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Thailand to put bite into dog meat laws

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Thailand to put bite into dog meat laws

Mon Jun 23, 4:28 AM ET  

BANGKOK (Reuters) - After decades of unregulated trade in dog meat, Thailand is looking to impose controls to curb the spread of disease and fend off criticism from animal lovers, an official says.

A new law will require the issuing of licenses for the transport and slaughter of dogs, Department of Livestock Development chief Yukol Limlamthong told Reuters on Monday.

"The new law won't ban the trade, but control the spread of diseases," he said. "We would prefer people saw dogs as cute animals rather than a type of consumable meat."

Yukol said the legislation was expected to come into force in the next few months, and would only need approval from a cabinet minister, not parliament.

Dog meat has been a delicacy in some parts of Thailand for generations. Its flesh and some organs are also exported for various uses, including drum tops and golf gloves.

Most dog meat in Thailand comes from domestic pets kept in villages, mainly in the northeast of the country. Animal rights activists estimate at least 500 dogs are slaughtered every week for meat and other purposes.



The other side of the coin.

My Thai wife could not believe that rabbit is eaten in the UK, to her they are pets and pets alone.

The other side of the coin.

My Thai wife could not believe that rabbit is eaten in the UK, to her they are pets and pets alone.

She's obviously not from Isaan, or she'd be slavering at the thought of a bunny in the pot like my Mrs, every time we go back to UK.

Does any one remember a news article from a few years back reporting how some Thai construction workers (no doubt from Isaan) were caught red handed Bar-B-Qing a dog alive with a blow torch. They had a touch of culture shock when the cops arrested them and learnt it was not the done thing in  Singapore. And then there's the mysterious disappearance of most of israel's wildlife, since they started hiring Isaan workers by the plane load. They even apparently cleared out a zoo's animals the urge for meat was so strong.........


She's obviously not from Isaan, or she'd be slavering at the thought of a bunny in the pot like my Mrs, every time we go back to UK.

Anyone tried the "Lab Khratai" ... was on a hotel's menu in Loei ... or was it the construction worker's menu ... can't remember.

Might have been Hares more than rabbits ...

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