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Cia Detainees Taken To Thailand For Interrogation


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As Bulmercke was saying USA is spreading it's tentacles as far as possible around the world, also to Thailand. I am very much against these kind of policies, god knows how long it has been on. We don't want to see a full out world war. Right? These are my opinions.

Unfortunatley a minority of americans give enough support to the neo cons for their ficticious war on terror - a prelude to the next world war. Fox news is a powerful weapon against feeble minds.

During the 70s and 80s in the Uk there was a war on terror. Just a few incidents eg: A hotel in Brighton was bombed, seriously injuring a senior cabinet minister, Norman Tebbits, wife. Queens horses were blown to bits. Major cities were bombed and bombed and bombed - but successive governments of the time didnt throw away the constitution 'to protect us'

Unfortunatley america has become a soviet style police state and many americans cant see it!

It is more difficult and unpleasant for a foriegner to enter the USA than to enter the old eastern europe or todays Russia. But of course americans wouldnt know or even have the insight to aknowledge the fact. Most americans dont even hold a passport. Although thats not surprizing - i dont suppose they issued passports to the troops prior to entering iraq!

Yes in the years 1970 to 2000 the IRA and splinter groups carried out terrorist activities against the UK. They did have a political wing so you could talk to them. Over 3000 killed/wounded. Financed indirectly by sympathisers in the US and Australia.

The US will never win in the middle east, eventually Russia and China will be drawn in, if not already indirectly.

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As Bulmercke was saying USA is spreading it's tentacles as far as possible around the world, also to Thailand. I am very much against these kind of policies, god knows how long it has been on. We don't want to see a full out world war. Right? These are my opinions.

Unfortunatley a minority of americans give enough support to the neo cons for their ficticious war on terror - a prelude to the next world war. Fox news is a powerful weapon against feeble minds.

During the 70s and 80s in the Uk there was a war on terror. Just a few incidents eg: A hotel in Brighton was bombed, seriously injuring a senior cabinet minister, Norman Tebbits, wife. Queens horses were blown to bits. Major cities were bombed and bombed and bombed - but successive governments of the time didnt throw away the constitution 'to protect us'

Unfortunatley america has become a soviet style police state and many americans cant see it!

It is more difficult and unpleasant for a foriegner to enter the USA than to enter the old eastern europe or todays Russia. But of course americans wouldnt know or even have the insight to aknowledge the fact. Most americans dont even hold a passport. Although thats not surprizing - i dont suppose they issued passports to the troops prior to entering iraq!

Yes in the years 1970 to 2000 the IRA and splinter groups carried out terrorist activities against the UK. They did have a political wing so you could talk to them. Over 3000 killed/wounded. Financed indirectly by sympathisers in the US and Australia.

The US will never win in the middle east, eventually Russia and China will be drawn in, if not already indirectly.

Agreed and thats the scary thing - lets hope they have a plan

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The US will never win in the middle east, eventually Russia and China will be drawn in, if not already indirectly.

What is the definition of "winning" in the ME? Is it keeping the oil pipeline open and competitive on the global market or is it something else?

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The US will never win in the middle east, eventually Russia and China will be drawn in, if not already indirectly.

What is the definition of "winning" in the ME? Is it keeping the oil pipeline open and competitive on the global market or is it something else?

Bringing peace to the ME, it will never happen, western style democracy is unsuited to them. Basically they are "tribal".

To win the US and its allies must go on a full war footing as done in WW2, and then a final political and ecomomical solution can be found for the peoples of this region. Do not let wars drag on they just get worse. After 6 years what has been achieved in the area?

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If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

Two questions I would like to ask, why are these detainees held in Cuba and 'interrogations' held all over the world? when after all, looking at my atlas the USA is a relatively large country. Why not do this on your own door-step ?

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CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons

Debate Is Growing Within Agency About Legality and Morality of Overseas System Set Up After 9/11

Washington Post Staff Writer - Dana Priest -

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

The secret facility is part of a covert prison system set up by the CIA nearly four years ago that at various times has included sites in eight countries, including Thailand, Afghanistan and several democracies in Eastern Europe, as well as a small center at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, according to current and former intelligence officials and diplomats from three continents.

The hidden global internment network is a central element in the CIA's unconventional war on terrorism. It depends on the cooperation of foreign intelligence services, and on keeping even basic information about the system secret from the public, foreign officials and nearly all members of Congress charged with overseeing the CIA's covert actions.

The existence and locations of the facilities -- referred to as "black sites" in classified White House, CIA, Justice Department and congressional documents -- are known to only a handful of officials in the United States and, usually, only to the president and a few top intelligence officers in each host country.

