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Phuket Area Sailors Forum


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Greetings Folks,

Is there a forum for Phuket area sailors?

In case any of you know, my specific questions for now are:

* Are there any marinas on Phuket Is. suitable for keelboats, other than Boat Lagoon and Yacht Haven (if I've gotten those names correct)?

* Is there a keelboat marina in the Krabi area?

Thank you very much, and regards,


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Thank you for your useful reply Simon. You provide a gracious welcome to the newcomer to Thaivisa...


Dont be too put off,i for one found the reply hilarious,its just a bit off banter,sorry i cant reply to your initial posting as i have never been.

but dont worry someone here will give you guidance.

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Ah, methinks you need to chill out :D Living in LoS makes you adopt a curious sense of humour....

And in serious reply to your posting, the only marinias I know of are The Boat Lagoon and Yacht Haven. I have never found a forum for Phuket sailors, probably because there are too few who can be bothered to chat together :o

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Greetings Folks,

Is there a forum for Phuket area sailors?

In case any of you know, my specific questions for now are:

* Are there any marinas on Phuket Is. suitable for keelboats, other than Boat Lagoon and Yacht Haven (if I've gotten those names correct)?

* Is there a keelboat marina in the Krabi area?

Thank you very much, and regards,


I do know Ao Chalong would be Ok for you, I will try and hunt down a contact there.

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Ao Chalong, is ok if you have a shallow draught on your boat.as its very shallow along way out. hence the long pier.

its not a marina ,but an anchorage.there is a yacht club there though.

apart from that only yacht haven and boat lagoon. although i believe theyre building a mew marina right next to boat lagoon!!

i think anywere else is anchorage facilities only.

where is your boat now?

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Thank you for your responses, mates. I have been out of Ao Chalong a couple of times, but unfortunately on other peoples' boats so wasn't paying as close attention as I should have. It's good to hear words from local people though, now that I at least know enough about the area to have some idea of what questions to ask.

I skippered out of Boat Lagoon in January; also too, as I'm sure you know, shallow a long way out. We grounded a couple of times, having not waited long enough for the tides. And what a long, tortuous channel!

I've heard of this new marina next to the boat lagoon, but know nothing about it. Do you think they will straighten/deepen that channel, as part of this project? Or are they only creating more parking spaces?

Regarding my own boat, splitlid, unfortunately I left it in the Marshall Islands years ago. I am hoping to repair that error before too long though, and am just now trying to explore possible options.

Best regards, z

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The new Marina next to Boat Lagoon is called Royal Phuket Marina (RPM) I wouldn't hold your breath for this project as it only broke ground a few months back after stuttering around for 3 years after much initial fanfare, it will have the same channel style entrance as Boat Lagoon and will be berthing spaces only.

Yacht haven is good for the larger vessel / man with car, it's within spitting distance of the Sarasin Bridge (big spit, heavy smoker, very windy day) berthing fee's were about 6,000 baht a month 6 months ago. Long way from everywhere hence the car, and if you have any size mast over 6 ft you'll have to loop round the island because of that bridge.

Boat Lagoon you know only too well, Ao Chalong would be my recommendation to you, you can leave your boat on a bouy for about 400 baht a month - I think! - and there's lots of old sea dogs / miserabley mean baztards that hang out in the Yacht Club (if it's still there?) and the tamarind bar - which is definately still there, expect conversations with fellow seamen to run like this "That bloody chang was expensive, 30 baht! eeeeear, I can save 3 baht on a carton of orange cordial when I shop at sooooper cheap as compared to Big C, ......" :o

Good luck!

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There is no forum for sailors that I know of but there are quite a few yacht owners in and around the island. I know quite a few live in that estate opposite boat lagoon and in boat lagoon itself as for the new marina being built I heard the main builder died so I don’t know what’s going on there. If you do bring your yacht here the east coast has better sheltered and deeper moorings.

However I don’t know what the rules are about bring a yacht to Thailand, I know to be able to charter one it must be Thai registered. This might be interesting so please start a forum.


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Thanks for all the great feedback, mates!

Also, cute, FTH :o . However not being a local, some of the terms go right over my head, e.g. chang, orange cordial, Big C. But I'll look them and you up on next trip.

FP: I'm getting smarter on bringing a yacht in, but it will still be a while yet. I do know that many of the taxes and assessments have been slashed recently. Re starting a forum, I would like to see one also, but since I am not a member of the local sailing community, nor do I even live there, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to take on that task. However, if no one has picked up the cudgel by the time I relocate, I will volunteer.

I do have another question for you sailors though. What is the customary reaction around Ao Chalong to an above average storm prediction? Do folks trust the moorings and hang on? Do they head out to sea? Or do they look for a hole in the mangroves?

Thanks and regards, z

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Government plans marina at Chalong

PHUKET CITY: Governor Udomsak Uswarangkura has announced that Phuket province plans to build a marina in Chalong Bay.

