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How Smooth Her Skin Is


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What I will add is that the most potentially unnatractive feature of a Thai woman, especially a young and very slim one who has given birth to two children, is a condition I refer to as 'Scrotum Stomach' or 'Baggy Belly'.

Running your hands down from the boobies to discover this can ruin the mood like nothing else... Be sure to check the stomach before you decide you want to take her home. :o

My TGF has a small "saggy stomach" and a lovely vertical scar as well, where she had to have an emergency C-Section and the doctors couldn't be bothered to do a good job.... I still love her and find her extremely attractive.... maybe there's more to her than just that eh !!

totster :D

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My TGF has a small "saggy stomach" and a lovely vertical scar as well, where she had to have an emergency C-Section and the doctors couldn't be bothered to do a good job

I'm afraid it is a bit too common in Thailand.

C-Section makes more money.

With less troubles (for the doctors,...)

Whatever the consequences for the woman.

But it is probably worth discussing on another thread,...

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Just to correct Begs/Polo, I don't inspect women I meet to see if they have baggy belly, it's just one of those things that's a bit of a turn off if it's discovered, which is usually in the bedroom, but I don't 'check' first, and I wouldn't expect a girl to feel my groin before taking me home or pulling up the sleeves of my T-shirt to see if I have any tattoos... It's just not nice.

The other thing I was going to add is that maybe an advantage western women have is that they don't get baggy belly because they are generally bigger anyway so the skin isn't stretched as much.

Finally, the cause of acne is down to McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut and all the other gifts America has sent - this is also the cause of the obesity in the children and teenagers that is marking the beginning of the end of the slender Thai.

Cheers Uncle Sam, thanks.

I have not see to many with a baggy bellie, My wife has had 2 kids and she has the shape of a teen ager and has no stretchmarks., I have been with a number of Asian women both Thai and from every other country in Asia and a lot of women from other countrys and continents,and I see no more of it here than other places and most not as bad here in Thailand.

But then I have not ever been with one that was less than 1 month post natal.,Maybe you should wait until she is not under doctors care before you bed em. Or at least for the after birth to come.

We have a lot of fat people here in our part of Thailand,some so fat that you can only see the wheels of their Honda Dream going down the road, And some with fairly bad Acne,More Acne and fat folks here in the village than you will find anywhere there is a FF outley on every corner, and the nearest American Fast Foor outlet is close to 200 KM. from here and a lot of the people here in the village have never seen one. So that Idea is out the window.

Before posting informational posts,maybe you should get off Nana or Soi Cowboy and visit more of Thailand before making such misinformed people bashing posts. Or is it that you just find the whole world not up to your standards.?

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Before posting informational posts,maybe you should get off Nana or Soi Cowboy and visit more of Thailand before making such misinformed people bashing posts. Or is it that you just find the whole world not up to your standards.?

You were doing so well until the end.

I've got some newbie who's calling me a jerk because I don't find baggy belly attractive and surprise surprise I've got KevinN assuming that I spend all my time in Nana and Cowboy inspecting girls tummies before taking them home and shagging them.

Don't use are hostility toward each other as a tool for defaming my character and twisting what I say.

Last time I went to cowboy was over a year ago and last time I went to Nana was a couple of weeks ago to meet another member.

Don't forget I live not too far from Nana, I have some good friends who work there and I've posted a lot defending bar girls but that doesn't mean to say it's my life, far from it... I couldn't afford to live how you assume I do if I wanted.

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Be sure to check the stomach before you decide you want to take her home. :o

Sometimes we just get misunderstood.

Oh come on man! Just admit that you put your foot in your mouth just a little bit and I think these guys will be ok with you Scamp.

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Before posting informational posts,maybe you should get off Nana or Soi Cowboy and visit more of Thailand before making such misinformed people bashing posts. Or is it that you just find the whole world not up to your standards.?

You were doing so well until the end.

