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does anyone know of any region zoning etc on nintendo wiis? I am thinking of getting one, but am going back to the UK in a couple of months and don't know whether to wait and just buy one there. But now the rains are here it would get a fair amount of use here.

Any reasons why not to buy one in Thai?

Cheers :o

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Hi johnong, as far as I know they are zone specific but I think you can get the European one chipped to play games here. If it was me and I had the cash I would be one here as they are fab. I am actually playing mine now. They are not too expensive



Thanks, I thought that they might be region coded. hmmm I think I might wait and get a european one. One less thing to carry back... Now lets hope my wifes visa application goes trough quickly, or I will be shopping :o


Yes you can download the virtual games no problem when u open your account online with nintendo.

There is one gotcha tho. If you buy a US one u need to use a REAL us address for the registration doesnt matter which country your credit card is from. but if you dont put a real address such as the white house or for example any shop address in NY then it wont let u register for wii shopping channel.


The japanese wii is now down to 10,000 baht a pop, chipped. The US counterpart is still 14,500. That's quite a difference for the same product. I was informed by the lady that the japanese console would still play us/eur games. Can anyone confirm this?


dttk0009 yes it will.

However the Japanese Menus / Internet channel and every other channel they add put me off the Jap version as well as the virtual arcade games in japanese etc. such as Zelda etc. unplayable unles you read japanese of course.


There are actually many threads about this, since there is a lot of interest in the Wii. As stated above, getting a Japanese or US Wii is no different, except you don't get Wii sports with the Japanese version, and the system (not the game) menus are in Japanese. Chipping makes any console play any games, no region restriction.

Considering that the Wii retails for $250 in the US (where it's impossible to find) and Canada (where you can find it everywhere), and the cost of chipping it is around 2,000, the 14,900 price tag is a ripoff. If you can, buy one in Canada and bring it over. I don't know about the supply situation in Europe.

For more information, do a search. It's all been said before many times.



I have a question. I purchased my Wii when they first came to Thailand about a week after they were released in the USA. I have had no problems whatsoever with the unit or with the online service. My Wii has no chip. I refuse to buy copied games as I have been disappointed before by playing 30 hours into a game and then it freezing up.

My question is.... By having the inside of your Wii tampered with, will this affect the Wii's ability to play online games through the WIFi service? I mean it would be truly disappointing if you have a Wii and can't play online because you had to have 70 baht games! The thought of not being able to play Super Mario Strikers Charged or better yet Super Smash Bros Brawl or countless other games online would be too much to bear.... Is getting your Wii chipped so you can play cheapo games worth not being able to enjoy the online games cause your game is a fraud?

Maybe I am wrong but can you play the copied DS games online through the Wifi network? This would certainly be a drawback. I have had more fun with the DS than with the Wii cause I can play online and even talk with other people while playing games such as Puzzle League. Consider that before you go all stingy with the consoles.

By the way, why don't we start a Friendcode thread so we can play together.



This is where it gets a bit dodgy. If nintendo decided that they had sold enough consoles, I am sure that there is a way that they could decide which ones / copies of games were legitimate on line. But the other side is that the console is cheap enough to buy 2 - 1 for on line and one for multi region moody single / party player games :o

but will they ever bother - who knows...



Furthermore. It makes no sense for you guys to be moaning over the price of video games and video game consoles in Thailand. 14000 baht for the unchipped Wii is a bargain. The cost of flying to the USA to get one is certanly much cheaper than the 14000 baht sticker price. All of you moaners expect to pay a direct equivalent baht dollar price. Absurd! Do you ever consider how many times the Wii changes hands to get here? Middlemen? UPS? Fed Ex? Do you believe that the store owners should make no profit? I don't even mind paying the 2500 baht price for new games. What reAL gamer would buy a 70 baht copied version of Metroid Prime 3 that will be flawed at sometime?

