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A Tribute To The Beauty Of The Thai Woman


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The ironic thing is when a bloke who is less than adonis-like (beaten by the ugly stick) sits on his fat bahooky making judgemental comments about a womans physicalities. The mind boggles on that one!

But before i come across as too cynical, good for you torito for feeling so inspired by the beauty around you! Im glad for you. :D

Torito is a connaisseur of dark eyed beauties, listen to him!

Eeek, you're talking about me when you mention ugly stick and I don't judge anyone on their looks (or lack of them).

My only plus point is, I'm not fat, otherwise I could represent England in the ugly olympics and win at least bronze.

"But I have observed in life that the market in insincerity is dominated by vain, beautiful people."


You describe my ex-wife and her younger sister to a tee.

My ex was assitant manager of the BKK Amari then later. General manager of Mercedes Benz Of BKK. We were married 8 years Excellent business woman but like her younger sister of three years not a "lick of common sense between them."

Both were total "knock outs." Their world though was cosmetics, jewelry. clothes and super stars. Maybe not atypical for teens but for grown woman?

Here in Southern California we call them "Valley Girls", "air heads."

"But I have observed in life that the market in insincerity is dominated by vain, beautiful people. -Qwertz

How true it is.

Let's face it most of these girls are merely commodities to their families, even in Hi - so circles.

If a fat bald farang goes to Pattaya or wherever it is consumerism plain and simple. These girls do have a choice and many choose to be whores.

I say more power to these guys. Have your fantasy vacation in an adult Disney land then get back to the real world, or not.

Most other Thai women look down on these girls and call them, "bad girls."

Utility and sanuke is the principle in this venue and it's what Thailand is famous for.

Please let's not beat around the bush. Shave it!!!

I say to these old farts "knock 'em down like bowling pins." Please always use a condom.

Finally for me Thai woman are the most beautiful in the world. I have lived in Brazil, Japan and Puerto Rico so I've been around. I just like the "Taste of Thai."

For now Thai girls are my play things. If you don't like it all I can say is a hearty #### ###.

Thai girls rule... :D

Well they're good for something... :o

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Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Montreal, and China, compete well in the eye candy department.

But most of those ladies aren’t for rent. And neither are the real class 10’s that inhabit LOS. I understand there some deals on high 8’s though.

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I think we can all agree that there are attractive and unattractive people in every country. Where we might quibble is in the attractive/unattractive ratio by country. I think Thailand has a much higher proportion of attractive woman than many other countries, but that is just my opinion, and there are those who would not agree. To each his own!

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I deliveratedly ignored the matters associated with relationship and intellectuality and focus exclusivelly in the physical beauty. The one which makes the faragn men to look again, and the farang women to admire and observe.

My point is that in here the percentage of attractive woman is significant. I have lived in Southamerica, Europe, Africa and Asia. You can find attractive women everywhere. But I have never seen so many attractive women even in the low social economic group.

It is a simple point. And expression of wander!..and I am happy to feel it with this simplicity becuase it is as simple as that. If somebody wants to see this matter in a more deep context then it is also ok for me. I have no time to worry about it.

I do not categorize flowers when I walk in a garden. It looses the romance. I just appreciate them. I leave the judgement to the botanician.

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So LOS has a high proportion of good lookers.

Big deal if that's all you want from a partner.

Here's an offer to all BMs - toss me your unwanted plain girls with brains and breeding.

Throw in all your unwanted farang women (many of whom I find adequately interesting) too.

Just an intro will do, I can then wing it alone.

When I was younger and well funded I made a career of dating pretty bimbos.

With very few exceptions they were eminently forgettable.

Their modern day counterparts are now working the bars in places like Pattaya and Phuket.

Sorry fellas (and ladies) if this view offends but quite apart from the horizontal aspect I like good company and a bit of intelligent conversation.

If I could get this in the beer bars I'd rate LOS and its women as number one in the world.

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I am always amazed at how quickly these kinds of threads become cliche. Someone who wants to discuss or accentuate the positive :
Many things have been said about Thai ladies and Thai people in general, but in here I just was to make tribute to the beauty of this people. I love woman, but I guess that those who love man also have a parallel feeling.

No other country in the world has such a high percentage of beautiful ladies in the lowest socio economic classes, like in here. Wherever you go in the city, the market, the shopping center or in the country areas always is possible to see beautiful woman, charming smiles, tenderness and attractiveness.

I want for a moment to forget the unpleasant, in there is any, and just acknowledge the meaning of their presence, their smile, their look, their charming and their courage on my eyes and my senses.

I have been privileged in this life to witness and experienced their beauty. Many, many man in this world would give an arm for that, if only they could image what it is like. I am grateful and humble for that.

is immediately replaced by someone else who has no better idea than to slag off an entire population of women:

Having traveled all continents and many countries, I tend to agree with the OP. There is no other country than Thailand and there is no other city than Bangkok where you see so many lovely, beautiful girls.

In Europe it seems to me, women just take pride in being ugly and badly dressed, no nice hair done, behaving like men ...

Do I sound like a male chauvinist pig? Well, that's what these above mentioned women want you to believe, so they can go on and so I am guilty as charged.

It happens every single time. Its a pity some men can't figure out that it is possible to praise Thai women without resorting to nastiness to Western women.

I reckon all these negative comments are coming from the bitten by the bg crowd, they sound very experienced,and thanks to them for keeping those in need of this information ,. :o
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Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Montreal, and China, compete well in the eye candy department.

But most of those ladies aren’t for rent. And neither are the real class 10’s that inhabit LOS. I understand there some deals on high 8’s though.

If it flys, floats, or f*cks it is usually better and cheaper to rent than buy regardless of the country . Fortunately for most farangs in LOS this works out very well for them .

