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Mae Sai Is Ok

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I'd like to take back what I've said about Mae Sai in recent postings. I said the Immigration officials at the office (1 mile in from the border) were not very helpful and overly subjective. I went there today and their attitude was helpful and professional. I went to apply for a non-immigration type O (retirement) visa.

At first they insisted I had to go out of country to comply. I protested tepidly, and was about to leave the office, when they called me back and found a way to accommodate my request - granting me a 3 month visa for Bt.2,000 fee (to be retrieved picked up at their office in two weeks). I don't know why they couldn't issue it at that moment, but I doth protesteth not.

Near the end of that subsequent 3 month visa, I can apply for a one year 'extension' (that's my understanding anyway). Apparently all can be done without going outside Thailand.

By the way, I had the income verification, but they asked to see a bill of health (I got the paper the day before, no hassles and cheap). The hospital doctor came in, asked me if I was healthy, I said I was. He then scribbled his name on a piece of paper and was gone.

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Although, it's been a while since I last had to walk back and forth the bridge between Mae Sai and Tashilek- brahmburgers way of saying things do urge an input ... First of all, if you're just doing an "ordinary" border run, you don't have to go that immi-office "a mile away" from the border - you just pass the border handing over your passport with its attached departure slip. second off all, guys like brahmburger, trying to do more serious visa-business in a bordertown are just plain fools.

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Although, it's been a while since I last had to walk back and forth the bridge between Mae Sai and Tashilek- brahmburgers way of saying things do urge an input ... First of all, if you're just doing an "ordinary" border run, you don't have to go that immi-office "a mile away" from the border - you just pass the border handing over your passport with its attached departure slip. second off all, guys like brahmburger, trying to do more serious visa-business in a bordertown are just plain fools.

You need to re-read what Brahmburger said. Brahmburger was able to get a Catagory O visa and didn't even have to leave the country to do so. Filled out the paper work and waited two weeks, then went back and picked it all up. I'd say that this was a bit better then being a "plain fool"! Most of us have to go out of the country in order to get a Cat O visa.

And this is accomplished Not at the Immigration border crossing office, but at the head Immigration office one Km back from the border.

I've also seen the Cat O visa in another passport recently of someone else that accomplished the same thing. At first I thought it to be impossible; obtaining a Cat O visa and not have to leave Thailand to do so, but having seen the stamp in the guys passport, I gotta believe. Now Brahmburger has accomplished the same thing. Anyone else out there been able to do likewise either in Mai Sai or elsewhere?

FYI - the passport holder that I know/saw that got the Cat O in Mai Sai, was told do go there by his local Immigration office. When he went to his local Immigration office which is at a border crossing, he was assuming that he would be told to go to his home country (the standard party line) or at the least to go to Singapore. But not to be so; they instructed him to go to Mai Sai Immigration - one Km back from the border crossing.


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I'd like to take back what I've said about Mae Sai in recent postings. I said the Immigration officials at the office (1 mile in from the border) were not very helpful and overly subjective. I went there today and their attitude was helpful and professional. I went to apply for a non-immigration type O (retirement) visa.

At first they insisted I had to go out of country to comply. I protested tepidly, and was about to leave the office, when they called me back and found a way to accommodate my request - granting me a 3 month visa for Bt.2,000 fee (to be retrieved picked up at their office in two weeks). I don't know why they couldn't issue it at that moment, but I doth protesteth not.

Near the end of that subsequent 3 month visa, I can apply for a one year 'extension' (that's my understanding anyway). Apparently all can be done without going outside Thailand.

