps up on the job offers or a doctor can explain why this is impossible logistically I will bow out gracefully and you won't hear from me again (now that makes it worthwhile!)


1. I did not suggest that anyone 'wear ID cards'. Please do not put your words in my mouth.

2. You need help.

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This is all very worrying, I have a young boy and my partner has recently asked me to return to Thailand with a harness for him as a young boy went missing from our local department store last week! I'm not very keen on a harness really, not on a 2 1/2 year old, so I started to look for info about chipping my child, I know it doesn't sound right but it could save his life and our hearts! I found this on Google: VeriKid

If anybody else has any info on this I'd appreciate it!

Nikkijah :o

Nikkijah, there hasn't been a shred of evidence produced to back up these claims about vans going around abducting children for organ harvesting. Not a shred. What is clear is that this is an urban legend that has surfaced in a number of countries. No need to point fingers, but some real 'nutters' have surfaced on this thread. There is no need to take any precautions that you wouldn't take anywhere else. The idea of running around with your kid on a harness like a dog is absurd!

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"BTW, how do you know that those watching the children at the local Tesco are pedophiles? Do they wear some kind of ID? Is the fact that they like to watch children playing a sure sign? Have you seen them molesting children? Did they arrive in black helicopters?"

Because I was trying to sell him some property and spent some time with him as he talked about:

(1) how he fled his previous location Hawaii due to police trying to catch him for raping a 9 year old,

(2) how he detailed problems he just had on Samui after raping another 9 year old and had to pay the family off (questions like - what is the going rate, did I pay too much?)

(3) eventually getting to the real issue: Where to find more children as his current plan - which was tennis coaching young Thais for free at a local big hotel - had dried up as the hotel had barred him

When I then see this creep every day hanging around the Tesco children's area for hours (go to movies he's sitting there alone, come out the movies he's sitting there alone) I put 2 and 2 together and get 4 (amazing I know. Might just be my tin-foil hat).

You what?You can't be serious?You tried to sell property to a bloke that told you he raped a 9 year old girl?&lt;deleted&gt;.You are either deranged or a Troll.Your type are not needed.Bugger off.

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"You what?You can't be serious?You tried to sell property to a bloke that told you he raped a 9 year old girl?&lt;deleted&gt;.You are either deranged or a Troll."

We're standing at the property and we've finished chatting about the land and the view and the chanote and the price. Then the conversation turns to the points I raised previously. I stayed long enough to hear where he was heading - where can I get hold of children? I then later made it clear he was a creep and suggested what we could do about guys like that in the future. Really simple to understand (I thought!)

Abduction of children is going on. Mutilation is likely (nobody seems to know what is the truth). I only asked that we move from rumour/urban legend knee-jerk reactions to try logically and sytematically find out what is actually going on. I was under the totally misguided impression that the power of community forums like this was to pool resources and address situations around us.

Nikkijah - About Chiping you child - don't ever! (www.wethepeoplewillnotbechipped.com)

"2. You need help"

"Your type are not needed.Bugger off."

I get the message lound and clear. I'm sorry for wasting eveyone's time. Bye

Edited by Shokdee
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Three months ago I was at my in law's 'shack' in Amphur Satuk, Buriram approx. 1 mile from my house. My daughter 5 year old was with us, just wandering around and playing with other kids/family dogs etc. I was drinking a beer with my Father in Law. I looked up and saw a blue pick-up truck at the side of the road. Fern, my daughter was speaking to the driver. I got up and the truck sped off. I followed him (only one beer) and managed to get him off the road into a ditch. He u-turned in the dirt and got back on the track going the other way. I tried to shoot his tires out but missed. THE GUY WAS UP TO NO GOOD. THEY GUY WAS DOING SOMETHING WIERD. PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL AND PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN TO THE DEATH IF THAT'S WHAT IT TAKES. WE ARE ONLY HERE NOW TO RAISE THEM IN THE RIGHT WAY AND TO KEEP THEM ALIVE.

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This is all very worrying, I have a young boy and my partner has recently asked me to return to Thailand with a harness for him as a young boy went missing from our local department store last week! I'm not very keen on a harness really, not on a 2 1/2 year old, so I started to look for info about chipping my child, I know it doesn't sound right but it could save his life and our hearts! I found this on Google: VeriKid

If anybody else has any info on this I'd appreciate it!

Nikkijah :o

Nikkijah, there hasn't been a shred of evidence produced to back up these claims about vans going around abducting children for organ harvesting. Not a shred. What is clear is that this is an urban legend that has surfaced in a number of countries. No need to point fingers, but some real 'nutters' have surfaced on this thread. There is no need to take any precautions that you wouldn't take anywhere else. The idea of running around with your kid on a harness like a dog is absurd!


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This is all very worrying, I have a young boy and my partner has recently asked me to return to Thailand with a harness for him as a young boy went missing from our local department store last week! I'm not very keen on a harness really, not on a 2 1/2 year old, so I started to look for info about chipping my child, I know it doesn't sound right but it could save his life and our hearts! I found this on Google: VeriKid

If anybody else has any info on this I'd appreciate it!

