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Wife Approved For K3 (cr-1) Visa

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:o My wife had her interview on Friday, 15 June. We booked a hotel a few days before that date as I had to get a public notory stamp for some paperwork. On the day of the interview, she insisted that we get up at 0400hrs and we're at the embassy waiting line by 0530hrs. We ended up being the second group in the line. We finally got in about 0650 and handed in our paperwork and then paid at the cashier for the visa fee, then turned that piece of writ in as well. Within an hour, the place was packed, standing room only (the whole world seems to hate and bash my country but they all still want to live there). At about 1000hrs she was called up for her interview and asked the following questions:

1. Where did you (you and your husband) meet? What was the name of the place?

2. Where did you learn to speak English? (my wife's English is better than most of the university business english students I have taught here).

Then he saw me standig a few feet behind her and beckoned me forward and asked me this question:

1. Answer this following question with a 'yes' or 'no' answer only: Do you have a place of domocile back in the U.S. for you and your wife to live?

-I believed he asked that question as I have been living her for awhile. If any of you get that question, I suggest you answer with just a 'yes' and nothign else.

The man who interviewed her (an American) spoke pretty decent Thai as did most of the Americans I saw working the visa ques. I sill told my wife to speak English when she got to see him and let him decide how they should continue the conversation.

He then had her put her finger on the finger print machine and that is when I knew she would get the visa, verified by the fact that he told us to come back Monday (18 June) at 1500hrs to pick up her visa. He did explain that I should make sure that I have my U.S. driver's license handy as the border agent in the U.S. would want proof that I have been in the state's recently to prove that I could have a domocile-also maybe some letters or mail from my domocile address.

The whole process took 3.5months for us and we were at the U.S. embassy for abou 3.5 hours. I want to thank everybody for their help and will keep you posted on my wife's coming culture shock in the U.S.

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Congratulations. It's after the fact, but it's too bad you waiting in line so early! When you have a scheduled interview, you do not have to wait in line. Of course, in the case of a K3 (CR) visa, she had to be there at 0700 to turn in her paperwork.

Btw, your wife was lucky. My wife did not have her interview until about 1130. Talk about a long wait!

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Congratulations. It's after the fact, but it's too bad you waiting in line so early! When you have a scheduled interview, you do not have to wait in line. Of course, in the case of a K3 (CR) visa, she had to be there at 0700 to turn in her paperwork.

Btw, your wife was lucky. My wife did not have her interview until about 1130. Talk about a long wait!

It went a lot smoother and much quicker than I thought it would. My wife was really sweating it all the way through thinking that it would be worst.

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