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My Top Two Pattaya Pet Peeves...


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#2- Restaurants who claim they are so good but really they are just average, one such burger place on South Pattaya Road comes to mind. Totally dry, bad service, forgot the order, warm beer, then claim you ran out on a difference of 75 baht on the tab when the cashier wasn't coherent enough to get it right. I guess they rely on everyone being drunk in Pattaya so you'll think it's great.


My standard operating procedure has me avoiding any restaurant proclaiming "BEST" anything. There's two places here in KL called the Ship and proudly proclaiming "The Best Steak in Town". If any of you are down here on a visa run do not even contemplate it as the food is utter <deleted>. I can say that from several experiences as my current gf likes them but she is a Filippina so good food judgements are not amongst her strong points.

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well Weho ,

I took your advise and tried the plates in the freezer trick ,

they all cracked ,

now where do I send your invoice for the replacement set to ?


Just goes to show that while there is a lot of advice on this forum, not all is worth following!!! :D


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well Weho ,

I took your advise and tried the plates in the freezer trick ,

they all cracked ,

now where do I send your invoice for the replacement set to ?

There are actually three places you can make a claim:

1. the manufacturer of the plates

2. the manufacturer of the freezer

3. your internet service provider probably has some insurance coverage for any misleading info you get over that webnet thing

Maybe go to a thicker plate, maybe even stoneware. Once removed from the freezer, they really only stay cool about ten minutes.

What a shame... and I'll bet they were nice plates too.

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#2- Restaurants who claim they are so good but really they are just average, one such burger place on South Pattaya Road comes to mind. Totally dry, bad service, forgot the order, warm beer, then claim you ran out on a difference of 75 baht on the tab when the cashier wasn't coherent enough to get it right. I guess they rely on everyone being drunk in Pattaya so you'll think it's great.


My standard operating procedure has me avoiding any restaurant proclaiming "BEST" anything. There's two places here in KL called the Ship and proudly proclaiming "The Best Steak in Town". If any of you are down here on a visa run do not even contemplate it as the food is utter <deleted>. I can say that from several experiences as my current gf likes them but she is a Filippina so good food judgements are not amongst her strong points.

First of all, how could there be "TWO places called 'the Ship'", both presumably claiming to be the "best" in town? Seems that would be a good clue right there... as there can really only be one "best" in town. I also find "The Ship" to be an odd name for a restaurant... is it nautical decor? do they serve only seafood? Do they serve food traditionally found/served on ships? would would a restaurant owner/decision maker want to name a place "The Ship"? And isn't KL landlocked?

I would suggest two things:

1. when you see a restaurant that has one of those "Best..." signs, ask the manager how the place was rated, when it was rated, who did the rating, what other similar and/or nearby restaurants were also rated, etc. Just ask them.

2. freeze all your plates, and handle with care. then hope for the best.

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I read some of the moans on page

That opening reminded me of this joke:

How did Helen Keller master*ate?

She used one hand to pleasure herself, and the other hand to moan with.

[they can't all be winners, folks]

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#2: when parking a car, some parking attendent appears out of nowhere, and is sort of trying to help you park, and they use this whistle, and they blow it, and blow it

Fairly obvious rookie mistake. Never assume someone "is sort of trying to help you." Blowing the whistle is intended to draw everyone's attention to the unfolding comedy of you trying to park a car. Thai's really enjoy Mr. Bean and any farang who appears to be imitating him in action.

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I can say that from several experiences as my current gf likes them but she is a Filippina so good food judgements are not amongst her strong points.

Food taste is very individual and depends on where you are from. My Filipino (at least you could learn to spell her nationality :o) GF is very particular and knows a good steak when she eats one.

PS. Sorry, but at least we should stick up for them rather than put them down on this forum.

Edited by tropo
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Due to popular demand, I'll reveal pet peeve #4... I'm sure you've already guessed it but here goes:

#4. Frickin' wet salad, especially at the Sizzler salad bar.

and another pet peeve, somewhat related to this, I'll call it:

#4a: the hot salad plates. almost all of the time, the Sizzler salad plates just came out of the dishwasher, with the final "heater" cycle. sometimes the plates are too hot to touch.

Sorry, Weho, but you did not understand the concept.

The plates are hot to make the water from the lettuce evaporate easier. Further, they are supposed to kill any germs coming with the lettuce by infrared radiation.

