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On The Bkk - Pattaya Bus


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There's nothing worse than an interesting thread going to the pack because someone starts screaming "Racism".

It's nonsense to bring races into this...

At worst, it's a case of extreme nationalism or xenophobia.

In the end she's probably just an angry girl (perhaps drug induced) who needed some outlet and the fact that her target was farang was convenient for her.

Don't you just love it :D

She's a whore, a jealous harridan, a racist and now a drug addict :D

(And before you start flaming me, I'm as guilty as anyone else. :o )

This thread is danger of going on longer than the infamous "processed chicken" thread which ran for many days and ended in flame wars and bannings :D

Considering you highlighted my comment "perhaps drug induced" in red, let me explain to you that the word "perhaps" qualifies that statement as a possibility, not a certainty.

No one can know for sure, therefore we have to live with the "danger" that many people will wish to add their opinions and possibly keep the thread running for days.

I know nothing of the infamous processed chicken thread, but either way, this topic is a lot more interesting than processed chicken.

Edited by tropo
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This thread is danger of going on longer than the infamous "processed chicken" thread which ran for many days and ended in flame wars and bannings :D

Now that you mention it, I believe the Farang girl was nibbling on some BBQ chicken... :o

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There's nothing worse than an interesting thread going to the pack because someone starts screaming "Racism".

It's nonsense to bring races into this...

At worst, it's a case of extreme nationalism or xenophobia.

In the end she's probably just an angry girl (perhaps drug induced) who needed some outlet and the fact that her target was farang was convenient for her.

Don't you just love it :bah:

She's a whore, a jealous harridan, a racist and now a drug addict :D

(And before you start flaming me, I'm as guilty as anyone else. :o )

This thread is danger of going on longer than the infamous "processed chicken" thread which ran for many days and ended in flame wars and bannings :bah:

Considering you highlighted my comment "perhaps drug induced" in red, let me explain to you that the word "perhaps" qualifies that statement as a possibility, not a certainty.

No one can know for sure, therefore we have to live with the "danger" that many people will wish to add their opinions and possibly keep the thread running for days.

I know nothing of the infamous processed chicken thread, but either way, this topic is a lot more interesting than processed chicken.

Don't get your knickers in a twist - I would have thought the liberal use of smileys would indicate my post was not intended to be taken too seriously :D:D:D

The chicken thread is dead and gone - and may it RIP

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personally, if I pay for my seat, I believe I have the right to recline my seat. if the person behind is big, he or she should consider getting 2 seats. it is not my problem if they are so big, they are taking up my space. space that I paid for. right?

selfish? consider this. have you had a fat person sit next to you on a bus before? I have. their body usually intrudes into your seat forcing you to cramp up, or move to accommodate their bigger body. what do you call that?

Since it is OK to hurrass fat people, how about skinny people with long legs? Should they have to buy two seats and sit sideways so you can recline an extra 2 inches, instead of of using a little common courtesy and not putting your seat back so far? :o

common courtesy goes both ways, bro. or don't you know that?

if you are tall, and expect me to not recline for your sake. what if I'm tired, and need to get some sleep? you telling me not to recline because you FORCE me to adhere to your needs tells me - you don't give a f#ck about me. right? if you were concerned about your neighbor, you wouldn't FORCE them to suffer having to be uncomfortable for you. the same thing applies to anybody big or tall that intrudes into the space that I paid for. and I'm just stating a fact. no harrassment intended.

I bet you would expect me to share some of my profits off a big property sale - whether I want to or not. right?

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I rode on the Pattaya/BKK bus both ways today. I was very observent of the distance between seats.

These busses are old and some have had used seats from other busses install haphazardly. I am talking 4 inches for leg clearance. Then the seats in other locations reap the benifit with extra space. You can actually see old mounting foot prints on the floor to sort this out.

Original post....

"I heard a "Thai girl shout I can't sit here!" A farang girl immediately in front of her had reclined her seat and encroached on the"

I can see this Thai gal sitting in this bad seat on a hot day and maybe she was having a bad hair day also. She asked nicely and did not get a reaction. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AT THIS POINT?

From info given and what I have seen on the bus I award this CASE to the Thai gal for applying just the amount of fiber to get the job done without creating a riot. The Thai gal also has taught the falang gal to make an adjustment the first time she is asked or else face the wrath of the Thai.


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From info given and what I have seen on the bus I award this CASE to the Thai gal for applying just the amount of fiber to get the job done without creating a riot. The Thai gal also has taught the falang gal to make an adjustment the first time she is asked or else face the wrath of the Thai.

If shouting and abuse with the intent of getting physical is what you call "just the amount of fiber to get the job done", then you must come from a really rough neighborhood.

The Thai female was way over the top and out of control.

