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Apology Because I Lost My Temper


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After reading your post, I think you are right. I want to break up with my b/f. What should I do? Can you help me? Maybe he will move out if you come talk to him or I can come stay with you for a few weeks. What do you suggest?

Edited by MTW
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After reading your post, I think you are right. I want to break up with my b/f. What should I do? Can you help me? Maybe he will move out if you come talk to him or I can come stay with you for a few weeks. What do you suggest?

:D It is not that I don't have a guest room upstairs, but I think you would find it way to boring here, no dayli disasters to deal with :o , and your dogs could bark without the estate turning into the OK Corral, I don't know you well enough to travel all the way to CM to rid you of your BF, but if you bring him down here to Pattaya I'm sure we could rustle up some Police/Mafia to negotiate with him on his own terms, just don't expect me to get involved in person, I am retired, the only looneys, apart from myself, i'm prepared to deal with these days, is the ones on the bar stool next to me, one or two times a week, and we drink shoots. :D

Kind regards :D

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You drink shoots or shots???

Well, maybe next time you are in CM you can come and take my crazy man away for me. Until then I will just have to suffer as usual, but thanks anyway.

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Or if you would like a vacation in CM, I have many guestrooms you and your family could stay in while you help me, just in case you really want to. I could pour the shoots/ shots as you like?

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Anybody know the medical term for a compulsive attention seeker? :o

I think anyone who uses 'I' forty times in a post should qualify...

Sorry but that is just rude. :D

Why are you saying sorry? Have you actually read any of her posts?

The way she has to reiterate everything from previous posts and then gets snappy with people who offer advice by saying these events happened years ago and she doesn't need advice.

And as above where she seems to think she should be treated with respect because she considers herself better educated and wealthier than 99% of the population of Thailand, for most people on this forum that would be considered trolling. She doesn't though.

Arrogance? Ignorance? It never ceases to surprise me how often one goes with the other.

As I said it's just another MTW thread, I saw her sniffing around the ashes of the last thread after it got closed and no-one else was about, and hey presto! another thread starts and here we are again talking about her favorite subject, herself.

I'd like to see the real MTW emerge and given time it will happen, I've seen it before, and I bet she's not as guiltless or unoffending as she would like to make out.

So, does anybody know the medical term for compulsive attention seeker?

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Oh Gee Robski, thanks for pulling by blankets, yes, I "was sniffing aroung the last thread" because I was thinking I would apologize there, and found it closed, so I started a new one. WOW, what a great detective you are! By the way, no matter if you like it or not, I am better educated than 99% of the population here, that is a fact, look it up, how many people have the equivalent of a doctorate here??? If that bothers you, maybe you feel bad because you don't have much education, and should go back to school. I don't have to hide my education because it makes you feel bad. I also happen to be a second class citizen because I am a woman, and I guess you are not, so guess what, lucky you, in this country, you are better than me, so I will bow down to you, and give you the respect you deserve. Now why don't you stop bugging me and find something better to do with your very worthy time?

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Or if you would like a vacation in CM, I have many guestrooms you and your family could stay in while you help me, just in case you really want to. I could pour the shoots/ shots as you like?

MTW I am not a native English speaker so the odd mistake slips in here and there, anyway when you are down low enough to be nitpicking grammar it is time for bed MTW.

I thank you for your kind offer but we have our own "Ripleys believe it or not :D " here in Pattaya, and we do have occasional shootings as well :o

I can appreciate you getting defensive about your boyfriend, that is very nice of you.

Kind regards :D

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Oh Gee Robski, thanks for pulling by blankets, yes, I "was sniffing aroung the last thread" because I was thinking I would apologize there, and found it closed, so I started a new one. WOW, what a great detective you are! By the way, no matter if you like it or not, I am better educated than 99% of the population here, that is a fact, look it up, how many people have the equivalent of a doctorate here??? If that bothers you, maybe you feel bad because you don't have much education, and should go back to school. I don't have to hide my education because it makes you feel bad. I also happen to be a second class citizen because I am a woman, and I guess you are not, so guess what, lucky you, in this country, you are better than me, so I will bow down to you, and give you the respect you deserve. Now why don't you stop bugging me and find something better to do with your very worthy time?

After metioning you have a doctorate. I must admit, your english is getting better. :o

Anyway, I hope you keep posting, I enjoy reading your threads.

They get people talking, and keep some of us entertained.

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Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean, I just thought it was funny, with all the gun talk, the drinking talk, and what I thought was just a typo with shoots/shots. I make plenty of typos myself and being rather good at English, I think, was even, of all things, asked recently, where did I learn my English? So, sorry, just joking around pal!!

Edited by MTW
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Oh Gee Robski, thanks for pulling by blankets, yes, I "was sniffing aroung the last thread" because I was thinking I would apologize there, and found it closed, so I started a new one. WOW, what a great detective you are! By the way, no matter if you like it or not, I am better educated than 99% of the population here, that is a fact, look it up, how many people have the equivalent of a doctorate here??? If that bothers you, maybe you feel bad because you don't have much education, and should go back to school. I don't have to hide my education because it makes you feel bad. I also happen to be a second class citizen because I am a woman, and I guess you are not, so guess what, lucky you, in this country, you are better than me, so I will bow down to you, and give you the respect you deserve. Now why don't you stop bugging me and find something better to do with your very worthy time?

