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Bangkok could be completely underwater by 2050, new report claims


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17 hours ago, Time to grow said:

You laugh now out of ignorance but Mother Nature will school you before long. We'll see if your still laughing.

     That’s for sure. I’m back in Canada for now, and it’s already getting damned cold outside and snow is on the way. Won’t even be Winter until Dec. 21. We’re only a few miles from the U.S. at Niagara Falls. Why is it already so damned cold?

    So much for Gore Bull Warming 55555 

    Global Warming/Climate Change/Climate Emergency. B.S. 

       “In a few years snow will be a very rare and exciting event. Children just won’t know what snow is.” - Dr. David Viner, Senior Research Scientist, Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia...Spring of 2000.  


   Supposed to believe the leftist Alarmist climate scientists are we?


I think I’ll believe the scientists who are NOT Alarmist. 

     We’re already missing the nice hot Summer and we’re only a little over one month into Autumn.

   Where’s our Global Warming ??? We could use some Global Warming right now. 

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Scaremongering claptrap as usual so these climate alarmists can justified their employment.


Take a step back and look at the real factual data; all these predictions as far back as snake oil salesman (Mr. hockey-stick himself - An Inconvenient Lie) Al Gore have never materialized.


Give me a break................... man-made BS ................

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5 hours ago, Time to grow said:

Interesting, what I find hubristic, is the view of some people that leads them to think they are better suited to asses the state of the climate than the climatologists and other scientific experts. They often take a stance against climate change in complete denial of basic facts grounded in physics, chemistry, and the laws of thermodynamics. If these scientific disciplines were not valid, then what is?

No one denies that the climate changes. Duh. Thats axiomatic. The climate changes. Whoopeee.


But we arent all gonna die and we cant stop climate change so there is no need to destroy civilization becasue we aint got the balls to get up and move.


But hey, along the science line, can you tell us what the temperature was in say Pitcairn Island in 1890?



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3 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

there is no need to destroy civilization

Who said anything about destroying civilization? I have said repeatedly that even slowing down our deeply flawed economic system is a recipe for disaster. As I Told Catoni, you don't need to worry, I am not trying to take your hamburger away from you. You just keep on driving your SUV and spewing green house gasses into the atmosphere as if you owned the place.

No, I couldn't care less what the temperature in Pitcairn Island in 1890 was. I have no doubt you will say it was much warmer than today. It's about as relevant as Catoni saying it's cold in Niagara Falls. What the two of you fail to understand is that it's called Climate Change vs Global Warming because the phenomena effects different areas differently. It's a "global average" we are talking about here but I don't expect you to understand complicated scientific calculations. Most notably, the Arctic has warmed several times the warming at the equator for example. As it turns out, the temperature at the Arctic is far more important than Pitcairn Island or Niagara Falls. You would have to understand some basic concepts such as math for this to make any sense to you.

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22 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

It's a "global average" we are talking about here but I don't expect you to understand complicated scientific calculations.

Yes I am quite dense. So what was the global average temperature at the start of the industrial age?


If you cant tell me that, you cant even give me a basis for any argument you may make. Oh and after your answer, you can tell me how the average was obtained.





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38 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

Who said anything about destroying civilization? I have said repeatedly that even slowing down our deeply flawed economic system is a recipe for disaster. As I Told Catoni, you don't need to worry, I am not trying to take your hamburger away from you. You just keep on driving your SUV and spewing green house gasses into the atmosphere as if you owned the place.

No, I couldn't care less what the temperature in Pitcairn Island in 1890 was. I have no doubt you will say it was much warmer than today. It's about as relevant as Catoni saying it's cold in Niagara Falls. What the two of you fail to understand is that it's called Climate Change vs Global Warming because the phenomena effects different areas differently. It's a "global average" we are talking about here but I don't expect you to understand complicated scientific calculations. Most notably, the Arctic has warmed several times the warming at the equator for example. As it turns out, the temperature at the Arctic is far more important than Pitcairn Island or Niagara Falls. You would have to understand some basic concepts such as math for this to make any sense to you.

What would you say if I told you we are in an ice age right now? 

    By the way....lots of people still call it Global Warming. They had to change the name when it stopped warming for many years. Had to cover their a_ _ .

   But now they have new names. Climate Crisis, Climate Disruption, Climate Emergency, Climate Disaster. 

    Wonder what name they will come up with next week?

   Oh...another fact: This Interglacial we are in is not as warm as the last few were. So I’m not sure why you people have your shorts all in knots. 

   Do you understand why we can be both in an ice age, and in an Interglacial period...at the same time?