I paid 20000 baht for my Wii. I have all the controllers including classic controllers. In the end I probably spent 30000 baht just getting it all set up. I have spent more hours with the guys playing, laughing, and trash talking that make up for the cash I would have spent going out. Meanwhile, while some of you wait for the price to come down, if you would have bought a piggy bank and put in the cash you dropped at the bar of wherever for a month or 2 you would have enuff dough for a Wii. Consider that.

Not to rag on anyone, but the conversation over the price of the Wii is mundane.



Furthermore. It makes no sense for you guys to be moaning over the price of video games and video game consoles in Thailand. 14000 baht for the unchipped Wii is a bargain. The cost of flying to the USA to get one is certanly much cheaper than the 14000 baht sticker price. All of you moaners expect to pay a direct equivalent baht dollar price. Absurd! Do you ever consider how many times the Wii changes hands to get here? Middlemen? UPS? Fed Ex? Do you believe that the store owners should make no profit? I don't even mind paying the 2500 baht price for new games. What reAL gamer would buy a 70 baht copied version of Metroid Prime 3 that will be flawed at sometime?

I paid 20000 baht for my Wii. I have all the controllers including classic controllers. In the end I probably spent 30000 baht just getting it all set up. I have spent more hours with the guys playing, laughing, and trash talking that make up for the cash I would have spent going out. Meanwhile, while some of you wait for the price to come down, if you would have bought a piggy bank and put in the cash you dropped at the bar of wherever for a month or 2 you would have enuff dough for a Wii. Consider that.

Not to rag on anyone, but the conversation over the price of the Wii is mundane.


I'm probably going to have a friend from Canada buy one for me and bring it over. People in this thread are hardly moaning (I assume you're directing that attack at me too). Either way, I'll be paying a fraction of what you did for your wii, because, unlike you apparently, I like to assess my options as far as purchasing a product goes, rather than just impulse buy.

A thousand bucks for a wii?

hel_l no, I'm not stupid.


hey guys, i was talking to most of you in the other threads about this.. i come back to bkk on a few weeks, i just got my wii ( yay ! in canada btw) even though it was sold out when i went, but eventually found place with some instock, i am just curious, yeah i am getting it chipped once i get to bkk and everything and have held off on buying games so far, except for virtual console games. Now as iam a complete wii newbie, whats this registering online with wii? Like i am assuming once you have bought VC games you will have them for life ( ie wii breaks you get a new one you can just download them for free?) Anyone know where to register this or what the correct route to take is for this ? sorry this seems like a stupid question, i havent been able to find much info about this.. i downloaded a few vc games already off the wii points card i bought kinda thing, but i did not see any online reg. stuff. Thanks for the help! Wii is awesome !


kinda worried, just read a few things i searched for on google and it seems that its not very clear/ or straightforawrd to download VC titles that you have bought or ( licensed as nintendo says) say incase your wii breaks or if you have to delete old games to make room for new ones.. i hope nintendo makes a better system for this because for example ive went thru 2 or 3 ps2s over the years and cant be just rebuying games i had.. would be great to have a nice library of classic games. i know with the xbox 360 thing the games are able to be downloaded inifinite times and just attached to your id or something rather then a unique copnsole like the wii. hopefully i am wrong and just read some baloney or something.


Coll Guy:

I wouldn't let anyone touch the inside of the Wii. I just bought MArio Strikers for 2000 baht. The thought of not being able to play a game like this online has steered me away from buying cheapo games. Besides how many games are really good that you need to load up and buy? I count less than 10 Wii games right now that are really good. I think you'll be real sorry if you go the copied fraudulent game route.

MArio Strikers requires no friend codes so you can just hook up and start playong with people all over the world. Once you chip your Wii you can say good bye to WiFi matches. And with Super Smash coming out soon the 2000 baht for the original is not all that bad. Think Twice.



I have a question. I purchased my Wii when they first came to Thailand about a week after they were released in the USA. I have had no problems whatsoever with the unit or with the online service. My Wii has no chip. I refuse to buy copied games as I have been disappointed before by playing 30 hours into a game and then it freezing up.

