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My Griev'ance Living In Thailand


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you need to meditate more....find somewhere nice and quiet and go for an hour in the morning and evening.

This would not be anywhere near your place then :o

What am I talking about? Look in the DIY forum :D

Depends if before or after....quiet time comes over us all at some point.

Squigs why don't you hang it up buddy everyone is putting you on the ignore list for a reason.if you have to post look or ignore it says alot about your character. try adding to a conversation instead of being the center of it. I think the world revolves around all of us not just one. that is why your getting flamed & ignored. Humbleness & appologies go a long way . there are some pretty sharp people on this forum & it really is tough to get over & earn you no friends. ease up a bit before your aced out of the forum. And you don't use sand in laying lawn!

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i would wish thais would be more considerate ..............

looks like i'll be moving again


I wish the idiots who move here and then complain about things would F off back to where they're happy - Home.

Go to another country - complain, try to change the way locals do things.

Terms like 'arrogant', 'ignorant' and 'scum of the earth' spring to mind.

When are you leaving?

Had a few beers?

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I moved here from a "nice and quiet" valley where the only noise was from the odd bored cow or the bang of another lonely farmers gun as he ended his life.

Got to Bangkok and couldn't believe the noise and chaos and vibrancy and life and fun and quality of life.

I hate it when I have to spend anytime away from the hustle and bustle of life and I certainly aint no newbie with a shock coming to me.

Takes all sorts the these are my sort of people.

All together now! Bangkok, Bangkok so good they named it Krungthepmahankorn! And yes I have been drinking.

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Just realized by your post your in Bangkok, not many tuk-tuk's in Pattaya.

Bangkok is a very noisy city. if you renting try moving to a quieter town. That is one of the joys of Thailand if it doesn't suit you

find a new hangout! Just rent in the area for 6 months before you intend purchase property of any sort a must! Seems like Bangkok is one of those places you go to rage. I only go there to party for a nite & get out after. A rural area opposed to a big metropolis seems like it might suit you better & if your looking for a real sleepy kinda place deep in the Khon Ken area I have a friend that tells me at 6 pm. it's lights out & the town is dead-not even the monks with loudspeakers. If you are interested in the slower & I do mean slower lifestyle PM me & I will give you Guys number in Kohn ken. I apologize for the misspeling if I spelled it wrong.

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i would wish thais would be more considerate as noise is by far my biggest griev'ance living in thailand

the morning routine

the local mosque full blast 4. 50

local tuk tuk driver takes tuk tuk out of house leaves it running 5 minuets 5.30

locals turn on tv diffferent channels

neigbours take cars/pick-up and park out side engine's running ( air con )till they leave for work

looks like i'll be moving again :o:D

I use earplugs at night.

But I have a very loud alarm. Two alarms actually, and they sit right next to my bed.

Yes, living near a mosque is a problem.

Moving is a possiblity, but you still don't know what the new place will really be like, noise wise, until you move there.

It's a difficult situation.

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Here in Delaware, families are moving into farming area for a change of pace and are now pushing out the farms due to animal smells and sounds.....

As a visitor, there are few things that bother me in the average day to day.... But I imagine that after a while, the food cart I thought was cute near the entrance of my condo is not so cute anymore as the months pass... But I think you do have to keep in mind that at one point all these things had a certain charm to you.

One of my friends from the Dominican Republic told me that on Sunday the people would wake-up early on Sunday and BLAST some Merengue (sp) music for all to hear..... I would love to experience that and I am sure if I moved there, at some point it would piss me off!

So I think when it comes to living in Thailand, when an area that you once enjoyed begins to make your life hel_l.... It is time to move.... And that could bring on a new adventure or a new set of pet peeves.

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Well i have a house just outside udon thani. Away from the main rd, right in the countryside. there's only 1 house at the side of me about 15 mtres away and countryside views to the other 3 sides. Perfect you might be thinking. Wrong. He has just started breeding for cock fighting in his back garden. Perfect. early morning calls all the time now. But i still love the place, and it's good to get up early and enjoy the days thailand brings for me.