As I said give it time and the real MTW will emerge. I certainly don't feel bad because you have more education than me, it is you that makes the point of being better educated than everyone else. Your doctorate didn't help you achive any common sense, and the pity that you contrive from forum members with your tales of woe, pales in comparison to the pity I have for your lack of empathy with the people who's country you live in.

"I don't have to hide my education" Really MTW?, when are you going to start showing it.

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"who's country" means who is ... just so you know but thanks for your concern about me.

I started to answer the other things but then just stopped, they are too stupid, I have not taken on all of Thailand as my enemy so I don't know what you are talking about. You don't know what nice things I do for people or don't do as I don't talk about them here.

As I said before, why don't you worry less about the "REAL ME" and worry more about some other worthy cause. I am not in need of your concern but there are many people and animals in Thailand who are. But thanks for trying to care so much!

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Did it take you a doctorate to see that? I shall correct it, whose. And i don't see how you could construe my last post as showing concern for you.

Still it is all about you which is the most important thing to... er, you.

I guess there is still time to prove your superior intellect, it's quite extraordinary that you assume people should automatically understand that you are better educated than them and should therefore be more respectful, surely it's your actions in everyday life that should garner respect and your ability to understand your enviroment and the people within it would prove your intelligence. That's how it works for the other 99% of us.

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Thanks johnsurin, the jail where I used to stay had a very good educational program and the mafia bosses were good to me, and the dogs kept the noise down so I could sometimes hear the lessons. But I sometimes make typos and there doesn't seem to be a program that works to correct our writing here like in most programs. And of course we have the difference between UK and American and I just learned the other night the a full stop means period. And that some people can't see the periods that I type for some reason, as well, some people have never read Russian novels. Imagine that!

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MTW, my English has to be 100% for my job but I'm one lousy typist and I can't afford errors.

As a tip to you and larvidchr or anyone else, can I suggest, if you have WORD or similar, typing it as a WORD file.

Then you can tidy it up through spell check and send it or transfer it as a file.

And larvidchr, I make more mistakes typing German than you do with English.

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Robski, I sometimes type there, when I mean their, or here when I mean hear, it doesn't mean I don't know the difference, some people do the same as me and know the difference, and some people do not. I don't know which one you are. But I would hope one doesn't need an advanced degree to know. However, maybe it would depend on what you degree is in. You could be very smart and educated in one thing, and not pay attention at all to spelling, and that doesn't mean you are stupid. It also doesn't mean you are stupid if you have no advanced degree or no degree at all, you could be rather very, very smart, but never went to school. I could also, have no common sense that could serve me in Thailand, in certain situations, but maybe could save your life in Los Angeles. My Thai b/f's 75 year old farmer father might be able to save my life in Thailand, in some situations, even though he barely went to 3-4 years of school, yet his kids have masters degrees from NY schools, so who is to say what is better, it all depends where, and when and what is the situation.

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I was rather incensed that you had the affront to ask Larvid to save you from your boyfriend, MTW. Based on Larvid's posts, he is a true gentleman; your request is a travesty of forum friendship, IMO. After the mafia/gun scenario, I doubt anyone will be offering to rescue you unless his name is Rambo.

Quite strange that you have regaled us with the wonders of your b/f who pays the Bt35,000 rent (you mean he took the envelope with the money over?) and that your mafia and educational connections are good.??

Your typos are bearable, but I thought that you said you were a lawyer before? Don't know any lawyers that say "better than me" or "some people do the same as me". Forgive me, some people speak better English than I do.

Anyway, wish you well in sorting out your dramas. I do expect that extracting yourself from the clutches of your bf will not be easy, especially as I surmise that he knows where your new home is. I've heard that Bali is nice.

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Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean, I just thought it was funny, with all the gun talk, the drinking talk, and what I thought was just a typo with shoots/shots. I make plenty of typos myself and being rather good at English, I think, was even, of all things, asked recently, where did I learn my English? So, sorry, just joking around pal!!

I think Bendix joked about "fake teeth" rather than saying caps, crowns, dentures, whatever. Hey, we all use cute language on this forum to get a grin.

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Oh sorry, I wasn't trying to be mean, I just thought it was funny, with all the gun talk, the drinking talk, and what I thought was just a typo with shoots/shots. I make plenty of typos myself and being rather good at English, I think, was even, of all things, asked recently, where did I learn my English? So, sorry, just joking around pal!!

MTW, my other char (she's dead in the forum now) has been flamed numerous times for talking about guns.

In real life, friends and even the guy I'm dating sometimes do not get me. Most of them prolly think I'm stupid, an air-head or a blond. I can't read maps and don't remember map locations, I'm too easy going, too nice, too bubbly. I've learned to just laugh at myself with them because they are sometimes right. I am who I am. I know how I think and I know what I'm made of, so I don't worry too much about what others think. (As long as I'm partying, having fun, livening it up, and not stepping on anyone's toes.......... I guess, I'm doing OK.)