I've got some newbie who's calling me a jerk because I don't find baggy belly attractive and surprise surprise I've got KevinN assuming that I spend all my time in Nana and Cowboy inspecting girls tummies before taking them home and shagging them.

Don't use are hostility toward each other as a tool for defaming my character and twisting what I say.

Last time I went to cowboy was over a year ago and last time I went to Nana was a couple of weeks ago to meet another member.

Don't forget I live not too far from Nana, I have some good friends who work there and I've posted a lot defending bar girls but that doesn't mean to say it's my life, far from it... I couldn't afford to live how you assume I do if I wanted.

Here is what I was mainly talking about,not inspecting bellies, but talking about Thailand in general and I don't know where you live in BKK,but like I said,get out and see Thailand before you start to make accusations about how things are in this country,but you do seem to know a lot about the areas I have mentioned, I can not say much about them as I do not even know where they are,except in BKK.

and you quoted it.,"",Finally, the cause of acne is down to McDonalds, KFC, Pizza Hut and all the other gifts America has sent - this is also the cause of the obesity in the children and teenagers that is marking the beginning of the end of the slender Thai.

Cheers Uncle Sam, thanks.""

Talk all you want about something you know about,Maybe BKK as I haven't been there for more than 2 days at a time in the last 20 years,and spend just 1 or 2 days there a year and then at American embassy or Thai immigration. BKK might be in Thailand,, but it is not Thailand.

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why the skin of a Thai is softer?

Because she is young?



Nail on the head!

In Thailand I suspect you get to touch much that you wouldn't at home!

but can any of you explain why the skin of a Thai is softer?

I am not sure about that.

The girls I knew in Europe had silky soft skin.

As soft and even probably softer than Thai girls.

But it was quite some time ago.

I was younger.

And so they were,...

And as BC alluded if you remember back to your youth, I doubt if the memory of your first love will conjure up stubbly rhino hide legs!

My memories certainly don't :D

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Acne is down to your immune system. A schoolmate had the misfortune to prove this when his eruptions were so bad it warranted a course of antibiotics. His doctor said your immunity plays a big part in acne. Why do Thais have it for so long? Maybe modern (read westernised) living has screwed with their biology and that's what's been knocked. Didn't notice any acne in CM people, nor the hilltribe girls with whom I was shacked-up. :o

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Not sure if this is early or late but I had to share it with all of you and sorry if it offends some of the western women but ---This is really interesting to some of us.

My friend is over from the UK on his first trip to Thailand, so I take him out for a drink or two and he has the opportunity to touch a Thai girls leg in a not so nice bar off Asoke.  He is perplexed on how smooth her skin is and in his excitement he says his wife skin feels like a rhino. Its going to be ###### keeping a straight face in the morning but can any of you explain why the skin of a Thai is softer?

Do Thai girls have a problem with cellulite (orange peel skin)? None of my girl friends have had any. They've all had "bums like a 12 year old boy":



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Be sure to check the stomach before you decide you want to take her home. :o

Sometimes we just get misunderstood.

Oh come on man! Just admit that you put your foot in your mouth just a little bit and I think these guys will be ok with you Scamp.

Granted, yes I did I'll give you that - but you're alright mbkudu, KevinN and I have an ongoing aversion to each other.

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its a good job all u guys arnt all  in a bar together, there would be one muther of a scrap!

I wouldn't hit KevinN, he's much older than I am and it's bad enough that I can't respect him.

Again he ASSUMES I only know Bangkok, I just live here, I've not seen enough of Thailand but I've seen a lot - I'd like to see more of the north.

Kevin says that I am making "accusations" about wrinkly tummies and that I've never seen outside of BKK.

What???????? :o

My views are based on current experiences which will oviously be here in Bangers as I haven't had the chance to get out for ages, but I have observed Thai life over the years everywhere from Mae Hong Son to Phitsanulok, from Hat Yai to Lamai etc...

