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Se Asia In The 60s & 70s .. Mid East 80s, 90s, 00s


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watched a documentary on Pol Pot last evening.

realized there 'could be' a huge amount of parallel same same-ism between rise of Khmer Rouge & radical muslim-ism.

Cambodia was a failed colony with a French cronie RULER.. Sihanouk WAS installed as the french left

All of the mid east is a failed colony with western cronies installed .. THE Shah, sodomy insane, israel

the Khmer Rouge gained strength as US Vietnam era bombing killed 150,000 in rural area

Wahhabi Islam/ fundamental islam / hamas/ is gaining strength in the mid east as western post colonial policies are more & more military.

the Khmer Rouge was a civil war

hamas in Palestine & radicals in iraq = civil war

although the above is far from identical & the concept certainly has weak points .. there is a parallel same same-ism.


just occurred to me as I watched the Pol Pot documentary.


Edited by pumper
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The rise of Pol-Pot and his merry men was a disaster, but it was borne from a political ideal. Islam is a hotch potch of ideals that contradict eachother. For example: All muslims are brothers. Yet they kill eachother at an astounding rate.

I feel they are different. One was a failed political ideal and the other is a twisted cult. I shall allow you to decide which is which.

The only thing they share is the death of innocent people.

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khmner rouge was a peasant communist movement originally to over throw imperialist's cronies whose membership was stimulated by imperialist bombings of innocents in rural areas

re Thailand: the B52s took off from Korat & Udon?

militant islam is unfortunately present in the south is a peasant un-religious (& political) movement stimulated by often forgotten imperialism

one militant issue/ separatist issue in the south is the Thai - brit colonial agreement.. 1902? .. (without local input) that divided & assigned territory in the south thai / northern malay

(trying to find a Thai muslim / pol pot thread relationship.. I guess Cambodia is not close enough .. uh, Siem Rep is claimed to be Thai by some.. maybe the area around Tonle Sap that was carpet bombed is thai .. is according to mid 18th century brit colonial maps..


no doubt both movements represent ideals less than kosher .. :D

I see a vague similarity involving impearilist decrees & random bombing of innocents.. .. but then it was late when I watched the pol pot thing ..


I kept looking at my un-reset, un-daylight saving, un-politically correct clock .. trying to decide if it was 10:30 or 12:30 ..

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