The CIA and the White House, citing national security concerns and the value of the program, have dissuaded Congress from demanding that the agency answer questions in open testimony about the conditions under which captives are held. Virtually nothing is known about who is kept in the facilities, what interrogation methods are employed with them, or how decisions are made about whether they should be detained or for how long.

The Washington Post is not publishing the names of the Eastern European countries involved in the covert program, at the request of senior U.S. officials. They argued that the disclosure might disrupt counterterrorism efforts in those countries and elsewhere and could make them targets of possible terrorist retaliation.

It is illegal for the government to hold prisoners in such isolation in secret prisons in the United States, which is why the CIA placed them overseas, according to several former and current intelligence officials and other U.S. government officials. Legal experts and intelligence officials said that the CIA's internment practices also would be considered illegal under the laws of several host countries, where detainees have rights to have a lawyer or to mount a defense against allegations of wrongdoing

Host countries have signed the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, as has the United States. Yet CIA interrogators in the overseas sites are permitted to use the CIA's approved "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques," some of which are prohibited by the U.N. convention and by U.S. military law. They include tactics such as "waterboarding," in which a prisoner is made to believe he or she is drowning..

Most of the facilities were built and are maintained with congressionally appropriated funds, but the White House has refused to allow the CIA to brief anyone except the House and Senate intelligence committees' chairmen and vice chairmen on the program's generalities.



Published: December 8, 2007 - C.I.A. Was Urged to Keep Interrogation Videotapes

Abu Zubaydah was captured in Pakistan, and it has been reported that he was taken to Thailand for part of his interrogation. It is unclear where Mr. Nashiri was interrogated by C.I.A. operatives.

Mr. Nashiri, a Qaeda operations chief in the Arabian Peninsula until his capture in 2002, is thought to have planned the October 2000 bombing of the destroyer Cole in Yemen.

The Senate Intelligence Committee announced Friday that it was starting an investigation into the destruction of the videotapes.

COMMENT: Very possible that Nashiri was also taken to Thailand.

Edited by bulmercke
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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.

Yes, that way you might get some useful information.

Have you ever tried interrogating a headless corpse?

Very short conversation.

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Hambali was arrested in Thailand and then taken to Cuba.

He was planning to attack the 2003 APEC meeting in Bangkok.

Wonder why they didn't keep him here in the Thai/US secret prison?

I recall he was found with a list of Thailand targets... Embassies, Nana Plaza, Patong Phuket, Khoa San Rd. were mentioned.


here is a quote from the article:

"Hambali planned to carry out bombings in Thailand against the U.S. and British embassies, nightclubs in Phuket and Pattaya, and the Israeli check-in counter at Bangkok's Don Muang airport," London's Sunday Times reported in October 2003, citing Hambali's purported "interrogation transcript".

"Hambali and two Al Qaeda assistants also considered attacking an Israeli restaurant with a Star of David above it, in the [bangkok] backpacker area of Khao San Road," the British report said. The popular restaurant, in a street perpetually jammed with thousands of tourists and Thais, has since removed its large six-pointed advertisement.

Edited by PadThaiGuy
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Ten things you may not have known:

1. Ramzi bin al-Shibh, another important Qaeda supervisor, who was arrested in the fall of 2002, was also secretly taken to Thailand for questioning before the United States moved him to another undisclosed location.

2. Abu Zubaydah was captured in Pakistan, and it has been reported that he was taken to Thailand for part of his interrogation.

3. Don Entz pointed out, in a story that was published in the Bangkok Post, that the U.S. Embassy here is the second largest US mission in the world... Apparently, the largest U.S. embassy is in Mexico City and the largest in terms of number of employees is in Cairo. March 22, 2003

4. The new US embassy in Bangkok which was constructed around 2000 is basically a fortress designed to stop both spies and would-be attackers in their tracks.

5.The construction of the new Bangkok embassy involved a major security upgrade for Thailand. The CSUP provided or enhanced perimeter security, public access controls, forced-entry/ballistic-resistant doors and windows, emergency egress, roof hatches, safe havens, enclosed emergency generators, buried fuel tanks, and other features that greatly increased the security of persons and property at this particular U.S. diplomatic post.

6. The US embassy in Bangkok is is a modern-day fortress.

7. The CIA in Thailand works out of the embassy.

8. Almost certainly, as far as the CIA were concerned, this was considered by and far the most secure facility at the time in Thailand, and possibly south-east Asia for the interrogation of it's top Al Qaeda detainees.