Nikkijah :o

Nikkijah, there hasn't been a shred of evidence produced to back up these claims about vans going around abducting children for organ harvesting. Not a shred. What is clear is that this is an urban legend that has surfaced in a number of countries. No need to point fingers, but some real 'nutters' have surfaced on this thread. There is no need to take any precautions that you wouldn't take anywhere else. The idea of running around with your kid on a harness like a dog is absurd!


Let's review:

1. You see someone talking to your child while you are drinking, and based on that and with no further information try to run him off the road and shoot out his tires.

2. You walk around Manchester with your two year old tied to a dog harness.

'nuff said.

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Shockdee, sorry that you were offended. I feel your heart is in the right place. You do need to make the call to the embassy. You want help with this, thats the place to start. You have information siffucient enough to get the ball rolling. It's up to you, you have the information.

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shokdee, if u have info on this guy & know where he can be found I suggest you tell the police as allowing a known peado to wander around without at least drawing him to the attention of the the authorities is just as bad as what this guy does IMO.

You post a warning to protect your kids then admit to knowing that a paedo hangs around tesco child play area!! &lt;deleted&gt; man call the cops in.

As for the harness, quite normal for toddlers to be on them as they have no road sense & can move really fast when out & about. Using a rein is good for teaching them how to have road sense. As long as they aren't chained to a wall then I can't see why they would be a bad idea when wandering around the shops. Kid gets to walk around & mum & dad have peace of mind knowing the child isn't running into traffic or getting lost in a large crowd.

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Thanks for the support. About that paedophile I mentioned:

(1) really what can I do? Police on Samui are totally corrupt (see my previous posts on the Samui forum about people dying on the roads, people attacked in the streets, etc) and the cops are only in it for the money. i have lived here about 8 years and THE POLICE ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT. I mentioned before we can not expect help from them, unless it's exceptional case of UNCORRUPATBLE policeman (few to find)

(2) I don't have any hard evidence to go to police anyway. All I have is what he told me. His name Barry, that's it. How can I take it further?

(3) finally, I recall some sex scandal just recently that focused around the a guy at the UK BANGKOK embassy (someone can maybe try dig a bit deeper -

"British diplomat's blog withdrawn after claims of Thai red light visits

London - The British foreign ministry said on Thursday that the blog of a British diplomat in Bangkok had been withdrawn after accusations that he had been spotted in the city's red light district. "

On April 13 2007

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Thanks for the support. About that paedophile I mentioned:

(1) really what can I do? Police on Samui are totally corrupt (see my previous posts on the Samui forum about people dying on the roads, people attacked in the streets, etc) and the cops are only in it for the money. I have lived here about 8 years and THE POLICE ARE TOTALLY CORRUPT. I mentioned before we can not expect help from police, unless it's exceptional case of UNCORRUPTABLE policeman (few to find)

(2) I don't have any hard evidence to go to police anyway. All I have is what he told me. His name Barry, that's it. How can I take it further?

(3) Even then he'll bribe his way out of it and just move on and reserface somewhere else. This is the reality of the situation in Thailand.

All my posts have been saying that >WE (YOU AND ME)< have to solve this; the embassy, the police, the government are not going to help! PLEASE FOLKS THIS IS SO IMPORTANT TO REALIZE.

You know every time I see him at the Tesco I say to my wife "Look there he is. He makes me sick/the f*cking piece of shit" she says "Enough! Leave it"

Nikkijah - take my quiz:

(a) my baby wears a harness when out walking = treating my baby like a dog? (Yes or No?)

(2) my baby is chipped = treating my baby like a dog? (Yes or No?)

Everytime I've seen a baby in a harness my heart floats and I think "Wow. Look at that tough, eager, determined little baby dragging his parent around!" A harness is a practical and viable solution for young kids.

I want to dwell on chipping for a moment because I'm sure most of you haven't followed the link I suggested


Who BENEFITS when ....

babies are kidnapped from hospitals, young girls disappear from shopping centres, children are kidnapped outside school?

Why its VERICORP because they then step up and say : "See you need to chip your child. If they were chipped this wouldn't have happened". Terrified and concerned parent's are desparate and like Nikkijah they then start thinking "well maybe I should do it - as reprehensible as it sounds - maybe I should just go for it"

VERICORP CHIPS are also touted as solutions when a person nearly dies "If only I had been chipped with all my medical info". Or someone loses all their money "Gee if only I was chipped, then my money would be in the chip" and so on.

If you have 5 minutes free then just Google these 3 words: VERICORP IBM NAZI

FOLKS PLEASE PLEASE UNDERSTAND THIS - many big corporations, many goverment organizations, many NGOs, many police, many juvenile centres, etc ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! You have to understand this if we are to do anything. That is why I'm posting to this forum. As a community we can do something.

Also just want to return to the mutilation aspect. Spoke to the wife who is a news junky and she said that she was very interested in this and was wanting to know more. But, she said, no evidence is provided. No pics in the newspapers, no camera shots on the news. Can we try and resolve this? I do not accept a blanket IT'S AN URBAN LEGEND. I want a doctor or someone that can explain how this can not be happening based on LOGISTICAL OR SCIENTIFIC FACTS. If someone can try track back a report of mutilation, back to the source and try talk to the family that made a claim. If the story peters out and has no substance post back here. One or two of these and I will admit that I'm wrong about this aspect of the kidnappings.