Kevin, go and finish your soup then come back to me with some proper criticism, I've enough faults to choose from without you having to resort to playground finger pointing.

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.......... but then everybody here thinks its fine to degrade western women.  This occurs all day long on this forum, and no one, including yourself, seems to have a problem with it.

On the subject of skin, I can add something......

These are two different topics....


About skin...acne.... this is not only a problem of young Thai women.....men and women anywhere in this world have skin problems.

You should consult a medical doctor about it, and to try out various steps to find the reason.... pollution, food allergy, wrong cosmetica and so on....

I think, it has also something to do with race, age, work....and so on, difficult to compare a woman with another woman about that subject....financial background also must be considered, good medical care might be costly.


About the other point: Degrading Western women...

Why should a Western man on this forum have a problem with facts?

What means, 'it is fine to degrade western women'?

a- It is a fact, that there is a strong tendency, that Western men like to date and marry Asian girls. Nobody can deny that.

b- It is a fact, that money and Asian origin is irrelevant concering the Western man/Asian girl trend.. regardless if the girl is a Japanese salesgirl, a Vietnamese medical doctor, a Singapore Chinese bank-employee or a Filipina maid. Some Asian women are financially very good off, and by far not all of them are poor compared to the Western men. Not all of these Asian women are young and beautiful, by the way...


There is NOT such a tendency at all between Western women and Asian men.... (yes, there are some exceptions, but this is a very tiny minority) - this also is a fact, nobody can deny that.

Facts are facts.....

Degrading western women or not.....

These are the facts.....

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I have to wonder if their problem with western woman is because of shame.

Why should I be ashamed of the fact that I prefer the company of girls with darker skin and/or slanted eyes over that of "western" girls ?

Men come here and think it's a sexual paradise where money can buy you anything.

It is, and it can ... but Thailand's not alone in this ... and although relatively inexpensive by "world" standards, professional sex workers in Thailand are not cheap by "third world" standards.

Forgetting about Thailand for a moment ... money can buy you anything "sexual" you want, anywhere in the world, if you have enough of it.

I'm not suggesting that Thai working girls are never "price-exploited" by farangs who visit the country specifically for a cheap <deleted> ... it happens a lot ... but those farangs are <deleted> in their own countries, and the girls know it.

I was speaking specifically of sex tourist/residents and not about if one prefers Thai or Western Woman .. Take note my entire post was directed at the men who post hateful thing about western woman. If you are not one of those then of course this wouldn't apply to you.


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even in western countries where prostitution isn't so looked down upon you still wouldn't take your prostitute out to dinner.
Why not ?

…Because at £200+ per hour outcall you’d most probably be so rich that there really would be no excuse not to be ‘paying by the year’ (ie., have a non-professional for a GF/Wife (not forgetting the expensive ‘golden goodbye’ on any divorce… ) as opposed to by the hour/day.

It’s all a question of pricing parity differentials as ever (witness the Economist’s Big Mac index as the most famous example), and little if anything to do with (s)exploitation as suggested earlier in this thread (and in many others…)

If anything, it’s men, worldwide, who are being exploited, by the few sexually desirable women who can effectively act as a cartel and set almost unrealistically high local pricing models for something that many men need to ‘feel normal’ – was it e.g. Kennedy or Clinton who admitted to getting stress induced headaches if he didn’t have sex daily? Accordingly, outside the west those who offer a cheaper pricing model (as westerners would see it) are simply acting out the same dominant market position but in the local market – thus critics (external or otherwise) are hoodwinked into thinking that something profoundly different is occurring in the non-western market. That is also to say, it may be ‘cheap’ to westerners but the local prices charged can often give a better yearly income that that of many a local office worker. And if much of same wasn’t squandered on the latest mobile phones etc., and donated liberally to provincial relations, many in the trade would undoubtedly live in a conspicuously wealthier manner.