9. The CIA in a directive ordered all videotapes of interrogations to remain at those designated interrogation centres - Thailand in 2002 was only one of two countries outside of Europe involved in these interrogations.

10. Almost certainly top Al Qaeda suspects were being held in a top-secret - state of the art - purpose built - high tech facility located in the basement of the US embassy here in Bangkok.

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Hambali was arrested in Thailand and then taken to Cuba.

He was planning to attack the 2003 APEC meeting in Bangkok.

Wonder why they didn't keep him here in the Thai/US secret prison?

I recall he was found with a list of Thailand targets... Embassies, Nana Plaza, Patong Phuket, Khoa San Rd. were mentioned.


here is a quote from the article:

"Hambali planned to carry out bombings in Thailand against the U.S. and British embassies, nightclubs in Phuket and Pattaya, and the Israeli check-in counter at Bangkok's Don Muang airport," London's Sunday Times reported in October 2003, citing Hambali's purported "interrogation transcript".

"Hambali and two Al Qaeda assistants also considered attacking an Israeli restaurant with a Star of David above it, in the [bangkok] backpacker area of Khao San Road," the British report said. The popular restaurant, in a street perpetually jammed with thousands of tourists and Thais, has since removed its large six-pointed advertisement.

Thai police found Hambali as part of a joint operation between the Thai police and the CIA on August 11, 2003.

Two locations in this category - black sites - in Thailand and on the grounds of the military prison at Guantanamo Bay -- were closed in 2003 and 2004, respectively. (Washington Post)

Both events occured in 2003. I imagine at the time of Hambali's arrest in August of 2003 the policy of detaining Al Qaeda suspects here had been discontinued.

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“Should any American soldier be so base and infamous as to injure any [prisoner]. . . I do most earnestly enjoin you to bring him to such severe and exemplary punishment as the enormity of the crime may require. Should it extend to death itself, it will not be disproportional to its guilt at such a time and in such a cause… for by such conduct they bring shame, disgrace and ruin to themselves and their country.” - George Washington, charge to the Northern Expeditionary Force, Sept. 14, 1775

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I just feel sad for those American soldiers that have no clue on why they are there and die or get seriously wounded.

The world public that has no clue on what is really going on behind the scenes.

They just watch the mainstream news that is controlled and they are slowly brainwashed ( Just repeat the message many times, proven effective)

This world is ruled by the multinationals and world bankers, they do not care about you or me.

I can give you many examples.

Thailand or any other country could set an example if they were not so corrupt.

We the people must take back power and end this.

Please join: The Program

You can sign up here..... :o

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I just feel sad for those American soldiers that have no clue on why they are there and die or get seriously wounded.

The world public that has no clue on what is really going on behind the scenes.

They just watch the mainstream news that is controlled and they are slowly brainwashed ( Just repeat the message many times, proven effective)

This world is ruled by the multinationals and world bankers, they do not care about you or me.

I can give you many examples.

Thailand or any other country could set an example if they were not so corrupt.

We the people must take back power and end this.

Please join: The Program

You can sign up here..... :o

So how do you KNOW that the soldiers have no idea? You live there? Serve there?

Or do you watch mainstream like everyone else.............CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera etc.

Join the Program? <deleted>..................Ahhhhhhhhhhh you are one of those errrrrrrrrrrrrrr. never mind

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Yo Steve, relax na.

Look at history and why countries where involved with wars.

Just do some research OK?

Plenty of stuff available on the Net.

How I know that the soldiers have no idea, well I talk with them....

How about you?

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Yo Steve, relax na.

Look at history and why countries where involved with wars.

Tell us more

Just do some research OK?

Could you offer a tidbit or two?

Plenty of stuff available on the Net.

Yes, there is all kinds of "stuff" on the net

How I know that the soldiers have no idea, well I talk with them....

Soldiers are a cross section of society and are as diverse as the population they come from. Some are antiwar....some are pro-war..some are clueless and just do what they're told...others are engaged in being aware of the politics driving the event...Which ones do you talk to?

How about you?

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My cousin was shot out of his F15-E one nite over Iraq and taken prisinor in 1991. He was released after the war.

Believe me, the US interrogation techincs are fraternity pranks compared to what the Muslims do.

Beg Pardon? You surely mean the Iraqi's (and that was just some of the military/police) are/were vicious torturers. Or are you categorising all Muslims in this way. There is a far from fine distinction.

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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

Well Muslims are not a race, ethnic group, political organisation, or citizens of a particular country but it's much easier to brand a group and then band together against the common enemy.

Arms producers love it, banks love it, politicians love it, Fox TV loves it. No "Ruskies" to demonise now so... next target and the money rolls in.