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The quality of those busses is terrible anyway, I am surprised there is not a VIP option, I made the mistake of using the bus once, never again, it was my own fault for being cheap, why would anyone bother when you can get a nice car and driver to take you door to door for a thousand baht? Recline away. The woman in question obviously has no maners whatsoever and I think the reclining gal did the right thing, however her boyfriend needs some lessons in chivalry.

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About the "ho" comment. I know that you're not trying to be derogatory & this is a proven fact too. Eeerrrmm, how do you know it's a fact?

Completely off topic & just out of interest, I've been wondering for some time... How old is that girl in your avatar?

Edit - typo

About the ho comment, she asked me if I was interested in a good time for $100. What does that mean, dinner?

Why would you wonder "for some time" about this respectable young lady's age? Are you jealous of her? She is old enough to have a masters degree!

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You no Thailand! I Thailand! You Bullshittt Country! You Austaillugh! Why You Go Home!

Heard it all before, I dont ride buses, nor hang out with piss artists and I still hear it??? Granted its from a very small and vocal minority of kee mao qwai but TIT, if you live here you will here it from time to time.

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I rode on the Pattaya/BKK bus both ways today. I was very observent of the distance between seats.

These busses are old and some have had used seats from other busses install haphazardly. I am talking 4 inches for leg clearance. Then the seats in other locations reap the benifit with extra space. You can actually see old mounting foot prints on the floor to sort this out.

Original post....

"I heard a "Thai girl shout I can't sit here!" A farang girl immediately in front of her had reclined her seat and encroached on the"

I can see this Thai gal sitting in this bad seat on a hot day and maybe she was having a bad hair day also. She asked nicely and did not get a reaction. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AT THIS POINT?

From info given and what I have seen on the bus I award this CASE to the Thai gal for applying just the amount of fiber to get the job done without creating a riot. The Thai gal also has taught the falang gal to make an adjustment the first time she is asked or else face the wrath of the Thai.


Hold on Big Cowboy, who said she asked nicely? (Thai girl)

I was there, you were not.

Hope you get an abusive, agressive girlfriend buddy (whatever her nationality) :o

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So a load of brothel visitors are cheap charleying their way to a brothel with a bunch of brothel employees!.

some of em don't behave like they are at cheltenham on gold cup day.

so what. :o

What a ridiculous statement. Which brothel do you suppose the farang girl was heading to?

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I have found Thais to be quite well manered and polite and have never seen the type of confrontational behavior you describe, except for a boyfriend of one of my ladyfriends. Compared to the agressive and beligerant stuff that is common back home, Thais are "little angels". Have you seen many "road rage" incidents here? Random assaults and murder by "gang bangers", armed home invasions by several criminals at once?

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Haha.....according to the posts so far, the Thai girl was a drug addicted Bargirl and so was her friend, the Thai guy was the boyfriend of the Farang girl and too afraid to intervene, and the Farang was a victim of a racially motivated attack.... :o

What if, the Farang girl had reclined her seat and the Thai girl had asked her politely to move back up a few notches, what if the Farang girl told the Thai girl to Fork off, I know that Farangs are beyond reproach and are the epitomy of manners, but there's always the slight possibility, no?

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You did state in your original post.....

"In fairness maybe the Thai had politely asked the Farang to adjust her seat upwards but I only took notice when the Thai lady started shouting"

so why are you spouting off to me like this?...

"Hold on Big Cowboy, who said she asked nicely? (Thai girl)

I was there, you were not."


"Hope you get an abusive, aggressive girlfriend buddy (whatever her nationality)"

Well I dont wish anything bad on anybody.

I do think that your original observation and thread was good and informative. I was only trying to show an alternative view.

I have seen Thai on Thai heated exchanges because of those reclining seats first hand.

Thats all I have to say,

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"I heard a "Thai girl shout I can't sit here!" A farang girl immediately in front of her had reclined her seat and encroached on the"

I can see this Thai gal sitting in this bad seat on a hot day and maybe she was having a bad hair day also. She asked nicely and did not get a reaction. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AT THIS POINT?


I said "maybe" she asked nicely and you misquoted me. If it is your opinion that she asked nicley, that is fine, but it is subjective and not factual. What I do know is that I saw her agressive behaviour and heard her abusive taunts to the farang girl. The thai girl pursued the confrontation even after the farang girl adjusted her seat upwards.

I feel that the thai girl was way out of line but of course it is your right to disagree.

Like they say, "Up to you" :D:o

Edited by Lancelot
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I like the distraction - then come robbery theory. That's good!! I think its true. I'm thinking of sewing some money to my pants just to see what happens.

One should always see this coming in crowded places.

.....And damned those Indiana Tailors and Watch sellers.

WRT to the recliners in front of you. Just relax is my motto. Or else whisper sweet nothings into their ears and start playing with their hair.

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