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and in the eyes of this beholder, Thailand has more physical beauty walking the streets than my eyes have seen in almost any other country of the world. It is indeed an'eye candy' paradise.

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...Sorry fellas (and ladies) if this view offends but quite apart from the horizontal aspect I like good company and a bit of intelligent conversation...

That's what your good buddies (mates as you english chaps would say) are for. Beautiful women are designed for other things... :D

All seriousness aside, I tend to agree with the OP. Born in Puerto Rico, travelled the world, and lived in SoCal most of my life so I've seen my share of beauties, but Thai women in general are blessed with what are in my opinion the sexiest physical characteristics known to mankind, complemented in most cases by a rather pleasant way of presenting themselves.

I make no judgement on their intellectual capacities or lack thereof, as that would be off topic and irrelevant anyway, since if I'm looking for an interesting debate on current events or the meaning of life I'll probably head to the pub instead of the bedroom.

To be more specific about what I personally find attractive about Thai ladies, may I submit for your consideration their amazing petite hourglass figures (tiny waists combined with perfectly proportioned hips and round firm gluteii -- yummmm!), thick manes of silky jet black hair, sublimely soft honey colored skin, ultra clean, tidy, sweet smelling private parts, and... well... y'all get my drift, eh?


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Fair comment, JJ, and a mouth watering description.

But every country has its quota of thick waisted, stumpy legged, stocky women too.

They're commonly known as the workers who keep the wheels of industry turning.

No hope for the plain janes of becoming the protegee of a prosperous farang .

They're all out there clocking the stunners and vying for place.

Besides, the pretty ones who are born poor there have a commodity which is not only short lived but can soon become a burden.

Unless they have special talents they'll be shovelled into the machine to use the only thing they have to offer.

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To be more specific about what I personally find attractive about Thai ladies, may I submit for your consideration their amazing petite hourglass figures (tiny waists combined with perfectly proportioned hips and round firm gluteii -- yummmm!), thick manes of silky jet black hair, sublimely soft honey colored skin, ultra clean, tidy, sweet smelling private parts, and... well... y'all get my drift, eh?


Kudos to you jing jing. I can see that you are indeed a connoisseur of fine women. It could not have been written better. :D

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Fair comment, JJ, and a mouth watering description.

But every country has its quota of thick waisted, stumpy legged, stocky women too.

They're commonly known as the workers who keep the wheels of industry turning.

No hope for the plain janes of becoming the protegee of a prosperous farang .

They're all out there clocking the stunners and vying for place.

Besides, the pretty ones who are born poor there have a commodity which is not only short lived but can soon become a burden.

Unless they have special talents they'll be shovelled into the machine to use the only thing they have to offer.

Would love to debate the topic re: the universal exploitation of poor, beautiful women with you at a biergarten of your choosing, Herr qwertz (BTW shouldn't that be qwerty or have I been reading too much Nabokov? :o ) but on the topic at hand - a tribute to the beauty of Thai women - you are thinking a bit too much, or maybe just thinking with the big head rather than the small head as this thread has inspired me to do.


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It's a German keyboard, z and y are reversed.

I ask why here and nobody knows.

To the biergarten invite - yes.

Don't let my location fool you, I'm an expat Brit .

You're right, I think too much.

But I pay a woman for her company over there, if I must, although I admit I'm still rather partial to the horizontal congress too.

And the latter is much more available than the former, I regret to say.

I wish I could get both in the package more often.

Edited by qwertz
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To the OP, I agree to a piont, Thai ladies seem very easy to smile back, but they don't have the manopaly in beauty. There are many countries around the world that have ladies that will smile back and also have great looks. But Thai is my choice also :o

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I used to agree that Thailand had the highest ratio of decent looking women in the world. However after living in Seoul for a while there is no comparison... as good as Thailand is , Korea is miles miles better! Add to that the fashion of micro skirts even in the winter.

Seriously the amount of extremly attractive women in Korea is just staggering!

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On behalf of the more sensible and mature men on Thaivisa, eek, I would like to apologise for this thread.

Now that it's descending into the pornographic ("sweet-smelling private parts" - <deleted>?) perhaps the it can be transferred to one of the more prurient web forums devoted to Bangkok and Thailand's night life.

I seem to have stumbled into a fourteen year old boys locker room.

How embarassing.

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I used to agree that Thailand had the highest ratio of decent looking women in the world. However after living in Seoul for a while there is no comparison... as good as Thailand is , Korea is miles miles better! Add to that the fashion of micro skirts even in the winter.

Seriously the amount of extremly attractive women in Korea is just staggering!

I've heard the natives are bad-mannered and aggressive. If that's true, what's the point of being there - notwithstanding a high-paying job - if the millions of beauties make you feel as welcome as a fart in an astronaut's suit? :o

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I used to agree that Thailand had the highest ratio of decent looking women in the world. However after living in Seoul for a while there is no comparison... as good as Thailand is , Korea is miles miles better! Add to that the fashion of micro skirts even in the winter.

Seriously the amount of extremly attractive women in Korea is just staggering!

I've heard the natives are bad-mannered and aggressive. If that's true, what's the point of being there - notwithstanding a high-paying job - if the millions of beauties make you feel as welcome as a fart in an astronaut's suit? :o

Well, apart from a few idiots you get everywhere, thats simply not true - a different culture to Thailand for sure, but by no means unwelcoming.

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On behalf of the more sensible and mature men on Thaivisa, eek, I would like to apologise for this thread.

Now that it's descending into the pornographic ("sweet-smelling private parts" - <deleted>?) perhaps the it can be transferred to one of the more prurient web forums devoted to Bangkok and Thailand's night life.

I seem to have stumbled into a fourteen year old boys locker room.

How embarassing.

Agreed, this development is not appropriate for ThaiVisa.


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