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Why Thai Women


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admit failure , mine

It's ok my friend, it's just an internet forum. Relax. :o

Yes Mid, perhaps we should leave the troll alone to snipe safely from behind his keyboard because he wasn't man enough to stand up to someone before. :D

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Yes Mid, perhaps we should leave the troll alone to snipe safely from behind his keyboard

Like you don't ?


I can offer a well thought out argument based on reason and logic when needed. All I ever see from you are broad generalizations and whinges about farangs. I don't say anything here that I'm not willing to say in person.

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I witnessed 3 teenage girls swearing at a passer by yesterday for no reason other then the fact he was there, they were fat as <deleted> and smoking, i thought if this is the future of English women i cant wait to get out.

I personally want a slim, feminine, non-aggressive girl who can cook a meal from time to time, unfortunately these type of women are an endangered species where i live.

Agreed, it's a sorry state of affairs the way english girls have turned out in the 2000s.

Thai women have a serious edge on the looks and freshness side of things.

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Maigo, I'm quite confident I could meet your stringent requirements.

Just one problem - Thai women are not the faves on my wish list.

The last thing that brings me to Thailand is the urge to bed a Thai; heaven knows that would be easy enough here in semi Arctic Germany.

Please don't read this wrong but I'm a little picky too.

So I like Latinas for their spirit, Anglo-Saxons/Celts for their intelligence and Nordics for their looks.

Show me a Thai women who meets all these criteria and I'm up for a blind date.

Otherwise, don't even consider pencilling me in for a blind date in your select social circle.

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I witnessed 3 teenage girls swearing at a passer by yesterday for no reason other then the fact he was there, they were fat as <deleted> and smoking, i thought if this is the future of English women i cant wait to get out.

I personally want a slim, feminine, non-aggressive girl who can cook a meal from time to time, unfortunately these type of women are an endangered species where i live.

Agreed, it's a sorry state of affairs the way english girls have turned out in the 2000s.

Thai women have a serious edge on the looks and freshness side of things.

Oh;yeh!! :o

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I don't think you can accurately characterize women according to nationality because there's a lot more factors that influence someone's attitude and behaviour than nationality. Comparing a Thai country girl to a woman in London's east end isn't a fair comparison. Look at many Thai women in Pattaya's tourist areas and you'll see lots of cynical, bitter, trash talking women, just as you would in a council estate in the UK, or similar neighbourhoods in any western country.

At the same time take a woman in a small rural village in those same western countries and you will more than likely find someone with far less of a chip on her shoulder than her inner city sisters, same goes for a woman in rural Nakhon Sawan over her counterparts in the tourist traps.

Environment and experiences are what shapes people's personalities. Their nationality ranks far down the list in influence.

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I don't think you can accurately characterize women according to nationality because there's a lot more factors that influence someone's attitude and behaviour than nationality. Comparing a Thai country girl to a woman in London's east end isn't a fair comparison. Look at many Thai women in Pattaya's tourist areas and you'll see lots of cynical, bitter, trash talking women, just as you would in a council estate in the UK, or similar neighbourhoods in any western country.

At the same time take a woman in a small rural village in those same western countries and you will more than likely find someone with far less of a chip on her shoulder than her inner city sisters, same goes for a woman in rural Nakhon Sawan over her counterparts in the tourist traps.

Environment and experiences are what shapes people's personalities. Their nationality ranks far down the list in influence.

I agree with you on most of the points in your post.

But I should add that only your last statement was wrong am afraid. The nationality here or maybe everywhere (ranks) you in all aspects of your life whether it is respect you get with holding a valuable western passport in airports or hotels, or getting a higher salary for a certain job than other (low-ranked expat).

Sometimes your nationality would come a living nightmare you have to deal with in real life,simply because it makes people judge your attitude or approach even if you don't have the charactered marks of that nationality.But you will be taken by the mass generalizing stereotyped misconceptions about that specified race or nationality.

So your Nationality does make a difference!

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Fascinating but what are we supposed to say to this?

You say that their economic power over Thai women clouds expats' better judgment at times. Your special merit is that you don't slag off American women, but you find Thailand a plesant place to enjoy womens' company for short relationships.

You of course have full insight and your judgment is not clouded when you exercise the economic power that you undoubtedly have over Thai women?

I presume not abusing American women justifies the exercise of that power?

Not sure what you're supposed to say. I think you did a good job though of expressing yourself.

I wasn't trying to justify my actions - just expressing some opinions and thoughts. Not abusing American women doesn't entitle me to exercise any power. Criticizing American women does seem trite.

I agree your point. As a Brit I know little about American women other than the very positive impression from the many I've met, but I'm staggered by the anti-feminist passions they seem to arouse among American men settled here who depict their womanhood as ogres. In the UK, the feminist movement has been strong with its positive and negative sides but it does not seem to provoke a broad based hatred of women.

I am a bit baffled. In a divorce you always lose half your shirt, as I well know but that's not a reason to hate women!

Intelligent and insightful and cogent, a pleasure to read. Just what I would expect of a well educated and literate man.

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Many men, myself included, found Thailand to be an easy place to enjoy a woman's company. Nothing wrong with that, but insulting non-Thai women as a whole is ridiculous.

This makes a refreshing change saimamerican. I am not sure how well it will be received amongst the regular western women bashers. Expect to take some flack for not joining ranks. But, with your unbiased attitude, I am sure you probably have an easier time dating women of all nationalities and races than the men who may find your view distasteful, so let them blow hot air.

I guess it wasn't that refreshing to most. Only a few serious posts until it went offtrack. Oh well, I tried.

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It's always strange when we try and quantify and explain so many billions of unique individuals as if they were pebbles on a beach.


Very well put.

Gosh, and apparently the fate of all future western womens personalities lies on the witnessed behaviour of three teenaged girls.

If all male stock was taken from the DNA of the average western pattaya xpat..then God help us all.

(Ok, im sorry (and nor do i believe that statement), its just so bloody tiring reading the same cliched drivel some members seem to spout off that I retorted with an equally ridiculous statement. Please, please, try change the record on this nonesense. :o )


I guess it wasn't that refreshing to most. Only a few serious posts until it went offtrack. Oh well, I tried.

Sorry to have added to the offtrack posts SA :/

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Some western women have ALOT to offer.



This could be one of the many male farangs I've come across. All they need is the pink braw and undies.

The woman looks happy and fat like many xpats. More power to them.

Is this the only body type that found you attractive?

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Some western women have ALOT to offer.



Is this supposed to characterize ALL Western women?

Of course.

For aparently all western women are grossly overweight, loud, argumentative, ugly, manly, dont take care of themselves and bash all men at every given opportunity. Whereas all Thai women are demure, sweet, kind, skinny, never talk back, and love ALL western men no matter how overweight, uncooth, old and unhygenic.


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I know a lot of fat, old and ugly people who possess enough inner serenity that they would never post acrimonious stuff on a forum.

It's the person within that counts.

I also know a lot of good looking younger people whom I wouldn't give the time of day because their egoism screams out with their every word or deed.

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