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Oh look, another newbie that thinks Thailand is perfect.

Boy, are you in for a shock when you start to understand the way things work here.

Yeah...all such replies remind me of a newbie guy who was quoted years ago in a story I read somewhere (Post, Stick, or maybe online somewhere) that he just LOOVEDDDDDD everything about living in Thailand...how it gave him such a thrill every moment he was in Bangkok. He said he even loved it when he was stuck in a terminal traffic jam on a moto or tuk tuk behind a Bangkok bus and was showered with diesel fumes when the bus finally started moving again. These guys have allot of hard learning in front of them :D

Give me a break :o

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Squigs why don't you hang it up buddy everyone is putting you on the ignore list for a reason.if you have to post look or ignore it says alot about your character. try adding to a conversation instead of being the center of it. I think the world revolves around all of us not just one. that is why your getting flamed & ignored. Humbleness & appologies go a long way . there are some pretty sharp people on this forum & it really is tough to get over & earn you no friends. ease up a bit before your aced out of the forum. And you don't use sand in laying lawn!

Hi dogs, I have missed you, but you should try at least to keep it a little on topic…I mean sand and grass ?? ……you off the reservation a little bit here mate.

Why don’t you send me a PM like the good old days, or at least put me on ignore like all your mates.

if this is your way of apologizing, then I accept it. By the way, wanna see a pic of my lush green lawn and the sand that was laid under it ?? Maybe you should go start a search or something, or get busy with them melons.

Cheers, your friend Squigs.

As for Bkk being noisy, yes there are many noisy areas, but many quiet ones also, do not beleive someone who states bkk is only the place to come to rage and party, cos I believe the millions that live here do not do that every night.

I live in a quiet area, a house and I sit on the front balcony and relax in the peace and quiet many times. A friend who lives in Silom comes by and is astounded by how peaceful it is here and kicks back and relaxes. There are many areas, some even more quiet than here and we are very close to a subway station also, so no need to think it has to be miles from the centre of action.

But Thailand does seem to have a high tolerance for noise, most asian countries seem to.[/font][/size]

Edited by MrSquigle
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looks like i'll be moving again

Moved yet, or complaining about something else?

Maybe that the food is too spicy, or it's too hot, or god-forbid - the locals don't speak a word of Ingrish. Quick quick, time to move home.

Oh look, another newbie that thinks Thailand is perfect

Newbie!!! LOL. Someone who accepts all the stupid crap the locals do without complaining about it has GOT TO Be a Newbie. LOL

Remember - when you see them do something completely spasticated - Look, laugh and continue on with your day.

It's their country to do as they please.

Edited by thomo
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My pet annoyances occur at left turns off small sois into a main roads.

  • Drivers who turn onto a road without looking if there is traffic comming
  • those same driver not being able to stear their cars into the first lane without disrupting a couple of lanes of traffic.
  • If you are the one turning left of a small road and using space to swing the car into the first lane only, I hate it when someone cuts in on your left side to cut the corner...... :o

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you need to meditate more....find somewhere nice and quiet and go for an hour in the morning and evening.

This would not be anywhere near your place then :D

What am I talking about? Look in the DIY forum :bah:

Hi Crossy- you must be talking about Mr Humble himself :D:o:D :D

By the way thank you for the great help in helping me wire my house!

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Move to a respectable neighbourhood that the masses can't afford. You'll still get the odd nob who likes to bring his buddies around for a bash, mercs n beamers splashed either side of the soi, but this is generally the exception, at least where I am. The birds I can put up with :o

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So did you choose to live here without even visiting first or what?

I moved here without visiting. That what 7 years ago. I saw no need to visit first. If i didn't like it i was going to move somewhere else after.

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Oh look, another newbie that thinks Thailand is perfect

Newbie!!! LOL. Someone who accepts all the stupid crap the locals do without complaining about it has GOT TO Be a Newbie. LOL

Remember - when you see them do something completely spasticated - Look, laugh and continue on with your day.

It's their country to do as they please.