The only losers in the game are the miltary and civil population that die, or get captured and abused with no legal recourse. Hey, small potatoes.

Anyway, off topic, but only slightly :o

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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

Well Muslims are not a race, ethnic group, political organisation, or citizens of a particular country but it's much easier to brand a group and then band together against the common enemy.

Arms producers love it, banks love it, politicians love it, Fox TV loves it. No "Ruskies" to demonise now so... next target and the money rolls in.

The only losers in the game are the miltary and civil population that die, or get captured and abused with no legal recourse. Hey, small potatoes.

Anyway, off topic, but only slightly :o

Seems like people have short memorys - it doesnt seem so long ago when we were instructed to fear the pesky ruskies. Commi bastards was the chant of the day - they want to nuke your ass! all friends again now though and not a politician with a scratch! I am sure we will all be told to love the new enemy - hopefully soon - oh, so long as no western politicians get hurt.

'more fried chicken cousin' - 'sorry i mean wife'

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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

Well Muslims are not a race, ethnic group, political organisation, or citizens of a particular country but it's much easier to brand a group and then band together against the common enemy.

Arms producers love it, banks love it, politicians love it, Fox TV loves it. No "Ruskies" to demonise now so... next target and the money rolls in.

The only losers in the game are the miltary and civil population that die, or get captured and abused with no legal recourse. Hey, small potatoes.

Anyway, off topic, but only slightly :o

Seems like people have short memorys - it doesnt seem so long ago when we were instructed to fear the pesky ruskies. Commi bastards was the chant of the day - they want to nuke your ass! all friends again now though and not a politician with a scratch! I am sure we will all be told to love the new enemy - hopefully soon - oh, so long as no western politicians get hurt.

'more fried chicken cousin' - 'sorry i mean wife'

Did we have a reason to have a healthy fear of the "Ruskies" or were they pointing their nukes at the USA to say YES! You (USA) are a super-power!? (nobody mention the cuban missle crisis that came close to a world war by minutes).

Edited by PaulUSA302
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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

Well Muslims are not a race, ethnic group, political organisation, or citizens of a particular country but it's much easier to brand a group and then band together against the common enemy.

Arms producers love it, banks love it, politicians love it, Fox TV loves it. No "Ruskies" to demonise now so... next target and the money rolls in.

The only losers in the game are the miltary and civil population that die, or get captured and abused with no legal recourse. Hey, small potatoes.

Anyway, off topic, but only slightly :o

Seems like people have short memorys - it doesnt seem so long ago when we were instructed to fear the pesky ruskies. Commi bastards was the chant of the day - they want to nuke your ass! all friends again now though and not a politician with a scratch! I am sure we will all be told to love the new enemy - hopefully soon - oh, so long as no western politicians get hurt.

'more fried chicken cousin' - 'sorry i mean wife'

Did we have a reason to have a healthy fear of the "Ruskies" or were they pointing their nukes at the USA to say YES! You (USA) are a super-power!? (nobody mention the cuban missle crisis that came close to a world war by minutes).

Fear is far from being healthy! And you think they dont point their nukes at you now - cos fox dont report it!

' watch out for the big bad wolf - and remeber to eat your bread crusts if you want to have curly hair'

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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

Well Muslims are not a race, ethnic group, political organisation, or citizens of a particular country but it's much easier to brand a group and then band together against the common enemy.

Arms producers love it, banks love it, politicians love it, Fox TV loves it. No "Ruskies" to demonise now so... next target and the money rolls in.

The only losers in the game are the miltary and civil population that die, or get captured and abused with no legal recourse. Hey, small potatoes.

Anyway, off topic, but only slightly :o

Seems like people have short memorys - it doesnt seem so long ago when we were instructed to fear the pesky ruskies. Commi bastards was the chant of the day - they want to nuke your ass! all friends again now though and not a politician with a scratch! I am sure we will all be told to love the new enemy - hopefully soon - oh, so long as no western politicians get hurt.

'more fried chicken cousin' - 'sorry i mean wife'

Did we have a reason to have a healthy fear of the "Ruskies" or were they pointing their nukes at the USA to say YES! You (USA) are a super-power!? (nobody mention the cuban missle crisis that came close to a world war by minutes).

Fear is far from being healthy! And you think they dont point their nukes at you now - cos fox dont report it!

' watch out for the big bad wolf - and remeber to eat your bread crusts if you want to have curly hair'

You cheated... I was hoping for you to answer the question but you just did political double talk.

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I will put the thread back on topic...

Thaialnd and the CIA have a working relationship on some terror related issues?

