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How Do You Protect Yourself From The Sun?


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I post this thread in farang Girls because you are more concerned about your skin than men.

Even if it seems to be changing these days.

The main cause of skin aging is the "attack" from sun ultraviolet rays.

If you do not want to age, spend your life in the dark.

Not very practical, I agree.

So, what do you do?

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As a fair skinned english rose :D I always take good care of my skin, both in LOS & elsewhere, my most effective way for my face is a high spf foundation/tint as it means that I don't get the greasy effect of sun block whilst still protecting my skin & looking nice too :D Nat & I have had this conversation before as it can be a concern for western women living in LOS. The options to buy good products for us is limited in the shops so using some initiative is called for. Generally though I've never been a sun seeker (strange really why I lived on a tropical island for years!) so my skin has managed to be protected just by wearing long sleeves & not sunbathing often (read ever).

I always got concerned though when I saw western girls on the beaches going for the burn, cause they probably don't realise that their 2 weeks of sunworship during their holidays would end up making them look like leather handbags later in life :D

The only place I have notices sun damage is my breast bone area as most t-shirts tend to be lower cut & I always forgot to slap on some sun screen whilst riding around on the bike, so now I'm back in the UK I'm taking full advantage of all the repair products around & it's working :o

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I always got concerned though when I saw western girls on the beaches going for the burn, cause they probably don't realise that their 2 weeks of sunworship during their holidays would end up making them look like leather handbags later in life :o

I read an article from a well known dermatologist in the US.

His aim.

Being the whitest guy on earth.

Applying high SPF cream every day.

Not for the whiteness or look only.

But for health.

I think for that, Thai girls or asian girls know better than farang girls.

But in their case, not for health reasons.

For "selfish" reasons.

Discussed before, tanned look is not that trendy in Thailand,... :D

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I'm with you, Boo. I never leave the house, not even here in the northern US, without SPF 30 on face and exposed skin. I also am using a Thai skin-whitening lotion on my arms and v-neckline area to reduce the two-tone look from years of incidental sun exposure. I bought some high-SPF cream-powder foundation, too, while on LOS (before I found my current moisturizer with the 30) after observing what the fair-skinned locals used. I'd rather a straight tint than the powdery look though. Can you recommend a brand, Boo? I have very fair, but quite pink, skin. All the tints in LoS looked too yellow for my skin.

So yesterday I was stuck in the sun for too long and didn't notice the time passing. I forgot to reapply the sunscree. I now have sun poisoning on my arms. 6 or 7 hours at the local street art fair did it. 15 minutes times 30 is 7.5 hours...I still should have been covered... But I didn't get a sunburn, I got sun poisoning. Might be time for a Google search on sun poisoning.

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I wear a hat whenever I go out in the sun. I am not fond of sunscreens on my face as I always break out. And Boo, I'm the same. I have never enjoyed laying out (BORING!) even as a teenager. So, here I live on a tropical island and never go out in the sun. :o

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...So, here I live on a tropical island and never go out in the sun. :o

Makes sense sbk. There is on old saying, I believe from Mexico:

"Only donkeys and white people walk on the sunny side of the street."

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That should be the thai visa quote of the day, Axel :D

Cathyy, the only thing i can suggest is going to a department store with a large cosmetic counter & getting some samples, mixing 2 or more colours as well is another good way of finding the right one for you, also green tint works wonders on high/rosy coloured skin (seriously) to be applied under the skin tone tint/foundation. When in los, always keep liquid/cream based cosmetics in the fridge as they last longer & apply better, same for eyelines & lipsticks. I never got on with the brands available in los so stocking up before you come over is good, save money by getting people to buy your fav brands as Christmas/Birthday present & then you end up with loads with out the cost :o but always have a girlfriend back in your home country on hand to send by post anything you run out of (mines my sister)

God what a girly chat, good on the boys though who've braved a visit today :D

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God thought, Boo. If only I had a girlfriend to do that! Being a geek has drawbacks, one of which is the relative scarcity of women. Most of my friends are not only male, but fellow geeks, and congenitally unable to approach a cosmetics counter. :o

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Oh you didn’t hear now they are saying all this sun block crap is just that, crap and toxic.

The blocks themselves cause cancer!

Look at the graphs which proves this. The more that’s being used the higher the cancer rates climb.

The cosmetic industry had a bunch of left over chemicals from their production of make up and such.

What to do? So they produced a new hype about this sun blocking skin/ saving system and used these left over (trash before) chemicals.

Walla…… a new products for your skin!

Now lets make some sense here! Not big bucks for the big boys!

If you burn easy cover up.