Yeah especially when that spasticated thing is being done to your car, house, passport, or other important item in your life. Just laugh and continue on with your day. and especially when could really use another hours sleep. ha ha :o

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you need to meditate more....find somewhere nice and quiet and go for an hour in the morning and evening.

This would not be anywhere near your place then :bah:

What am I talking about? Look in the DIY forum :bah:

Hi Crossy- you must be talking about Mr Humble himself :D:D:D:D

By the way thank you for the great help in helping me wire my house!

Wow you had to quote it twice, I'm impressed......and what does wiring a house have to do with noise pollution.....keep it on track grandpa. :o

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i would wish thais would be more considerate ..............

looks like i'll be moving again


I wish the idiots who move here and then complain about things would F off back to where they're happy - Home.

Go to another country - complain, try to change the way locals do things.

Terms like 'arrogant', 'ignorant' and 'scum of the earth' spring to mind.

When are you leaving?

Oh look, another newbie that thinks Thailand is perfect.

Boy, are you in for a shock when you start to understand the way things work here.

Not such a Newbie here only 35 years of visiting though, where is perfect? most of our home countries are not or we would not be here.

I stayed in Tahiti for a while and they had the same great outlook as the Thai people

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It is great reading this topic and finding out that there are actually other people out there that also find the noise levels in more populated areas of Thailand to be almost intolerable for comfortable living. It is their country so they are entitled to live any way they want however barking dogs, crowing roosters, and loudspeakers at any time of day or night is not how I personally choose to live.

I love so many things about Thailand and at one time was going to buy there but over time the noise levels have convinced me that I am happier just renting and spending a few months a year there. I think Thailand is a wonderful place to live if you can accept the noise levels that the Thai culture seems to accept as normal. I have no right to complain as it is their country so I just try to enjoy my time when I am there. :o

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... however barking dogs, crowing roosters, and loudspeakers at any time of day or night is not how I personally choose to live.

I think Thailand is a wonderful place to live if you can accept the noise levels that the Thai culture seems to accept as normal... I have no right to complain as it is their country so I just try to enjoy my time when I am there.

Exactly...however, this phenomenon of excessive noise pollution is common to many Asian countries. There seems to be some cultural tolerance to noise pollution levels that are different from the West. If one chooses to live in Asia, this is one aspect of these countries you will have to accept.

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here here to the post regarding accepting it

idealistically speaking the most offensive things are:

smell, touch, and noise (not in that order)

since one can not control their input/output

but so much for living in a n idealistic world

i was happy to see such a Post how people cope with the noise

i noticed it doesn't matter where i go or what i do

the noise will follow me

ear plugs can help for some noises at some times but they become uncomfortable after an hour or two

i just don't get the blaring music on the bus where every song sounds the same (to me)

or going to a park or zoo and again some speakers blaring something or other

maybe it has something to do with what i read on thavisa about Thais going for sensory overload in many regards, IE spicy or sweet or both

i accept it as much as i can and....

i find it fascinating to note that sometimes the noise of the people talking in the other room, or the TV, or the karaoke drives me completely batty and at other times it doesn't bother me at all

why doesn't it bother me?

i ask myself

and therein is a bit of the zen of life

find those times when something that normally bothers you, doesn't

you can learn a lot about yourself

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To be honest I find all this a bit silly.

On an evening I can hear a pin drop. Well, after SWMBO stops yacking on the phone to her sister or laughing with her friends. And after the kids are packed off to bed so the TV is off.

20 minutes away is as much noise as a body can suffer, with traffic, loud music, ice cream vendors etc etc.

If you don't like it, just move, easy :o Nothing to get stressed about IMHO

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Yorkman: your house sounds like mine, but the security men with whistles who insist on helping you back out blowing like a madman, are one of my pet peeves. When it gets too bad I take a trip to farm, 150 km north of Chiang Mai, farm is about 1 km. from nearest neighbor so only noise is provided by mother nature (if I leave family at home) I guess nearest Wat is 3 or 4 km away, peace and quiet until I get bored.

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