There are times when I find it hard to sleep. Music seems to help me relax and gradually fall asleep.

I'm sorry about the flaming. My other char (she's dead in the forum now) used to tell the truth, but majority refused to believe her and her posts. It's a weird and wild world, after all.

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I was rather incensed that you had the affront to ask Larvid to save you from your boyfriend, MTW. Based on Larvid's posts, he is a true gentleman; your request is a travesty of forum friendship, IMO. After the mafia/gun scenario, I doubt anyone will be offering to rescue you unless his name is Rambo.

Quite strange that you have regaled us with the wonders of your b/f who pays the Bt35,000 rent (you mean he took the envelope with the money over?) and that your mafia and educational connections are good.??

Your typos are bearable, but I thought that you said you were a lawyer before? Don't know any lawyers that say "better than me" or "some people do the same as me". Forgive me, some people speak better English than I do.

Anyway, wish you well in sorting out your dramas. I do expect that extracting yourself from the clutches of your bf will not be easy, especially as I surmise that he knows where your new home is. I've heard that Bali is nice.

Talking about RAMBO . I just saw him on the 8th of may checkin in at Chiangmai airport . Was behind me at the bag control.

True story , maybe MTW was just to late for asking RAMBO to feel compassion for her situation .

By the way he was much bigger then I thought , Rambo was tough looking .

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MTW, It takes a lot of guts to expose yourself in TV land. But it takes even more guts to apologise for a lapse of judgement. I admire you for doing that.

Kudos to you for doing that.

bendix, im totally dissapointed in you as you are the only guy that dont suck up to people on this forum and now you go and write this lot of <deleted>. :D

you need to lift your game mate as thats embarrasing to read. :D

and just to keep on topic and the top reply is,

***personal abuse removed***

jesssuuus, it aint very bloody hard is it. :o

thank you very much.

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I enjoy reading your posts, so I would say to ignore the mean comments! You certainly don't always do what I would do in the same situation, but at least you're never boring. :o I don't agree with everything you say, but I do find many of your posts about class/gender/culture in Thailand very insightful, because you often look at things in a different way.

I'm new to this forum, but I've been on other forums before, and there's a certain kind of man online that enjoys putting down women for the slightest mistake or problem that they wouldn't even notice in another man, never mind make nasty remarks about. This is not all men, obviously, as many are lovely, supportive, polite, kind, etc, etc. But some.

With respect to some Thais not respecting you because you are female, especially "lower class" Thais -- I would venture to say that language might play a part in this, if you are not fluent in Thai.

I never realized how big of a part language fluency plays in our perception of someone's intelligence until I found myself in a strange country, feeling dumb because I was trying to communicate with the vocabulary of a 3 year old. Then I looked back at how I perceived foreign students at my uni, for example, who were educated people and fluent in their own language but struggled to express themselves in English. Even if consciously I realized they were smart, educated people, in the back of my mind, I couldn't help having this impression that they weren't very bright because they couldn't express themselves well.

I have insomnia as well, which is why I have time to write such long posts! :D

But I say, ignore the haters, and enjoy your own life!

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I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. I'm back on TV after a few days & can't believe some of the responses I'm reading on many threads. Is there something in the water in Thailand at the mo? (I'm in HK, so just wondering...) There seems to be a lot of members who are feeling more than a bit mean at the present time. Ignore it. Live your life & have fun. :D :D

Check the size off the moon-same thing every mounth, have bin watching this happen for many years.

Its not people getting crazy, theres just a little more energy and it's easy to be more intence(?). In 15 days folks will be to lazy to even respond :o

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I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. I'm back on TV after a few days & can't believe some of the responses I'm reading on many threads. Is there something in the water in Thailand at the mo? (I'm in HK, so just wondering...) There seems to be a lot of members who are feeling more than a bit mean at the present time. Ignore it. Live your life & have fun. :D :D

Check the size off the moon-same thing every mounth, have bin watching this happen for many years.

Its not people getting crazy, theres just a little more energy and it's easy to be more intence(?). In 15 days folks will be to lazy to even respond :o

D'you know, I've never bothered to see if there's a correlation, but you can bet next month, I'll be looking for signs of 'intensity' on here! :bah::D Interesting idea! :D

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Well for me it's not the moon, it's the heat, I find myself staying in the house with the aircon, not taking my sanity rides. There are times I have to walk away for the forums. I call it going into my cave, till I hopefully I get my humor back. I read but don't post till I calm down. Amazing how someone you don't even know or will ever see, can get you angry. I really think this time aof year we might be on the net more then the other times. The best stress relief I have is a good bike ride at least once a week. To busy trying to stay alive to worry about someone whom I don't even know, thoughts.

Without a doubt the internet definetly has an impact on our lives these days.

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The problem also, i think, is how easily you can missread something. Sometimes when i re-read an opening thread im surprised at how different my perspective may be. I thank heavens for smilies/emotions, without which im sure many of my posts would be misread (probably still are even with them!)

Now, back in 5, theres a moon with my name on it and i have some howling to do.

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