Yet I suspect many who haven’t the slightest idea of market dynamics will fail to realise or accept any of the above. And they are welcome to do so – not all of us can be clever either :o

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.......... but then everybody here thinks its fine to degrade western women.  This occurs all day long on this forum, and no one, including yourself, seems to have a problem with it.

On the subject of skin, I can add something......

These are two different topics....


About skin...acne.... this is not only a problem of young Thai women.....men and women anywhere in this world have skin problems.

You should consult a medical doctor about it, and to try out various steps to find the reason.... pollution, food allergy, wrong cosmetica and so on....

I think, it has also something to do with race, age, work....and so on, difficult to compare a woman with another woman about that subject....financial background also must be considered, good medical care might be costly.


About the other point: Degrading Western women...

Why should a Western man on this forum have a problem with facts?

What means, 'it is fine to degrade western women'?

a- It is a fact, that there is a strong tendency, that Western men like to date and marry Asian girls. Nobody can deny that.

b- It is a fact, that money and Asian origin is irrelevant concering the Western man/Asian girl trend.. regardless if the girl is a Japanese salesgirl, a Vietnamese medical doctor, a Singapore Chinese bank-employee or a Filipina maid. Some Asian women are financially very good off, and by far not all of them are poor compared to the Western men. Not all of these Asian women are young and beautiful, by the way...


There is NOT such a tendency at all between Western women and Asian men.... (yes, there are some exceptions, but this is a very tiny minority) - this also is a fact, nobody can deny that.

Facts are facts.....

Degrading western women or not.....

These are the facts.....

In response to your list Yohan:

1. That's almost exactly what I already said, except that I was also responding to someone else's comment. And the reason why I answered the way I did is because I already did talk to a medical doctor - dematologist - about it. Two of my Thai friends are doctors, and we talk about medically-related issues all the time. Two things came up: the reason for a high prevalance of adult acne in Thailand, and the social and health-related factors that contribute to a high rate of cervical cancer in Thai women

2. I certainly don't have a problem with facts. In fact, I welcome facts. More facts on this forum would be a welcome change, for some of us, anyway.

A. In terms of your stated "fact" that there is a "strong tendency" for Western men to "date and marry Asian girls", well I would agree, on this forum anyway. Counting men that already exclusively date or marry Asian women, and who live in Asia, and happen to frequent forums and venues that almost exclusively cater to other men who exclusively date and marry Asian women, isn't really a way to establish "facts". That is a self-selected sample of men that predominatly believes and thinks the same things.

And my opinion that this forum degrades women is not based on a presumed male preference for Asian women. Men everywhere have their preferences that always exclude someone or another. This is not new. My opinion that many men on this forum make degrading and dehumanizing remarks about women and in particular Western women is based on what they say, not by who they date/marry/prefer.

B. "It is a fact, that money and Asian origin is irrevelant concerning the Western man/Asian girl trend ..."

This flies in the face of historical and contemporary accounts of Asian gender and socio-cultural analyses of every kind regarding Asian/Asian marriages and the significance of dowry, so you are now stating that the significance of money in Western/Asian marriages, and in particular S.E. Asia, is irrevelant? This not only contradicts history, contemporary trends, and empirical and ancedotal observations, but even the personal accounts of a vast majority of men on the "Asian female preference" forum circuit. Note, I am not elaborating here on the forces involved in brideprice, or even denying that there are exceptions, but merely stating that it is in fact an occurence and quite a significant one.

But I guess it's a "fact" because you proclaim it to be one.

C. Yes, and I think this has a lot to do with the condition that many Western women are not as willing to step into a common social, cultural, and political mileu that erodes their legal/social standing as independent mature women by more than 50 years. Again, there are exceptions to this rule, which largely depend on the man and woman.

Yes, I agree, facts are facts.