I only have one thing to say.


(Thank you Thailand! I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow!)

No problem, then I will do some profiling, as you think this is a perfect science to categorise people :o

Republican, watches Fox and believes all, lives in a tax haven called Delaware so must be financially dodgy, "visits" Thailand so must be a sex tourist, probably short and lives under a bridge.

See, its easy based upon observation, eh? No offense :D

Back on topic too.....

Anybody who approves of secretive machinations to arrest, detain and torture people for years because of a slightly (tongue firmly in cheek) important war on terror, which raged around the world long before 9/11 deserves... well...to be added to my ignore list at least.

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It is without question the most ludicrously dumbest of dumb people who will be brainwashed into believing that all of a certain race of people are the same - as in bad. Whether they be americans - or do we say cristians - or musilims - or do we say iraqis or arabs!

'Those god damm musil-eems they all want to kill us god fearing people ' - more apple pie cousin!

Could someone please remind me why we are in afganistan - seriously! Oh, and why we went into iraq!

Well Muslims are not a race, ethnic group, political organisation, or citizens of a particular country but it's much easier to brand a group and then band together against the common enemy.

Arms producers love it, banks love it, politicians love it, Fox TV loves it. No "Ruskies" to demonise now so... next target and the money rolls in.

The only losers in the game are the miltary and civil population that die, or get captured and abused with no legal recourse. Hey, small potatoes.

Anyway, off topic, but only slightly :o

Seems like people have short memorys - it doesnt seem so long ago when we were instructed to fear the pesky ruskies. Commi bastards was the chant of the day - they want to nuke your ass! all friends again now though and not a politician with a scratch! I am sure we will all be told to love the new enemy - hopefully soon - oh, so long as no western politicians get hurt.

'more fried chicken cousin' - 'sorry i mean wife'

Did we have a reason to have a healthy fear of the "Ruskies" or were they pointing their nukes at the USA to say YES! You (USA) are a super-power!? (nobody mention the cuban missle crisis that came close to a world war by minutes).

Fear is far from being healthy! And you think they dont point their nukes at you now - cos fox dont report it!

' watch out for the big bad wolf - and remeber to eat your bread crusts if you want to have curly hair'

You cheated... I was hoping for you to answer the question but you just did political double talk.

Double talk is now the common language - or as George Orwell said - 'double speak'.

The US had a real president during the 1963 missile crisis - just as well!

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As another poster has pointed out, the geneva convention is for uniformed troops. As I understand, it was common practice in WW11 to treat any enemy troops captured not wearing uniform to be shot as spies.

I cant believe that anyone could be suggesting that people who detonate bombs on public transport, behead innocent civilians, fly planes into buildings, (the list is endless) should be protected by the laws that apply the rest of us.


Why waste the aviation fuel to take them up to 30,000ft . Just hack their heads off with a rusty spoon and send a dvd of the event to their mum. :D

Sonnyj re the MPS

Quote “They knew the risks involved and were paid for it monthly I presume”

You must be one sick bunny mate. :o:D

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As another poster has pointed out, the geneva convention is for uniformed troops. As I understand, it was common practice in WW11 to treat any enemy troops captured not wearing uniform to be shot as spies.

I cant believe that anyone could be suggesting that people who detonate bombs on public transport, behead innocent civilians, fly planes into buildings, (the list is endless) should be protected by the laws that apply the rest of us.


I agree that the people who plot and carry out these acts against innoccent people deserve no less!

They are indeed evil psycopaths - well oraganized, sophisticated, powerfull - and they live in caves!!!!

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As another poster has pointed out, the geneva convention is for uniformed troops. As I understand, it was common practice in WW11 to treat any enemy troops captured not wearing uniform to be shot as spies.

I cant believe that anyone could be suggesting that people who detonate bombs on public transport, behead innocent civilians, fly planes into buildings, (the list is endless) should be protected by the laws that apply the rest of us.


Why waste the aviation fuel to take them up to 30,000ft . Just hack their heads off with a rusty spoon and send a dvd of the event to their mum. :D

Sonnyj re the MPS

Quote “They knew the risks involved and were paid for it monthly I presume”

You must be one sick bunny mate. :o:D

:D you have not quite got the hang of the quotes thing yet, sort it out in the morning :D

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With all that was going on with Thailand war on drugs.... I don't think they would have a problem with interrogation of a non-thai terrorist.....

I just wish that the News Media would stop trying to isolate America by making like harder for those who help US. They didn't do it with Clinton in office and they hate Bush and they are willing to punish Thailand for their hate of Bush....

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