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Selling Hard Cover Books In Chiang Mai


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I've got a few too n nobody wants 'em but they're good. We expats have them and have no prob with acquiring a few more of 'em either. Here's an idea: Why not a Tusker's Pissup n Book Exchange night ? Sort of the Bawdy n the Brainy or something like that. Everybody brings a few they wanna get rid of and we swap. Or sell if somebody's interested but doesn't have anything to exchange. Could be a fun n different thing to do. A couple old tomes I got here just sit around, better to let another enjoy them and get my hands on some new material.

2 Predictions: A) This exchange thing is gonna happen. :o People will post with swapping jokes very shortly.

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Very few book stores in Chiang Mai buy hardback books because it is so difficult to sell them - and that includes to expats.

Gecko Books sometimes buys things like "The I Ching" or classic works on Buddhism, history, psychology, Thailand, Southeast Asia, etc., or brand new hardbacks that haven't yet made it to paperback, but we can't pay a lot because they will never sell for a decent price. Backpackers don't want them at all because they are not convenient, and expats feel that they should all sell for something like 50-100 baht which makes it hard to pay the seller a fair price. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I might be wrong, but as I understood it, all second hand book stores in Chiang Mai only buy paperbacks. So how can get I rid of my hard covers?

If you are just wanting to get rid of them, then either a school, or a library, would almost certainly take them..? If you want hard cash for them, then it might be more difficult. The Gymkhana Club has a very good library, including many hardbacks, which have been donated over the years, by long-term resident expats. You could donate yours to the club, with a suitable message inside the cover perhaps, and they will surely be put to good use. And then there's the schools, especially some of the International ones, which can always make use of a few more books for the children. Just my idea of putting something you don't want to good use..! :o

Edited by paulbrun
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. . . Here's an idea: Why not a Tusker's Pissup n Book Exchange night ? . . . Everybody brings a few they wanna get rid of and we swap. Or sell if somebody's interested but doesn't have anything to exchange. . . .

I think it's a great idea and I would probably show up to take a look myself, but if I were here on a visa that did not allow me to work or conduct a business and I wanted to sell or trade some books I owned, I would want to make sure first that selling or trading them in that kind of situation would not be considered to be either working or conducting a business in violation of the terms of my visa. I am quite possibly being overcautious, but thought it might be helpful if I shared here my concern.

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