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A Real, Sure Fire Rib-tickler...take A Deep Breath And Enjoy

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One day, Smartie and Polo were enjoying a quiet drink in a bar. The

bar door opened and in walked Humbug.

"Oh No" shouted Polo, and dived underneath the table.

"What are you doing?" asked Smartie.

"That humbug always slaps me and bullies me whenever I see him, so I'm

hiding," replied Polo.

"You should stand up to him," said the Smartie. "He'll respect you if

you do."

Sure enough, the humbug walks over and gives the Polo a smack.

"Go away you stripey blighter, or I'll knock you out," said Polo.

"Na, no problem Polo mate, leave it," said Humbug and backed off.

Next night Smartie and Polo are sitting in the bar when Humbug walks

in with his friend Tune.

"Oh No" shouted Polo, and dived underneath the table.

"What are you doing?" asked Smartie.

"I know you told me to stand up to bullies, but he's with Tune,"

replied Polo.

"So?" said Smartie.

"He's totally menthol."

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