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My Filipino (at least you could learn to spell her nationality ) GF

Okay I stand corrected. I assumed that when referring to an individual woman or group of women you'd use the feminine form and when referring to a man, group of men or mixed group you'd use the masculine. But I'm no linguistic expert.

First of all, how could there be "TWO places called 'the Ship'", both presumably claiming to be the "best" in town? Seems that would be a good clue right there... as there can really only be one "best" in town. I also find "The Ship" to be an odd name for a restaurant... is it nautical decor? do they serve only seafood? Do they serve food traditionally found/served on ships? would would a restaurant owner/decision maker want to name a place "The Ship"? And isn't KL landlocked?

First of all, they are both run by the same company, not only that they are probably only 300 metres apart.

Secondly, yes they are nautical decor all that shiver me timbers stuff.

Thirdly, they serve a variety of food both western and Asian all of it mediocre at best.

Fourthly, your geography is correct KL is not on the coast but that doesn't stop us having establishments called "The Ship" and we even have a Beach Club. On top of that we have bars called Aloha (no grass skirts but plenty of other types), Rum Jungle (well there are a few trees in town), Earth bar (well it is on planet Earth) and Little Havana (but no Mr Castro).

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Fourthly, your geography is correct KL is not on the coast but that doesn't stop us having establishments called "The Ship" and we even have a Beach Club.

The Thai city of Hat Yai springs to mind. Literally translated "Big Beach", but several km's from the coast!

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Fourthly, your geography is correct KL is not on the coast but that doesn't stop us having establishments called "The Ship" and we even have a Beach Club.

The Thai city of Hat Yai springs to mind. Literally translated "Big Beach", but several km's from the coast!

Maybe they are looking to the future taking global warming into account. :o

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bonus pet peeve:

I refuse to get on motor cycle taxis that don't have a basket for the customer to put stuff. And even if I have nothing to put in the basket, I still won't go with them, cause they are too stupid... if they aren't smart enough to know that a 200 baht investment might be worth it for business purposes, I don't think I can trust their driving either. I have to admit I do get some pleasure out of pointing this out to them... when I usually say: "Sorry, I no go with you... you no have basket.. not smart... I look for motorbike taxi with basket, cause farang like basket" Then of course, I get the usual response, which is something just laughing... and sometimes I will then ask them, "you laughed at that... was that funny to you? do i amuse you? did you think i was trying to be funny suggesting you get a basket?" and then they usually laugh even harder.

Weho, I wanted to address this peeve you have regarding motorcycle taxis without baskets.

I've had a Honda Wave with a basket, so I can tell you from personal experience that baskets are usually a real pain-in-the-ass and dangerous too.

At night anything that is placed in the basket blocks the front light beam so you will not be so easily seen by oncoming traffic, cannot see the road, and worst of all you'll get the light beam reflecting back in your face. This is really a problem if what you place in the basket is white in colour because it will blind the rider.

Apart from that very dangerous situation at night, most things (except very heavy items) have a tendency to jump out or fly out at the most inopportune moments.

You may have noticed that in Malaysia front baskets are illegal and the baskets are placed behind the handlebars. They had good reason for this regulation.

In summation and quite to the contrary of your conclusion, the guys who have baskets are the dumb ones.

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bonus pet peeve:

I refuse to get on motor cycle taxis that don't have a basket for the customer to put stuff. And even if I have nothing to put in the basket, I still won't go with them, cause they are too stupid... if they aren't smart enough to know that a 200 baht investment might be worth it for business purposes, I don't think I can trust their driving either. I have to admit I do get some pleasure out of pointing this out to them... when I usually say: "Sorry, I no go with you... you no have basket.. not smart... I look for motorbike taxi with basket, cause farang like basket" Then of course, I get the usual response, which is something just laughing... and sometimes I will then ask them, "you laughed at that... was that funny to you? do i amuse you? did you think i was trying to be funny suggesting you get a basket?" and then they usually laugh even harder.

Weho, I wanted to address this peeve you have regarding motorcycle taxis without baskets.

I've had a Honda Wave with a basket, so I can tell you from personal experience that baskets are usually a real pain-in-the-ass and dangerous too.

At night anything that is placed in the basket blocks the front light beam so you will not be so easily seen by oncoming traffic, cannot see the road, and worst of all you'll get the light beam reflecting back in your face. This is really a problem if what you place in the basket is white in colour because it will blind the rider.

