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Discussing Thai Politics


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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

My Dad always taught me this. He said -

"Son, never discuss religion or politics with people. Because you'll never change anyone's mind and you'll usual just end up getting people mad."

Dad is a wise man. I need to listen to him more. :o

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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

Using the same specious logic, one might ponder whether there is any point in allowing the syntactically challenged to continue posting written comments in these very forums.

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When I read your thread title, I thought the line you were taking was centred around the lack of any ideology or vision, pointing out that Thai politics is little more than a porcine power and money grab with added murder and thuggery. I was mistaken however.

And I should add there are more than a few on this forum who are perfectly able to vote in Thai elections.

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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

Certainly there is !

We derive much harmless entertainment, which enlivens our restful lives, from observing Thai politics, also much else here. :D

And we also gradually learn more about this fascinating culture, different but sometimes similar to farang-land, in which we are guests, and where we have often made personal or financial commitments. :o

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When I read your thread title, I thought the line you were taking was centred around the lack of any ideology or vision, pointing out that Thai politics is little more than a porcine power and money grab with added murder and thuggery. I was mistaken however.

And I should add there are more than a few on this forum who are perfectly able to vote in Thai elections.

Thanks for your reply, but your last sentence points out that you have not grasped my point. If you cannot vote, is there a point in discussing Thai politics, or even being so passionate about it ?

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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

Certainly there is !

We derive much harmless entertainment, which enlivens our restful lives, from observing Thai politics, also much else here. :D

And we also gradually learn more about this fascinating culture, different but sometimes similar to farang-land, in which we are guests, and where we have often made personal or financial commitments. :o

Yours is a very good reply, but the point is we can make no difference , so what is the point ?

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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

None whatsoever. :o

It's like being a teacher. Having to get stuff into the skulls of 25 kids who resist being taught tooth and nail, and whether you succeed or not completely makes no difference to you in life whatsoever.

It's a calling.

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Thanks for your reply, but your last sentence points out that you have not grasped my point. If you cannot vote, is there a point in discussing Thai politics, or even being so passionate about it ?

Ah ha, I get it now. Your point is that only the 5% of contributors on this forum who are eligible to vote in Thai elections (citizenship AND I.D. card AND house registration) should discuss Thai politics. The other 95% get observer status only. :o

Interesting idea. May I suggest an alternative? Have 2 types of thread, domestic and international. Domestic allows only those who are Thai voters to contribute and international is a free-for-all. :D

Your ideas smack slightly of Chinese influence. A sort of secrecy based on racial/nationalistic lines. Transparency is a most effective check on governmental abuse of power. And I know many Thais are very glad Thai politics is discussed by foreigners, probably not on this forum, but at more prestigious bodies such as the UN etc. That's my opinion anyhow.

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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

Certainly there is !

We derive much harmless entertainment, which enlivens our restful lives, from observing Thai politics, also much else here. :D

And we also gradually learn more about this fascinating culture, different but sometimes similar to farang-land, in which we are guests, and where we have often made personal or financial commitments. :o

Yours is a very good reply, but the point is we can make no difference , so what is the point ?

But voting is not the only way to make a difference !

If I believe that I can learn from others, then I must surely also believe that occasionally others may learn, from me ? And this may only ever happen if I actually express a point-of-view, and am not just a passive on-looker, so I post - to add to the debate or to laugh at life, aware of my own cosmic-irrelevance and irreverence.

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I see many people on the forum discussing the current political situation in Thailand,

My question is that, is there any point in those who cannot vote here discussing politics ?

There are forums online dedicated to discussing history only, and history has proved notoriously difficult to change.

I cannot affect the world market, still I find it interesting to discuss its movements.

I am not likely to change the Thai language either, yet I like to post in the language forum.

No matter how much I wish it were so, I cannot make my football team score; I'm crap at psychometry, crap at football and not very rich so I won't be able to influence them with my mental energies, nor join them or buy them to somehow affect the outcome.

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If the only criteria for being able to express an opinion is that you must be a voter who actually votes, or a teacher who actually teaches, or a speaker of Thai, or a cook of Thai food, etc., that would make the moderators' work much easier.

U would not get too posts on gynacology.

As for myself I consider myself an amatuer gynocologist, no experience but I will look into it for you :o:D

Bring on the ill informed debate and poor use of facts and opinions to back up extremely suspect conclusions.

No one ever does that sort of thing on the internet after all.

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