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What Is Sex Education Like In Thailand?


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And it's another topic where it's important during hiring (if foreign-taught) to ask explicitly about the teacher's attitudes towards birth control, contraception, and safe-sex information. A lot of foreign stealth "Christian" health teachers out there with that "just say no" attitude that can cause a lot of damage to kids' futures.

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Here is an illustrated book i found online yesterday that shows where babies come from, if someone wants to use it. my thai friends know remarkably little about sex. they say they never learned in school, and they don't really talk openly about it like us americans do.
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Here is an illustrated book i found online yesterday that shows where babies come from, if someone wants to use it. my thai friends know remarkably little about sex. they say they never learned in school, and they don't really talk openly about it like us americans do.

Sooooo. That's how the Germans do it! :o

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Here is an illustrated book i found online yesterday that shows where babies come from, if someone wants to use it. my thai friends know remarkably little about sex. they say they never learned in school, and they don't really talk openly about it like us americans do.

Sooooo. That's how the Germans do it! :o

The stork drops the baby down the chimney, doesn't he? Same as Santa Claus & your toys. Don't tell anyone that most Thai houses have no chimneys.

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What is Sex Education like these days ? I noticed lots of people talk about the low - grade old style sex ed they had in their home countries growing up, but thats like back in the 50's/60's.. about 5 years ago in high school there was the Human Sexuality unit, which STI's, contraceptives, sexual orientation, all the way down to practicing putting a condom on a dildo and frank discussions about sexual freedom, and having an enjoyable sex life being sexually communicative with your partners. I am personally unsure what sex-ed is like in the tropics but its got to be pretty drastic differences from say the public education system in Isaan compared to a private bi-lingual school in Bangkok. That being said, i've meet some pretty sexually expressive girls from Bangkok schools, but these days the majority of people ( not necessarily Thai people, but a lot of them included for sure) are growing up and being exposed to sex and sex themes non stop be it in the media, music videos (soft core porn much??), and probably the biggest difference maker, the internet. The Thai media itself has been reporting in the last few years the rising trends of average young city girls hitting clubs to "score" with young foreigners. Lots of my Thai friends ( male/female) who are in Thai on Thai relationships have been hassling me to procure them or copy them or direct them where to get foreign pornography as they are so sick of Japanese porn. So think about how many people (especially in a place like Thailand) are growing up on/with hyperbolic foreign ( american? ) pornography and thinking thats what sex is. When i think of Thailand compared with say where i come from or even america, with their bible thumping tactics and rampant reactionaries running around spreading bullshit, Thailand always seems way way way more open.. hmm this seems to be getting way off track, but yeah its hard to say what sex education is like in Thailand.

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:o:D :D :D :D

Sex Ed in Thailand???? :bah:

Seriously doubt much goes on!!!

It is practiced round the clock in Thailand.

Practiced from an early age (but obviously with little knowledge of the probable outcome) attested to by the number of Thai females that have at least one offspring home at mums. This is not meant as put down in any way just relaying what seems to be the actual facts of the matter.

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What is Sex Education like these days ? I noticed lots of people talk about the low - grade old style sex ed they had in their home countries growing up, but thats like back in the 50's/60's.. about 5 years ago in high school there was the Human Sexuality unit, which STI's, contraceptives, sexual orientation, all the way down to practicing putting a condom on a dildo and frank discussions about sexual freedom, and having an enjoyable sex life being sexually communicative with your partners.

Hey cool,

I still find it pretty interesting to hear about what sex ed was like in the 50s and 60s! But it sounds like the class you had was very good. What country was this in?

In my case, I had sex ed in primary school, and then a few years ago, I took a human sexuality class at university. This was an elective class, so you everyone didn't have to take it, but it was amazing. We talked about the female/male anatomy, hormones, human development (from conception to childood), gender. Gender was really interesting because we talked about transgendered people, transvestites, and also people who have male genes but look female, or are missing part of their female genes, etc, etc (there's all these weird cases). Oh yeah, there was apparently a class on sexual positions where they showed porn (I'm not even kidding), but I missed that class. The prof also did a big survey of people's sexual behavior, and they would reveal some of the findings every class ("40% of people think you should wait until marriage for sex" "30% of the class are still virgins", etc). She also talked about what makes people attracted to each other, and how to give pleasure to your partner.

But yeah, it was definitely a bit more than I see high schools covering! :o

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And it's another topic where it's important during hiring (if foreign-taught) to ask explicitly about the teacher's attitudes towards birth control, contraception, and safe-sex information. A lot of foreign stealth "Christian" health teachers out there with that "just say no" attitude that can cause a lot of damage to kids' futures.

Are there a lot of these people in Thailand? Strange destination for them! :o

These people cause a lot of damage, I agree. I was shocked to read that many sex ed programs in public U.S. schools preach that abstinence is the only way. But the small-minded fundamentalists behind this aren't content to feed this bulls* to kids at home, they're exporting it! US aid to fight AIDS in Africa has conditions attached to it: at least 1/3 of the money has to be devoted to programs that promote abstinence as the only real way to prevent HIV. Programs that received funds also have to sign a formal document agreeing to condemn prostitution.

This touches Thailand as well, as they receive some funds from the US to fight AIDS, (I think the program is called PEPFAR) and educating prostitutes about condom use has played a big role in reducing HIV rates in the LOS. Now these programs either have to turn down US funding, or turn their backs on helping prostitutes, who play a key role in HIV prevention, given how widespread the sex trade is in LOS. (Not just farang-Thai situations, but also situations like "man from the provinces goes to BKK to work, sleeps with HIV positive hooker from a karaoke bar, goes back home to the village, gives HIV to his wife, etc, etc ... and it all gets worse...)