By the way, I had the income verification, but they asked to see a bill of health (I got the paper the day before, no hassles and cheap). The hospital doctor came in, asked me if I was healthy, I said I was. He then scribbled his name on a piece of paper and was gone.

i am glad your opinion of the mae sai immigration office as changed,i have allways found them very helpful even when my paperwork was not in order.

the 2,000 baht you paid was to change whatever visa you had (if any ) to a non immigrant 0 visa in order for you to apply for a retirement visa

i think why they issued you a 3 month visa is because they want to see if you have the required 800,00

baht that MUST be left in your account for 3 months before they will issue a retirement visa

the rule is you must have 800,000 baht in your account for 3 months before you apply,when you have your visa then you can use your money for what ever purpose you what as long as when you apply next time your bank book must show 800,000 for 3 months prior

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brahms, it's good to hear that you've had a better experience with the locals, that you're not talking about the border crossing itself, that you are getting the retirement visa, etc. Congratulations.

I thought we didn't need medical checks at all (they're not very meaningful anyway), but it's good to have one as part of the package we present to the officer, because you never know what his list of required documentation will be. Likewise, if you qualify based on pension income, it doesn't hurt to also have a bank statement so they can see you're not penniless by the end of the month.

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Although, it's been a while since I last had to walk back and forth the bridge between Mae Sai and Tashilek- brahmburgers way of saying things do urge an input ... First of all, if you're just doing an "ordinary" border run, you don't have to go that immi-office "a mile away" from the border - you just pass the border handing over your passport with its attached departure slip. second off all, guys like brahmburger, trying to do more serious visa-business in a bordertown are just plain fools.

You need to re-read what Brahmburger said. Brahmburger was able to get a Catagory O visa and didn't even have to leave the country to do so. Filled out the paper work and waited two weeks, then went back and picked it all up. I'd say that this was a bit better then being a "plain fool"! Most of us have to go out of the country in order to get a Cat O visa.

And this is accomplished Not at the Immigration border crossing office, but at the head Immigration office one Km back from the border.

I've also seen the Cat O visa in another passport recently of someone else that accomplished the same thing. At first I thought it to be impossible; obtaining a Cat O visa and not have to leave Thailand to do so, but having seen the stamp in the guys passport, I gotta believe. Now Brahmburger has accomplished the same thing. Anyone else out there been able to do likewise either in Mai Sai or elsewhere?

FYI - the passport holder that I know/saw that got the Cat O in Mai Sai, was told do go there by his local Immigration office. When he went to his local Immigration office which is at a border crossing, he was assuming that he would be told to go to his home country (the standard party line) or at the least to go to Singapore. But not to be so; they instructed him to go to Mai Sai Immigration - one Km back from the border crossing.


to cyberstar

if you are happy doing border runs without a visa for 3x30 days and then leaving the country to get a tourist visa thats ok

but some of us who live in thailand would prefer to apply for a one year marriage/retirement visa

for the past 15 years i have applied at mae sai immigration office for a marriage visa,allways had my visa granted and never had any need to leave the country.

to david 2up

yes you can now turn a border stamp or tourist visa into a non immigrant 0 visa for a fee of 2,000baht

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re; money requirements: I had the paper from US consulate in C.Mai attesting a sufficient monthly income (to comply with retirement visa stipulations) and Mae Sai officials were appreciative of that. I made a prior color copy of it (to retain the little red official stamp from the consulate). Mae Sai also asked for a Thai bank book. I had one, but didn't think to bring it - as it happned, it didn't matter.

The gist of my little story is; it is possible to attain retirement visa in Mae Sai without having to leave the country - even if coming off of an existing 30-day entry renewed visa (which I was). Though it's better if you're coming off of a more substantial type visa (tourist or otherwise). Ironically, I like going in to Tatchilek, it's quite a pleasant change from Thai towns. I bring my bicycle in there and once biked clandestinely past a couple internal border crossings - several hours north to Dalai.

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1. OP was able to obtain a non immigrant O visa at the normal 2,000 baht cost and I suspect having less than the normal 21 days remaining on his permitted to stay stamp (which is probably the reason for delay in final issue). Sounds as if he was treated well to me.

2. There have been several reports that immigration, at least some, are still requesting medical for first time applicants. It is not being requested, from any reports, for renewals.

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