My question is.... By having the inside of your Wii tampered with, will this affect the Wii's ability to play online games through the WIFi service? I mean it would be truly disappointing if you have a Wii and can't play online because you had to have 70 baht games! The thought of not being able to play Super Mario Strikers Charged or better yet Super Smash Bros Brawl or countless other games online would be too much to bear.... Is getting your Wii chipped so you can play cheapo games worth not being able to enjoy the online games cause your game is a fraud?

Maybe I am wrong but can you play the copied DS games online through the Wifi network? This would certainly be a drawback. I have had more fun with the DS than with the Wii cause I can play online and even talk with other people while playing games such as Puzzle League. Consider that before you go all stingy with the consoles.

By the way, why don't we start a Friendcode thread so we can play together.


I have a Wii - bought in the UK, and its not chipped. I similarly have unchipped PS1, PS2, etc.

I have no issues with it, as I go to the UK so much that I can simply buy games when I'm there.

HOWEVER, if I was ever to find myself not going back to the UK regularly - I would be unable to buy any games for it at all because only the Japanese and US copies of games are available here. (I've never seen a European version here, probably because the price would be higher than the Jap/US ones, because games companies charge more in Europe.)

At that point, I would chip to be able to buy games here. (legit ones - not copies).

The real question should be - what idiot dreamt up region-encoding?

All it's done is create a legitimate market for chipping by people who don't buy copied games. (and gives people with a chipped console a reasonable excuse for why it's chipped).

If the only benefit of chipping was to play copied games - it would be easily cracked down on by a police raid, as there would be no legitimate excuse for selling chipped consoles. (And I'm sure the police here would love to have a few Wiis confiscated for use back at the station...)


He's probably referring to me, and yes, I'm definitely moaning about the cost of Wiis (among other things). No, I'm not expecting to pay the dollar equivalent, that would indeed be absurd. I do not, however, expect to pay nearly twice the dollar price, just for a console that's chipped. UPS? Fedex? You actually think that shops use these things? They're shipped freight. Shops also use the least middlemen possible, because they *are* the middlemen. Now, if I was actually comparing the cost of buying one from a shop OR importing one myself via FedEx/UPS, then yes, it might be close (not that close). But the way that a shop (especially Thai shops, since there is no real official Nintendo presence here) imports these consoles and what they pay is VASTLY different from what an individual pays to import via FedEx/UPS. They don't even pay the same as you and me when they actually buy them... they're importers, and importers don't pay the same for a console as a consumer. So, no, it's not (US price+individual shipping+individual charges+profit), it's (distribution price+bulk shipping+bulk charges+profit).

Now, think of other things that these shops sell. Do they sell them for twice the real price? No. Do other shops sell other things for twice the real price? No. Yet the Wii is being sold for nearly twice the real price (the cost of the chip and installation is not that much, only 2k), 8k vs 15k baht. Absurd! Let's look at the DS Lite. It's sold in the US for around 4,300 baht, and here for 5,500, a price hike of 1,200 baht, nowhere near twice the price. What about the 60GB PS3? It's 17k in the US, and 19k here, and it was released later and therefore newer and therefore should have a bigger price hike. Twice? Nope, not even close, and there isn't even a chip involved. How about the Xbox 360? 13k in the US vs 14k here, also no chip. Do you see the picture? The Wii is being imported in the same way that these other high-end consoles are being imported, BUT the shops are taking advantage of the Wii craze and overcharging BY A LOT.


I still have no clue about re-downloading VC games. Also is it even true that once you have a copied game you cant play online? The thing with me is that games are 2000 baht a game, if i get 10 games thats 20000 baht. That sucks. If any one knows about the vc thing let me know please :o

Also, its not like i am some game pirate maniac. i've had every nintendo system and have had tons of orginal games. in bkk all wii stuff is overpriced and sometiems has be me doubitng its authenticity even when it is probably is original.

besides wouldnt it be possible to just get legit copies of games you want to play online/



As the Wii craze continues, you may be sitting around for a long time before the price comes down. And if I were a shop owner I would probably do the same since they seem to be selling these consoles easily. Meanwhile, the list of games that you want to play is getting longer and longer. So take that beer and entertainment money you are using and save it for 2 months add that on to the 10000 baht that you do want to pay for the Wii and soon you will have the 15000 baht price tag. Simple plan to help you out.