If you want to experiment try eating more raw quality oils and fats.

I in fact can sunbath for hours in full mid day, high noon sun and not burn. I think because of these raw nutrients. remember for most of us, sunshine is very important for our health.

Dont go a day without it if you can help it!

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Oh you didn’t hear now they are saying all this sun block crap is just that, crap and toxic.

The blocks themselves cause cancer!

I don't know what you were using, but I use a mechanical sunblock, titanium dioxide, not a chemical sunblock.

It's not as easy as just "covering up." The sun does pass through clothing, and the lighter the cloth the more sun penetrates. And I for one choose not to veil myself :o , so I must do something to protect my face and neck.

Like some other ladies on this forum, I have very fair skin and want to keep it that way. Tanning is not an option. My body simply does not produce enough melanin to allow a decent tan. So I burn, peel, repeat if I go in the sun without a sunblock. It's so attractive to be red and peeling, don't you think? :D

This attention to my skin has had benefits. I am 51, and appear to be 36. I will have soft, smooth skin when I am 70. You will have skin like leather before you are 40. Have fun tanning.

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If you want to experiment try eating more raw quality oils and fats.

I in fact can sunbath for hours in full mid day, high noon sun and not burn. I think because of these raw nutrients. remember for most of us, sunshine is very important for our health.

Dont go a day without it if you can help it!

I suppose if you also want higher blood pressure and cholestorol this would be a good idea! :o

I would be very interested in any valid scientific data you have that prove eating a high fat diet decreases your ability to absorp the sun's rays.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For several years now, I have walked around cities in Thailand and elsewhere with a UV umbrella. It's not a perfect solution, because most of the UV umbrellas they sell allow far too much sun to pass through. That's why when I return to Thailand I think I will get a second UV umbrella and take the UV cloth off the old one and layer it over the cloth on the new umbrella, to make a double layer. That makes some problems when you want to close the umbrella, but it offers good protection.

The only problem with doing this sensible approach is that people stare at me and think I'm odd. Maybe because I'm a man. But I am over 50 now and avoiding the sun has left my skin looking much younger, more like a 35 year old's. I don't like to wear hats because they mat down my hair and get scalp oil all over it, and my hair isn't very thick and looks a lot better if it's fluffed. So this makes sense. Also I try not to go out at all until twilight.

I leave legs and arms exposed when I do go out and that gets me sufficient Vitamin D.

I recommend that all of you start carrying UV umbrellas, if only so that I will stop being thought an oddball! :o

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I'm talking about those regular silver coated umbrellas. The cloth is silver, not black or patterned like regular umbrellas. They sometimes have "UV" written near the handle. They sell them everywhere in Thailand, for a little more than a regular umbrella. But most of them allow too much sun in, which is why I think it's good to get two of them, remove the cloth from one and then remove the little nib that screws onto the top of the umbrella, and put the second UV cloth over the first (there will be a hole in it that will fit over the screw. Re-screw the nib and you're set, sort of. Maybe if you put clothespins on the edges to hold the two pieces of cloth together on the umbrella. But that would look even odder, so I suggest most of you just use one UV umbrella with a single layer. Still a lot better than being totally exposed.

Women will look charming and oriental this way! It's only embarrassing for us men :o(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jurlique make a nice sunscreen. I stock up from home and use that on my face, and then use regular old Boots stuff on my body. You can often get Boots sunscreen at half price when the stock is getting a bit old. That's OK if you use it frequently as it won't be so bad for your skin if it is used up quickly.

Oil of Olay also make a moisturiser with sunscreen. Total Effects, I think it is. That't not bad for the morning, but you would have to reapply.

Generally, I try to avoid the sun, but my job has me outdoors all the time, so at times it is really hard. On boats, I wear long pants, and have a sarong to put over me. I hate hats, but sometimes have to resort to wearing one.

Even though the thin fabrics of some of the clothes over here may still let some of the suns rays through, it's better than wearing just a bikini on a motorbike as I see very often in the south. Not a good look, not good in an accident, and not good for the skin.

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A 56k connection and microsoft products do wonders fo me, here is the hexadecimal code for my tan color #FFFFFF :o

Oh, God, I do spend too much time on my computer. I knew what color that was without even thinking about it...and it's not far removed from the shade of my untanned skin areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I tend to use a fairly basic sunblock (titanium dioxide active ingredient, 15+ or 30+) for my body, and Ponds SPF 15 tinted moisturiser for my face. And not go into sun much.

But Thai sun is mild... I spent 3 hours in middle of day in the back of a ute and ended up slightly pink, came back to Aussie and got burnt in 20 min :o Peeling and all...

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