Also - mysterious powder/hypnosis. I recall many stories start with someone getting touched or eating candy. What is this all about?

TODDY - Can farangs LEGALLY own guns in Thailand? I've been a passifist my whole life and abhor guns. Nowadays I feel I need one. Please PM me with details if it's LEGALLY possible.

Finally to clear my conscience. In my first post on this thread I used the Lord's name in vain. I offer my profound and sincere apologise for this. It was offensive and I'm sorry. The moment I typed it my mental alarm bells went off WARNING! DELETE! DELETE! but I reflected on it and was clear with myself that I did not mean it as blasphemy but for what it was; a cry for help to the loving and mighty Lord to guide us in these troubled times as the forces of darkness gather strength and the worshippers of Lucifer grow in power.

Edited by Shokdee
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Finally to clear my conscience. In my first post on this thread I used the Lord's name in vain. I offer my profound and sincere apologise for this. It was offensive and I'm sorry. The moment I typed it my mental alarm bells went off WARNING! DELETE! DELETE! but I reflected on it and was clear with myself that I did not mean it as blasphemy but for what it was; a cry for help to the loving and mighty Lord to guide us in these troubled times as the forces of darkness gather strength and the worshippers of Lucifer grow in power.

Oh Dear....

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Nikkijah - take my quiz:

(a) my baby wears a harness when out walking = treating my baby like a dog? (Yes or No?)

(2) my baby is chipped = treating my baby like a dog? (Yes or No?)

Thanks for involving me again after my thread was closed :o

Answer to Q.1. Do I have to answer Yes or No? Can I just say Maybe?

Answer to Q.2. Do I have to answer Yes or No? Can I just say Maybe?

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Also - mysterious powder/hypnosis. I recall many stories start with someone getting touched or eating candy. What is this all about?

This happened to my partner actually, she was in a department store and a lady approached her and grabbed her wrist and asked for the time, it was obvious that my wife wasn't even wearing a watch but it didn't stop the lady trying to find one! Moments later my partner started to feel dizzy, she had heard of these stories and decided to go to the nearest shop and ask for help, the staff sat her down and asked what was wrong, she told them about the lady, whilst she was sitting there she saw the same lady staring at her through the shop window and when she alerted the shop staff the lady darted off and wasn't seen again. :o

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So if the police are so corupt, surely they wouldnt mind if you base-ball batted this Phaedo in the crotch and around his ears a bit? just give the copper 500bht and tell him you tripped while walking past!!

There you are, peace of mind for you!!

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... worshippers of Lucifer !@#!!. Really dude, Satan worshippers? I was just about to cut you some slack but this is just too much.

The point is not if you or I believe it, the FACT is they (presidents, top business people, royalty) do go to places like BOHEMIAN GROVE and do this. This is WELL DOCUMENTED and was reported in major newspapers. Google "Bohemian grove"). The inner teachings of Freemasonary is based on worship of Lucifer (stated clearly by Manly P Hall). Symbolism everywhere of the inverted pentagram on logos, buildings, and so on (google "jordan maxwell" or "occult symbolism"). Take a walk around Washington DC or London City (financial district) it's there CARVED IN STONE. If you or I think it's ridiculous that really doesn't matter. Just as if you and I think kidnapping and molesting young children is insane - it doesn't matter what we think, because they do it anyway.

And YES I firmly believe that guidance from a supreme being; the LORD, BUDDHA, KRISHNA, MOHAMED AND EVERYONE ELSE AVILABLE is needed because basically this war is a spiritual one, it's about good vs evil. I do not mean or want to offend anyone.

I've hogged this thread a lot since joining but I've been researching many of these things for decades and only now am starting to feel that I'm beginning to understand what is going on. I am trying to paint the big picture to best of my ability so we can understand the little pieces that are happening around us. I can post for hours and hours about what I've learnt but I'll shut up now and return in a few weeks to see how this thread develops.

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Nikkijah - YOU ARE A BRILLIANT AND SHINNING STAR! Of couse "Maybe"!!!! (All those DeBono books I read and yet fall into stupid yes/no traps. I think my brain is overcooked. Thank you for showing me I urgently need to clear me head and focus).

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Nikkijah - YOU ARE A BRILLIANT AND SHINNING STAR! Of couse "Maybe"!!!! (All those DeBono books I read and yet fall into stupid yes/no traps. I think my brain is overcooked. Thank you for showing me I urgently need to clear me head and focus).

Well, thanks for that Shokdee :o

I really don't know if a harness is needed or the 'other' thing I started a thread about, it is interesting to get all these opinions though

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Nikkijah - YOU ARE A BRILLIANT AND SHINNING STAR! Of couse "Maybe"!!!! (All those DeBono books I read and yet fall into stupid yes/no traps. I think my brain is overcooked. Thank you for showing me I urgently need to clear me head and focus).

Should "let's move edward" be applied to these kinds of threads Shokdee? :o

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