The announcement was made during a seminar at the Royal Phuket City Hotel, attended by about 80 participants from both government and private sectors.

Panjit Pissawong, Chief of the Phuket Provincial Commercial Office, told the Gazette that Chalong Bay is the most suitable location for a new marina.

It is already home to the new Chalong Pier and to the “one stop” service that allows mariners sailing into Phuket to clear Customs, Immigration and Marine Department procedures in one place, she pointed out.

K. Pissawong said the marina would be a boon to marine tourism, an industry that is expected to grow swiftly now that import and excise taxes on foreign vessels have been reduced to zero

“To promote marine tourism, we have to attract yachtspeople here by providing marina facilities,” said K. Pissawong, adding that human resources would also need to be developed in order to meet the expected growth in the industry.

“We discussed the idea of introducing programs in marine mechanics at polytechnic and vocational schools in Phuket,” she said.

“The marina project will be initiated by the government, but will also be open for private-sector investment. The Phuket Provincial Administration Organization, as the representative [body] of the Phuket people, will prepare a master plan for the project at a later date,” K. Pissawong added.

A source told the Gazette that the project would include both hotels and a duty-free shopping area.

In a related story, the Tourism Authority of Thailand has announced that it is cons idering taking space at the Paris Boat Show and is looking for co-exhibitors.

Participation in the event, which will run from December 3 to 13, will cost between US$500 and US$1,000 (20,000-40,000 baht) per company, depending on the number of companies that agree to join.

For more information, visit the website at http://www.ifbso.com/single.asp?ShowID=12

Brought to you by:

The Phuket Gazette

19:14 local time (GMT +7)

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Hi Zapatero, keep me posted on your progress especially with bringing your yacht to Phuket with the intension of staying.

I take it you have a live-aboard so it will be interesting to know the length of stay allowed under moorings and if there is any tax duty due on your yacht if you intend to stay any longer than 3 month. It’s also intriguing on the on visa situation, especially visa runs. --- Are you married to a Thai???

However I do not envy your voyage from the Marshal Isles to Phuket, I wish you luck and good speed.

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Just talked to a friend of mine this morning that is and looks like an old sea dog. I mentioned the lack of a yachting forum and in particular your problem.

He sailed a lot in these waters in a 45ft sloop a couple of years ago and suggests as your approach is from the south, to first anchor in Ao Chalong.

However it’s quite shallow if you have a fin keel, but there are several sailing-related services on shore, plus the building at the jetty housing immigration, customs and harbour master plus a bar to quench that salty thirst. Phuket Town is about 10km away with a bike hire and car hire not too far from the jetty.

Anchorage is well off shore though due to the shallow bay and he warns that you must go north of the jetty to avoid ferry traffic there is 4-7 meters in good holding mud, but dinghy access is poor to the beach and impossible during spring tides so you must use the jetty.

During the monsoon, the bay becomes choppy. Some swell can be experienced during the southwest monsoon, but your biggest worry is lightly anchored speedboats dragging onto you in a storm.

Chalong is probably not ideal if you plan to leave your boat unattended for long periods as thefts have been reported during low seasons

Across from Ao Chalong is the Phuket Yacht club in Ao Yon. You should contact David Radcliffe, “IM” me for contact info.

Laem Phrao just north of the Yacht Haven Marina is probably better if you have anything over 50ft it is in a sheltered channel between Phuket and the mainland with good holding in mud with all-tide access. You won't find the many services found at Ao Chalong but lots of workshops if you need some fabrication or repairs but you will need a vehicle to go anywhere.

I think there is a car and bike hire at the Yach Haven plus a couple of bars to quench your thirst, and do try the red crabs on sale locally.

I am informed that theft is unheard of there so it’s a good choice if you want to leave a yacht for long periods unattended. The channel seldom develops a chop and has exceptionally easy dinghy access to shore.

Best regards

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Thank you very much for your interest, and effort to enquire, FP. They are most appreciated. It will still be a while before I will be able set things into motion yet. (Unfortunately.) I still have many (too many) obligations to attend to first. I shall certainly bookmark your points though.

From your other posts it appears that you are well on the way to moving forward on your own dream. I do wish you the best of fortune with it. Please keep me/us posted. Hopefully we will cross wakes in the future!

Fair winds, z

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Au Chalong marina? Has any one seen any plans of the proposed layout?

I was excited to hear talk of this a few months ago, but i cant see where

they can site all the massive onshore space needed for commerce and parking,

sure they got the water...but where is the land?

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where is the land?
Is that a black eyed peas song?
Has any one seen any plans of the proposed layout?

The Phuket Provincial Administration Organization, as the representative [body] of the Phuket people, will prepare a master plan for the project at a later date,” K. Pissawong added.

where is the land?

Good point, my guess is all that land that stretches from the old pier down to fisherman's way, only a guess. It could also go from the fisherman's lodge (soon to be upgraded to super cool apt's) Northwards....maybe inland, or even underwater, thats all bases covered :D

Sky Marina anyone? :o

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