Just how much do you understand about the subject?

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2 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

what was the global average temperature at the start of the industrial age?

Okay, I'll play your silly game but I can assure you my patients are reaching their limit with you guys. For starters, you need to define the beginning of the industrial age because the IPCC keeps changing the date. Seeing as you failed to reference that critical piece of information, I will assume you are referring to the 1750 pre industrial baseline. The global average temperature in 1750 was 1.7°C less than it is now. I am sure you want me to tell you more specifically it's 22°C today in Pitcairn Island so you can argue the point but it's completely irrelevant. What is important is the degree of change and the rate of change from whatever baseline you want to use.

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Just now, Time to grow said:

Okay, I'll play your silly game but I can assure you my patients are reaching their limit with you guys.

why? because we question conventional wisdom? 


1 minute ago, Time to grow said:

For starters, you need to define the beginning of the industrial age because the IPCC keeps changing the date.

Yeah. Cherry picking.


2 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

The global average temperature in 1750 was 1.7°C less than it is now.

Says who and how do they know.

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12 minutes ago, Catoni said:

He probably doesn’t even realize that we are in an ice age right now !!!

     (Do YOU ? ). 55555????

I suppose you are referring to the solar minimum? Yes, in fact the planet should be cooling slightly and it fact, it was starting to look that way until the process was completely overwhelmed by the effects of man made greenhouse gasses tipping the balance of CO2 in the atmosphere and warming the planet. So, No, we are not in an ice age. Except for maybe you guys in Niagara Falls. Best of luck staying warm.

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30 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

why? because we question conventional wisdom?

Yeah, because you "question conventional wisdom", that's it. If you had the qualifications to challenge the science with science, that might be the case. As it turns out, you have no qualifications but seem to think you have the credibility to take on the worlds scientific community with your biased opinion. The world doesn't work that way.


9 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Says who and how do they know.

Clearly, your firmly entrenched in denial. I am not here to school you, do your own research. I am not hear to teach you, I am not trying to sell you anything, I am not trying to force my opinion on you, I am not asking you or anyone else to change, I am not looking to collapse the economy, I don't expect you to reduce emissions or eat a plant based diet. It's too late for all that and it's certainly too late to waste time arguing about it. If you don't believe the scientific evidence supporting Climate Change, that is your prerogative, good for you. I could care less. 

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27 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

I suppose you are referring to the solar minimum? Yes, in fact the planet should be cooling slightly and it fact, it was starting to look that way until the process was completely overwhelmed by the effects of man made greenhouse gasses tipping the balance of CO2 in the atmosphere and warming the planet. So, No, we are not in an ice age. Except for maybe you guys in Niagara Falls. Best of luck staying warm.

No, not referring to the solar minimum.   And YES, we’re in an ice age.

     So you demonstrate your ignorance of the subject and don’t know what you’re talking about. 

   ...as I suspected. 

 Thank you for your time. 

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1 minute ago, Time to grow said:

Yeah, because you "question conventional wisdom", that's it. If you had the qualifications to challenge the science with science, that might be the case. As it turns out, you have no qualifications but seem to think you have the credibility to take on the worlds scientific community with your biased opinion. The world doesn't work that way.

The world doesnt work via ad hominem argument either. We arent talking about my qualifications, we are asking a question. 


That evidently you cant answer.


3 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

Clearly, your firmly entrenched in denial. I am not here to school you, do your own research. I am not hear to teach you, I am not trying to sell you anything, I am not trying to force my opinion on you, I am not asking you or anyone else to change, I am not looking to collapse the economy, I don't expect you to reduce emissions or eat a plant based diet. It's too late for all that and it's certainly too late to waste time arguing about it. If you don't believe the scientific evidence supporting Climate Change, that is your prerogative, good for you. I could care less. 

I rest my case. See above. 



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44 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

I suppose you are referring to the solar minimum? Yes, in fact the planet should be cooling slightly and it fact, it was starting to look that way until the process was completely overwhelmed by the effects of man made greenhouse gasses tipping the balance of CO2 in the atmosphere and warming the planet. So, No, we are not in an ice age. Except for maybe you guys in Niagara Falls. Best of luck staying warm.

    We are currently in an Ice Age that began about 2.6 million years ago. It’s referred to as the Quaternary Glaciation, or simply the Current Ice Age. 

   At the moment we are experiencing one of the Interglacial Periods during the Current Ice Age.

  We alternate between Interglacial Periods and Glacial Periods during this Ice Age. 

    We are due relatively soon to return to a Glacial Period, with advancing ice sheets covering much of North America and Europe and Asia to a depth of one or two miles of thick ice, and sea level dropping about 400 feet leaving the continental shelves high and dry. 