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And it's another topic where it's important during hiring (if foreign-taught) to ask explicitly about the teacher's attitudes towards birth control, contraception, and safe-sex information. A lot of foreign stealth "Christian" health teachers out there with that "just say no" attitude that can cause a lot of damage to kids' futures.

Glad you could get that knock in there.

But back on topic, I've seen reports in the news the last couple of years about an emphasis in Thailand on sex-ed and teaching young people the proper way to use condoms.

Edited by Jimjim
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When I was young I used to suck my thumb all the time until one day my mum said "If you don't stop sucking your thumb your stomach will bet bigger and bigger and one day you'll explode. I stopped sucking my thumb and the next day I saw a pregnant woman on the street. I gave her a little wink and a smile and said "Naughty girl... I know what you've been doing".

That was my sex ed.

Anyway I talked to a Thai girl recently and she firmly believed that if she just shared a bed with a man and slept with him (no sex) she would get pregnant. She also had the same belief that Thai women change their blood every month and therefore have difficulty in picking up HIV. She also firmly believed that if you ever have sex with more than one person you'd get HIV. When I asked why people used condoms she didn't know. Oh I forgot to mention the girl was about 30 years old and as far as I know had a reasonable education.

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Anyway I talked to a Thai girl recently and she firmly believed that if she just shared a bed with a man and slept with him (no sex) she would get pregnant. She also had the same belief that Thai women change their blood every month and therefore have difficulty in picking up HIV. She also firmly believed that if you ever have sex with more than one person you'd get HIV. When I asked why people used condoms she didn't know. Oh I forgot to mention the girl was about 30 years old and as far as I know had a reasonable education.

thats laughable.

and you believe she was telling the truth or taking the piss out of you? :o or maybe making herself sound more "virginal"...

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And it's another topic where it's important during hiring (if foreign-taught) to ask explicitly about the teacher's attitudes towards birth control, contraception, and safe-sex information. A lot of foreign stealth "Christian" health teachers out there with that "just say no" attitude that can cause a lot of damage to kids' futures.

Are there a lot of these people in Thailand? Strange destination for them! :o

These people cause a lot of damage, I agree. I was shocked to read that many sex ed programs in public U.S. schools preach that abstinence is the only way. But the small-minded fundamentalists behind this aren't content to feed this bulls* to kids at home, they're exporting it! US aid to fight AIDS in Africa has conditions attached to it: at least 1/3 of the money has to be devoted to programs that promote abstinence as the only real way to prevent HIV. Programs that received funds also have to sign a formal document agreeing to condemn prostitution.

This touches Thailand as well, as they receive some funds from the US to fight AIDS, (I think the program is called PEPFAR) and educating prostitutes about condom use has played a big role in reducing HIV rates in the LOS. Now these programs either have to turn down US funding, or turn their backs on helping prostitutes, who play a key role in HIV prevention, given how widespread the sex trade is in LOS. (Not just farang-Thai situations, but also situations like "man from the provinces goes to BKK to work, sleeps with HIV positive hooker from a karaoke bar, goes back home to the village, gives HIV to his wife, etc, etc ... and it all gets worse...)

I imagine Thailand is a prime destination for challenge to 'set things a'right" given all the sin & degradation present here (thier view, not mine). A lot of the lords work to be done. I notice the Mormans (LDS) have been peddling around on bicycles in my city for the past several months trying to win converts. Some of these good Christians, as you point out, don't believe that condom use should be promoted, because it might encourage promiscious sex. As I said in a previous post, they think sex for making babies, and that is only by benefit of holy wedlock. Sex for fun is a prohibition. I don't know how they have the credibility to get 5 minutes of someones attention.

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Quite apart from HIV and cervical cancer, pregnancy itself is a leading cause of death in developing countries. I do not know the figures for Thailand, but the following must be relevant to some areas.

“Childbirth can be a dance with death for young girls and their babies,” said Regina Keith, Health Advisor for Save the Children UK, noting that complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading killers of teenage girls in the developing world. “Girls are marrying and having children before they are emotionally and physically ready. Often they don’t have a choice. Girls must be valued. Alternatives to early marriage and motherhood must be made available if young girls are to survive and thrive.”
There are an estimated 115 million school-aged children worldwide who are not in school, and 60 per cent of them are girls. Among the report’s other major findings:

Each year one in every 10 births worldwide is to a mother who is still herself a child.

Girls in their teens in poor countries are twice as likely to die from pregnancy- and childbirth-related causes compared with older women. Girls 14 and under face even greater risks.

Children born to children are more likely to be delivered prematurely and at low birth weight and are more likely to die in the first month of life.

Young mothers also face enormous health risks: obstructed labour is common and results in newborn deaths and death or disabilities for the mother. Research shows that young mothers and their babies also are at greater risk of contracting HIV/AIDS.


(I have no association with "Save the Children"; just citing their report.)

Edited by WaiWai
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Anyway I talked to a Thai girl recently and she firmly believed that if she just shared a bed with a man and slept with him (no sex) she would get pregnant. She also had the same belief that Thai women change their blood every month and therefore have difficulty in picking up HIV. She also firmly believed that if you ever have sex with more than one person you'd get HIV. When I asked why people used condoms she didn't know. Oh I forgot to mention the girl was about 30 years old and as far as I know had a reasonable education.

thats laughable.

and you believe she was telling the truth or taking the piss out of you? :o or maybe making herself sound more "virginal"...

haha yes I believe she was telling the truth. She was with about 10 other people in an office and the conversation slowly came round to this topic.Eventually the other girls convinced he she was wrong. There was no trying to more "virginal" about it.

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