I bought one of the first USA Wiis in Thailand. Regular USA version with no chip. No need to buy Japanese games as all the original games come to Thailand from the USA. And I can't read Japanese. It seems to me the only reason to chip your console is to buy the fraudulent games. Of course, if the stores in Thailand are only importing the JApanese version console then I guess it would be necessary to chip the console. However, until I am guaranteed that the games won't affect the WIfi service, Ill hand out the 2000 baht it costs for an original in the original box with the original instructions.

Cool guy:

And if you were back home you would have to pay the $50 for a game. So I guess this is a case if you want to rip off Nintendo and get cheapo games. Personally, I like the boxes decorating my bookcase and I find it important to have the original instructions. Ive got rows of Gamecube boxes, DS boxes and Wii boxes filling my cases. I am proud of my collection of games.

Talking about games,

Mario Strikers Charged is great. The online play is worth it. Good competition. So far it is the best online game for the Wii. No friend codes necessary. Super Smash Bros Brawl will be even better. 27 days until Metroid Prime 3 comes out. Of course, if your still waiting for the Wii to drop in price it will just be another game you will miss out on.



I've stated before in another thread that I'm not really a console type of person, so although I'm interested in the Wii, I'm not interested enough to actually want it, especially not at the prices the shops here are offering. In the US, it's pretty much impossible to find, but it's easy enough to find in Canada (which is a bit weird... crossing over to Canada isn't all that hard for US citizens). I'll probably ask a friend to buy it from Canada, and maybe have it chipped here, when I actually want it. Right now, I don't actually want it, since I already have a DS (which has much more games that I actually play). Incidentally, I hate games like Metroid Prime.

It may *seem* to you that the only reason to chip the console is to play pirated games. However, there is a big price difference between the Japanese and US Wii's, so another reason would be to play original US games on a cheaper Japanese console. Look at something from different angles, and you'll actually see the whole picture.

Pirated games vs Originals, it's all down to the player. You cant' really force your own ideals on others. I buy lots of original PC games, but also download pirated ones.


Ok after deciding that I was going to go to BKK and get a chipped American wii so that I would be able to use it in the UK in a few months, I started to read that there are issues with playing pal / nstc games on the other console...

Also this taken from macrumors...


Wii System Update

stolen from gaf:


With the Wii's Shop Channel undergoing maintenance, a series of updates came up to accompany it. Most users will be able to make 2-3 updates with one of them bumping the firmware to 3.0. Here are the known changes so far:


-Digital Clock added to the Wii Menu right under the channel bar

-Forecast Channel now displays the current condition (cloudy, raining, etc.) directly in the Wii Menu in the Forecast Channel box

-News Channel can now show 2 scrolling headlines at a time in the Wii Menu, 3 when you click on the button (supposedly this requires occasional downloading of the headlines to keep the ticker updated)

-Message Board now has the "Today's Accomplishments" message as a white message which allows it to stand out from other messages

-Address Book entries can now be shifted around using A+B (supposed to be a launch feature) but only to empty spaces. Not too convenient.

-Calendar in Message Board no longer shows "Today's Accomplishment" only days as having messages

-Scrolling messages in the Message Board now uses a different sound

Wii Shop Channel Overhauled (Visual aesthetic is the same, changes made to organization and browsing methods mostly)

-New Welcome screen detailing 4 Recommended Titles and the points they cost (gone is the title screen bar that had linkable games). The title bar can be clicked on to bring up a list of 20 recommended games.