Apart from that very dangerous situation at night, most things (except very heavy items) have a tendency to jump out or fly out at the most inopportune moments.

You may have noticed that in Malaysia front baskets are illegal and the baskets are placed behind the handlebars. They had good reason for this regulation.

In summation and quite to the contrary of your conclusion, the guys who have baskets are the dumb ones.

Wrong. The dumb ones are the ones who don't make sure the items in the basket are securely fastened with one of those multi-colored elastiic rope tie down basket thingies. The lights are pretty much worthless... I find them a nuisance because I may have an item I want to keep as cool as possible, and the light through the basket can heat them up, even cook some light vegetables, (like kale, for example).

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bonus pet peeve:

I refuse to get on motor cycle taxis that don't have a basket for the customer to put stuff. And even if I have nothing to put in the basket, I still won't go with them, cause they are too stupid... if they aren't smart enough to know that a 200 baht investment might be worth it for business purposes, I don't think I can trust their driving either. I have to admit I do get some pleasure out of pointing this out to them... when I usually say: "Sorry, I no go with you... you no have basket.. not smart... I look for motorbike taxi with basket, cause farang like basket" Then of course, I get the usual response, which is something just laughing... and sometimes I will then ask them, "you laughed at that... was that funny to you? do i amuse you? did you think i was trying to be funny suggesting you get a basket?" and then they usually laugh even harder.

Weho, I wanted to address this peeve you have regarding motorcycle taxis without baskets.

I've had a Honda Wave with a basket, so I can tell you from personal experience that baskets are usually a real pain-in-the-ass and dangerous too.

At night anything that is placed in the basket blocks the front light beam so you will not be so easily seen by oncoming traffic, cannot see the road, and worst of all you'll get the light beam reflecting back in your face. This is really a problem if what you place in the basket is white in colour because it will blind the rider.

Apart from that very dangerous situation at night, most things (except very heavy items) have a tendency to jump out or fly out at the most inopportune moments.

You may have noticed that in Malaysia front baskets are illegal and the baskets are placed behind the handlebars. They had good reason for this regulation.

In summation and quite to the contrary of your conclusion, the guys who have baskets are the dumb ones.

Wrong. The dumb ones are the ones who don't make sure the items in the basket are securely fastened with one of those multi-colored elastiic rope tie down basket thingies. The lights are pretty much worthless... I find them a nuisance because I may have an item I want to keep as cool as possible, and the light through the basket can heat them up, even cook some light vegetables, (like kale, for example).

a 25watt light bulb sitting that far away from the lens doesnt get that hot

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My two pet peeves:

(1) baht buses

(2) baht buses

and the list goes on......same same......it's the reason I don't live in Pattaya

Yes, I might even put them at #3 as well... the other day, I needed one from the bus station (bangkok arrival), TO my home, 1 minute stop, then completely the opposite direction to the Royal Garden... I figured I would negotiate ONE price for all of that, and save some money. We agreed on the outrageous price of 260 baht, (which in Bangkok, would ride me around in a luxury taxi for maybe an hour, but in Pattaya is considered a bargain for 30 minutes in a crap baht bus)...

I repeated it four times to the driver: "260 baht, and you won't ask for more... it's 260 baht for all, or I get someone else..." He said "OK"... I clearly explained exactly how far the home was, he understood perfectly... but he figured it should be 150 to 200 baht PER RIDE... I explained that he didn't have to wait around for an hour, trying to find another customer, and he could get two quick rides for just a little less money... He agreed, but then at the end, upon arrival at the Royal Garden, he demanded 300 baht... and he wasn't getting it... and I told him, if he hadn't asked for 300 baht, I would have given him 40 baht TIP, which I always would on such a ride... I said, "you ask 300, you get NO TIP... you NO ASK, you get TIP..."

Oh, I just felt SOOOOooo sorry for him... making 260 baht in 30 minutes... he's part of that baht bus racket they have going on here. One day, Pattaya will get taxis, like bangkok, with meters... and the same run would probably cost 90 baht, like it would have in Bangkok... but HE wasn't happy... he wanted 300, eventhough we agreed on 260. Puh-leese.

The baht bus drivers don't even comprehend the simple business idea of quantity purchasing for less money.

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