   You should return to school and study.

    Perhaps you will learn something instead of just swallowing propaganda and leftist brainwashing. 



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5 minutes ago, Catoni said:

We are currently in an Ice Age that began about 2.6 million years ago.

Wow, thank you. I suppose that explains why it's so cold in Niagara Falls today but I gotta be honest, I didn't expect to see you back so soon. I guess now you can declare yourself a "Winner" too?

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12 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Kickin' ass and takin' names. Congratulations on your devastating victory. However, beware: it's like the Walking Dead. Always another one popping up from around the corner.

LOL. Why do I think of Adam Schiff shuffling down the Hall with some arm in his mouth and hes just chowing down with those popeyes nonnomnomnomnom.....:cheesy:


9 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

Congratulations! I bow my head to your superior position.

Hey no problem dude, it takes a real man to know when you are bested, Im impressed by your sportsmanship. A good loser is the best thing.

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1 minute ago, Time to grow said:

. I suppose that explains why it's so cold in Niagara Falls today 

Hey dude you in the Falls? Thats my old stomping grounds (Canadian side)...the Canadian Ballet joints on Lundys Lane was it...

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1 minute ago, Time to grow said:

Wow, thank you. I suppose that explains why it's so cold in Niagara Falls today but I gotta be honest, I didn't expect to see you back so soon. I guess now you can declare yourself a "Winner" too?

I really don’t care. I just prefer the hot summers and the tropics. As does almost all life. 

    Ever wonder why biodiversity increases as you move from the Polar regions to the Equatorial regions? 

    Ever wonder why most people who can afford it prefer to vacation and retire in the Tropical regions, and not the shores of the Arctic? 

     With some luck, we might be able to postpone the oncoming Glacial Period. Wouldn’t be good to see big cities flattened with advancing ice sheets and sea levels going down about 400 feet. 

     Just think of all the grain growing regions that would be covered in ice and turn into permafrost for 80,000 to 120,000 years. (That’s about how long a Glacial Period lasts) 

    Warm interglacials like we are lucky to be living in right now only last about 20,000 years. And we are more than halfway through this one.

    Each of the previous four interglacials was warmer than this one we are in. 

    So don’t go getting your shorts all in knots about our present warmth. 

   Warm periods are ipso facto much better than colder periods.       


        Interglacials are broken up by small changes to a bit warmer or bit cooler times. Like the Holocene Climatic Optimum, the Minoan Warm Period, Roman Warm Period, Medieval Warm Period, with cooler periods in between, like the so-called Little “Ice Age”. The cooler periods are always worse than the warm periods. 

   It’s a historical fact that mankind and civilization have always done best, and made its greatest advances, during the warmer times. 

   Ergo, you should be feeling lucky to have the climate we are living in now. 

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48 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

Hey dude you in the Falls? Thats my old stomping grounds (Canadian side)...the Canadian Ballet joints on Lundys Lane was it...

  I’m the one close to the Falls. My relatives and ancestry are split between Canada and the U.S.  I have lots of Canadian relatives and also lots of U.S. relatives. 

    The American War Of Independence split the family. Caused a big fight in the family. Half of them wanting to go with the new patriots and George Washington, and half of them wanting to stay loyal to England and King George III. I’m descended from the Loyalists. So my side of the family left the new U.S. after the war and went to the Niagara region of “Upper Canada”  Their kids went on to fight in the War of 1812 - 1815. Some of them returned to the U.S. in the 1850’s moving to Kansas by covered wagon and never returned to Canada. That part of the family got caught up in the U.S. Civil War. 

   I’m the family Genealogist in my Canadian branch of the family. Love history.

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46 minutes ago, Time to grow said:

Wow, thank you. I suppose that explains why it's so cold in Niagara Falls today but I gotta be honest, I didn't expect to see you back so soon. I guess now you can declare yourself a "Winner" too?

    I don’t think of myself as a winner or loser. I just post the facts. 


    Others can decide whatever they wish. 

    Facts and truth and rationalism are important. 


     Socialist/Fascist/Nazi/Marxist-Leninist all totalitarian and extremist religion propaganda and brainwashing are evil.

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Canadas answer is to have a cash cow tax to make the population too

poor to afford a vehicle, or to drive it.  Lets all forget that the world is warming

itself up. Blame mankind instead and tax the <deleted> out of us.  Maybe time for Thailand to move their capital up river to higher ground. This goes for some other coastal cities, who

will have flooding issues, look to higher ground and move in the next few hundred years.



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