-Titles You've Downloaded was moved to the main shop menu

-New ways to browse

-Popular Titles (2 pages of 10 and includes launch games so not only based on recent info)

-Newest Additions remains the same

-Search for a title which can use partial names

-Search by Category

-System shows the different systems and how many titles have been released under each

-Publisher showing different publishers and amount of titles released (Nice logos!)

-Genre (different genres listed and amount of titles under each)


-Warning added pre-system update detailing that technically modified consoles may cease to function upon being updated. Also the only way to not accept an update is to power down the console by holding the button for 4 seconds (the user can't back out of hitting I Accept w/o powering down)


It looks like there could be problems with the firmware updates for chipped wiis!

Is there anywhere in BKK that sells euro ones? or do I just have to wait

Its either that or buy an American one and then have to source American games in the UK :D

###### Sony for suing lik-sang to oblivion! :o


hmm, yea some light being shed on this would be nice, could this mean just stay offline for ever ? lol.. coming to bkk in a week, i have zero wii games but a few VC games, i dont wanna lose them and i dont wanna get my wii broken either


hmm re-reading this i was thinking, could one just never update the firmware or would this directly tie into playing and downloading newer vc games? hmm guess no one would know this for sure at this point in time eh.. i got the wii but havent bought any games yet ( only a few vc n64 games) cause i am waiting 2 get back 2 bkk so i can unload on actual wii games.

hmm re-reading this i was thinking, could one just never update the firmware or would this directly tie into playing and downloading newer vc games? hmm guess no one would know this for sure at this point in time eh.. i got the wii but havent bought any games yet ( only a few vc n64 games) cause i am waiting 2 get back 2 bkk so i can unload on actual wii games.

I am no expert, but I have been doing a bit of research into getting a Nintendo and their region encoding. Some games have firmware updates built in and some people have had problems with this affecting their console. But I think its when trying to play a pal game on an ntsc console. It seems that some of the chips are fine with the new update, but some aren't - I don't know the best way to find out, but it wouldn't look good for the future...

One way would be to find some chipping instructions and try and remove it before you do the update and try and search the net to see if you need a new chip. But this then becomes a cat and mouse game every time there is an update.

there is a lot of info on some of the gaming forums about this, I guess jut not the main nintendo one :o


There is a warning in the latest firmware update, but so far there have been no reports of the firmware actually doing anything to chippsed Wiis. So, either it's just a bluff or a warning of things to come. Who knows.


causing an actual hardware issue because of firmware updates seems drastic... all those grey market wii's in bkk would just end up with nintendo losing money in the long run if people cant buy more controllers, legit software etc etc. Just like PS2, would sony have moved that many million units if it hadnt have easily chippable ? anyways i hope to jesus i am right about this. would hate to get burned.


copied games and for a lot of people i think it is a way around region coding / NTSC + PAL. Now i am confused about this ? they are not ACTUALLY region locked like say dvds are they ? just more of a format between pal/ntsc ? I personally want it chipped for copied games.



If chipping the Wii means that you can't play the online versions of any game or download additional content --- you would do it because you want to save cash .

And how good are the copied games? I once had a modified PS2 and played the cheapo games and I found the games stuck, froze or for that matter weren't even completely copied.

Considering these two facts, I can't justify modding the Wii.

I found when I had the opportunity to buy cheapo games I would go to the store and buy 15 games at a time! I never finished any of them. Some still sit in original wrapper. It became just a collection of games. The choices were too great. Has this happened to any of you? And really how many of the games were any good?

I stick to the originals as I am a completionist. A price tag of 2000 baht keeps me from cluttering my house with a bunch of games I probably will never play. Think about it, Metroid Prime 3 will be out in 3 weeks a game that will take you 30 hours or more to complete. I would be crying if after 20 hours of tough battles and exploring that my copied game just gave out! Or Super MArio Galaxy for that matter. The same goes for the DS. All originals for this Nintendo fan.

Nah, Ill stick to the original game and origianl box and original instructions. Cheapo games ..... save it for those who can't afford the real thing.... like tourists buying fake Gucci bags and Rolexs at Patpong.


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