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No Degree


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Hi, everyone;

I do not have a bachelor's degree, but I would like to find work teaching english in Thailand.

After I arrive in Thailand, I will get a TEFL certification. Would I be better off taking the Celta in this case? I have also been considering Text 'n Talk. I am not sure if I would even be accepted into a Celta course if I don't have a degree.

I would be relying on the school I attend to assist in job placement/work experience to ease my transition into the teaching industry. I have heard very positive things about T 'n T in regards to job assistance.

Any thoughts or comments?

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I don't think the CELTA people would turn you away for not having a degree, but I have no idea what kind of support they give for job placement- haven't seen much from them online, myself- call 'em up and ask. I have heard very good things from people I know who have benefitted from the support TnT gives their graduates; in general they seem to go the extra mile to promote their program and the welfare of their students- and Tefl Int. seems proud of their placement as well. Depending on the location and the school, having a college degree still does not seem a rigid requirement for getting all the legal boilerplate as a TEFL teacher (especially if you have a TEFL cert.)

I don't think ANY of the bigger programs are "bad," though one hears rumors of isolated dodginess from time to time; it has often been said that the CELTA is somewhat more rigorous than the other TEFLs hereabouts but also more theoretical and less useful for conditions "on-the-ground" teaching large classes of kids. It is claimed by some (usually without much evidence, from what I've seen) that CELTA is more "acceptable" internationally than the other certs, but both Bruce from Tefl Int. and Leigh from TnT will tell you that they have plenty enough grads teaching in other countries.

Use the same common sense you would in making any major purchase- visit around, talk to the offices of each program you're interested in, try to talk to former students in the programs, and make a decision based on cost and value- be sure to budget for the time spent taking the course with no income. If you can sit in on a REGULAR ongoing class while you are shopping, go for it (I think Tnt lets you do that).

If you've never done TEFL and are coming to Thailand to do it the first time, for goodness' sake get yourself a cert. of some kind, though. The kids will eat you alive if you don't seem to know what you're doing.


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easiest is to do as most bkk teachers do. and buy ur certificates at koa san road, u spend say 3,000baht and u will be better qualified than most of us teachers here are, ###### if u got a gcse in pottery u will be in the top 40 percent of bkk teachers, i know when i showed my school my gcse in pottery and several first places in the wheel barrow race from primary school they wanted me to be director of studies, but i told em straight, i was born to teach the little brats, i havent regretted a day since i took the job on 9 days ago, 4 hours per day 4 days per week, 60 k per month plus 3 months paid holiday per year, yep i love it me, although if i want a smoke during lessons i have to leave the kids in class while i sneak off to the staff room for half hour or so, still im sure they can study mr bean videos alone, although i believe young somchai has been replacing them with the porn videos out of my satchel that were due to be returned that evening, still kids need sex education i suppose, not sure that "debbie does dallas " is appropiate though..

^ <Obviously ThaiVisa does in NO WAY condone this type of behaviour etc. KK>

Edited by kenkannif
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You should be able to check with the Ministry of Education if the TEFL course is legit. Ask the school for contact details etc. Also The TEFL Institute don't mention anywhere on their website that they're certified which also another big, big give away!

Other than that IJWT teach has pretty much hit the nail squarely on the head IMO!

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You should be able to check with the Ministry of Education if the TEFL course is legit. Ask the school for contact details etc. Also The TEFL Institute don't mention anywhere on their website that they're certified which also another big, big give away!

Other than that IJWT teach has pretty much hit the nail squarely on the head IMO!

I know of no instance where the MoE has ever certified any TEFL course- it doesn't fit in their mandate, and at least up until last year, they had nobody on staff qualified to make such a determination.

I have seen advertising that T'nT's course is certified by the MoE, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. I'm guessing that someone was able to pass a cert through as a degree, but I don't really know what the exact basis for their claim is. It might even be true now...

As a former CELTA course inspector, I can tell you that the local CELTA course can screen you out, if they choose. The Cambridge folks keep a close eye on student grades at the end of each course, and the rate of failure to complete the course. Pressure has been put on certain course-givers to have a testing and screening process in place for all applicants, especially if grades/failure rates deviate much from the norm.

In the case of the courses here in Thailand, I'd say that if the applicant passes the screening test (which often includes a grammar section...), they likely won't be screened out for not having a degree. But I have inspected some courses where those without at least a H.S.dip or degree were not allowed to take the course...

It is claimed by some (usually without much evidence, from what I've seen) that CELTA is more "acceptable" internationally than the other certs, but both Bruce from Tefl Int. and Leigh from TnT will tell you that they have plenty enough grads teaching in other countries.

In my experience, CELTA (A= Adults) is the most respected and well-known of any of the certs (Trninity is also well-known)..Evidence gained from many discussions with hirers over the years,locally, and at International TESOL conferences. A CELTA course is not just a lot of theory as some say- it's all put into practice, too. It's only downside for Thailand teachers is that it is designed for teaching adults, primarily.

It's also true that ANY cert will be accepted by someone, somewhere, but mostly by the desperate or uninformed hirer. With the enormous number of very dodgy TEFL courses (some with no teaching practice), informed people who hire teachers will surely accept the CELTA over most any other 'unknown' cert, like the TEFL certs offered by the two local companies.

I do recommend both of the local companies for teachers planning to teach in Thailand only, at least at first, primarily because you get real teaching experience with kids- the main market here.. Teachers with some experience under their belt need to be less concerned with their certs, most of which are only basic entry-level training courses, anyway. Hirers tend to ignore TEFL certs from experienced teachers, in my experience. Still, the CELTA cert will at least give a hirer some confidence that the teacher isn't completely clueless...

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I know of no instance where the MoE has ever certified any TEFL course- it doesn't fit in their mandate, and at least up until last year, they had nobody on staff qualified to make such a determination.

I have seen advertising that T'nT's course is certified by the MoE, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. I'm guessing that someone was able to pass a cert through as a degree, but I don't really know what the exact basis for their claim is. It might even be true now...

^ Tis true, honest guv!

Three years now if I remember correctly?

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I know of no instance where the MoE has ever certified any TEFL course- it doesn't fit in their mandate, and at least up until last year, they had nobody on staff qualified to make such a determination. 

I have seen advertising that T'nT's course is certified by the MoE, but I haven't seen any evidence of that. I'm guessing that someone was able to pass a cert through as a degree, but I don't really know what the exact basis for their claim is. It might even be true now...

^ Tis true, honest guv!

Three years now if I remember correctly?

Hmm...I guess that's good.... :o

How do you know, Ken?

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