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Yellow Book Problem

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I don't know if this is the correct forum so moderators please move if necessary.


We moved from one province to another and have since built a house. For 20 years I was never interested in trying for a yellow book and pink card as we were renting a property. Now we have our own and with the banks changing the rules on money transfers etc, I was hoping a yellow book would make things easier.


Previously we lived in a provincial capital but our home is 65 km from the new one. So, I applied for a book in our local Amper. This was 3 months ago and my first stall was I needed more paperwork translating. Then a delay caused by voting weekend. Then some more hold ups. Next they found a spelling mistake made by one translator so I needed them all redoing and all spelt the same. In the meantime, the clerk at the local Amper insisted we took a civilian lady from our village to help with my application. This lady, as pleasant as she was, spoke no English so couldn't tell me what was happening and by this time was wife was totally out her depth.

Then those 2 needed to go again to the capital office (about 160 kms in her car) who agreed that one document was wrong and should be redone then all would be OK. So, off to another translator.

I now have my birth certificate, marriage lines, passport, medical documentation and other stuff all the same. My wife called the office and was told we needed to take this village lady with us again as she understood everything.

Including paying the village lady for her day and mileage, translations and so on, I am now approximately 7,000 thb into this fiasco and can only think this clerk is waiting to hit me again for a big pay off to eventually issue the yellow book. I want to go there for the sixth time and ask if she will finally issue the book without me paying sin bon to her, her boss, this village lady and her friend for a document which should be free.



I am at a loss as to what course of action to take. Should I go, present my paperwork anew and ask her to write down and sign why I cannot have the book?. Consult a solicitor in a one horse town, anti corruption office or what?.


If anyone has details in English or Thai listing the criteria for applying for a yellow book then please let me know......



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In my amphur they want a certified copy of my pasport and officially translated and legalized by the Ministry....But I don't want to make so much costs now for in fact nothing.. Okay no pink card, but I have my driverslicense and if I need prrof of residence I go to immigration. Living 17 years in the same place, everybody knows me, have tax number, car and insurance, social security but no pink card

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34 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

In my amphur they want a certified copy of my pasport and officially translated and legalized by the Ministry....But I don't want to make so much costs now for in fact nothing.. Okay no pink card, but I have my driverslicense and if I need prrof of residence I go to immigration. Living 17 years in the same place, everybody knows me, have tax number, car and insurance, social security but no pink card

Yep, did that twice in 2 different translation offices. After the move I lost all the contacts I had made so, apart from family, I don't have anyone to step up and speak on my behalf.

Thanks anyway.

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