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even in western countries where prostitution isn't so looked down upon you still wouldn't take your prostitute out to dinner.
Why not ?
…Because at £200+ per hour outcall you’d most probably be so rich that there really would be no excuse not to be ‘paying by the year’ (ie., have a non-professional for a GF/Wife (not forgetting the expensive ‘golden goodbye’ on any divorce… ) as opposed to by the hour/day.

It’s all a question of pricing parity differentials as ever (witness the Economist’s Big Mac index as the most famous example), and little if anything to do with (s)exploitation as suggested earlier in this thread (and in many others…)

If anything, it’s men, worldwide, who are being exploited, by the few sexually desirable women who can effectively act as a cartel and set almost unrealistically high local pricing models for something that many men need to ‘feel normal’ – was it e.g. Kennedy or Clinton who admitted to getting stress induced headaches if he didn’t have sex daily? Accordingly, outside the west those who offer a cheaper pricing model (as westerners would see it) are simply acting out the same dominant market position but in the local market – thus critics (external or otherwise) are hoodwinked into thinking that something profoundly different is occurring in the non-western market. That is also to say, it may be ‘cheap’ to westerners but the local prices charged can often give a better yearly income that that of many a local office worker. And if much of same wasn’t squandered on the latest mobile phones etc., and donated liberally to provincial relations, many in the trade would undoubtedly live in a conspicuously wealthier manner.

Yet I suspect many who haven’t the slightest idea of market dynamics will fail to realise or accept any of the above. And they are welcome to do so – not all of us can be clever either :o


The problem with using market diffentials to analyze basic human conditions such as love, desire, exploitation, and choice is that you can't hold any of the simultaneously occuring and multi-facted events in a human life constant the way you can in an equation. It's not like you can so easily substitute family/status/ or survival as readily as labor or capital, is it?

Of course, I'm no market analyst, and I'm sure this shows, but I will try to respond to your argument with a bit of informed common sense.

How do market differentials measure the events in many of the girls/women's lives that may lead them to prostitution or other exploitative sexual/emotional relationships? How exactly do we quantify whether it was more family poverty or family preference, the fact that she is a girl and must repay her family debt, or was possibly beat up and sexually abused before she was 16, or that her impoverished or dyfunctional family is indebted to loan sharks because of drinking/drugs/gambling/land, or an honest mistake, or some combination of all?; or maybe she just wants the latest mobile phone. How do we measure whether or not the sharp increase in AIDS and unparented youth exponentially increase the chances of young people becoming sex workers? Multiple regression also has its limitations with analyzing simultaneous multiple variables.

That is why the UNDP also uses the Human Development Index (HDI) to measure gains that are not easily captured by the GDP. In fact, the two most rapidly growing economies of S.E. Asia - Viet Nam and Thailand - also show the fastest growing disparity rates between the agricultural and urban sectors. As one rapidly increases, the other rapidly declines because growth is mostly of an extractive nature rather than of a capacity and technological expansion in underdeveloped areas at the moment. Of course, Thaksin has kept this in check a little with his populist give-aways, but this is not sustainable.

I wasn't really going to take the position that your choices in women or the "pricing parity differentials" result in exploitation, but your market analysis is incomplete in this regard. If the foreigner's purchasing power is increased in the cheaper local market, this increased demand naturally increases supply or price, or some combination of both, given there are no substitutes, right? And we have already heard from the majority of men on this forum and elsewhere, that there are absolutely no substitutes. It is a fact that the number of young people entering the sex trade in Asia is increasing, not declining, along with the number of young women that view marriage as a carrer path. Therefore the abundance of "cheap", locally available women, of "superior" quality, gives you the purchasing power not unlike a kid with a $100 bill in the penny-candy store of your dreams, doesn't it?

There are many factors involved here, but according to your own market analysis, if you don't directly contribute to the cause of her exploitation, you certainly benefit from the result.

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I also want to add, that everything that I assert as a fact in the above statements, will soon be backed up with verifiable data/estimates that I've been collecting from research sources. This is still in progress. I will post the findings and sources in the next few days.

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