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Thai's Going Back To Finish School?


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My GF is on about going back to finish Highschool, which she left when she 14. She said she knows of someone who completed her schooling by studying at home for a year and a half and doing evening/weekend classes(I'd imagine).

Can anybody lend some info on what options are available for Thai's to 'go back to school'?


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My ex-GF went back to finish her HS diploma. Took about a year and a half on weekends and some week nights I believe. It is easy and lots of Thais do it. They feel real proud (and rightly so) when they finally get "THE DOCUMENT".

Lots of schools around for adults; she should be able to find one easy

Edited by candoman89
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I can't remember the initials commonly used in Thai, but in English it is "Non-formal Education". Available at most high schools in Bangkok or upcountry, and used by a far greater percentage of the population than in western countries. Cost varies depending on number of courses taken, but a ballpark guess is no more than 1000 baht/course/semester.

If you don't trust your girlfriend, don't pay her, pay the school.

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I can't remember the initials commonly used in Thai, but in English it is "Non-formal Education". Available at most high schools in Bangkok or upcountry, and used by a far greater percentage of the population than in western countries. Cost varies depending on number of courses taken, but a ballpark guess is no more than 1000 baht/course/semester.

If you don't trust your girlfriend, don't pay her, pay the school.

It's called 'Gor Sor Nor'.

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