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I've seen quite a few men with ladyboys and even knew of one that married a ladyboy and moved him to Germany.

Wonder though, what the attraction is. I mean, you're not really gay if you want a ladyboy are you, because they are cross-dressers or transsexuals. But yet, if you are straight, why not get a real girl?

To each his own, just curious that's all.

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During my second trip to Bangkok, I once went into a certain famous Go-Go bar in Soi Cowboy on a recommendation from a expat friend I met in Chiang Mai. I had never been to any Go-Go bars in Bangkok, and I was shocked how much different the Go-Go where from the One I been in Chiang Mai. I was escorted to a seat, and was soon joined by a nice girl. We hit it off very well, but I was not interested in her in any way sexually,she seemed too young, but she was very cute. But My eyes were glued to this incredilbly tall , very beautiful and sexy Thai woman,who was also very nud_e :) The sexy Thai woman on the stage saw that I was staring at her, and then smiled at me. The girl I was taking to noticed me looking at the girl on the stage, but said nothing. I then bought her a lady drink and we talked until it was time for her to dance. The girl that I was talking to went on the stage, and danced, also nud_e :) very nice body also,by the way. Meanwhile, I got a tap on my shoulder, and one of the other dancers told me that there is a girl that like me. I turned to see that it was the incredibly hot looking Thai woman that I was looking at on the stage! I couldn't believe my luck! I invited her to sit with me, and we chatted, and I noticed that she was very ...Err....Physical with me.... I had never barfined a Go-Go bar girl at this point in time, but at that moment, I was very close to making that important first fateful decision! But suddenly, the Hot Sexy Thai woman had to go back to dance her set on the stage. As soon as she left, the cute Thai girl that I was talking to earlier got off the stage, and came back to my table. She told me that she was looking at me with the other girl on the stage. She then asked if I like that woman, and I , being the honest guy , said "Yes", I like her. The cute Thai girl then got very close to me, and told me that that Sexy Thai Woman on the stage , the one I was lusting after, was really a Katoey......"Ladyboy". I could not believe her, I saw that woman nud_e, I saw no extra bit where there shouldn't have been, and the woman had the most incredible breasts I ever seen on a woman.

The cute Thai girl smiled at me and said, "You like man!" :D I started to get wierded out, so I decided to leave and go to another bar, but I told the cute Thai girl that I would come back .

Two days later, after talking to some expat friends of mine, I returned to that same bar, to see if that Hot Woman was really a Ladyboy. The cute Thai girl was on the stage, and smiled at me when I saw her, and as I was escorted to my seat, The Hot Sexy Thai Woman appeared out of nowhere, and told me that she missed me - "Where you" :D I looked her up and down, and even did the "Hand Test".....I could not see an adams apple, but she was very tall for a Thai woman, and her hands were as big as mine. Also, when I saw her dance, even though she had the perfect breasts and no weiner, she had the ass of a guy -_- very narrow pelvis and zero body fat....Even the thinist go-go dancer on the stage had some form of cellulite, which is natural for even young, fit Thai women. But she was very beautiful almost too beautiful! :D So I asked her point blank, if she was a Katoey, in Thai. She laughed,and replied in English that I was crazy, that she was a woman, but her demenor changed, and she suddenly said that she had to go dance....But she didn't go on the stage, I saw her drinking with some fat balding guy on the other side of the Go - Go stage. I don't know if I insulted that incredibly Sexy Hot Thai Go-Go dancer, or if she was mad at me when I found out her secret before I barfined her :D

When the Sexy Hot woman didn't return to my seat, the cute Thai girl came back to sit with me, and she was smiling. She told me that everyone in the bar know she is Katoey :( , and I thanked her for warning me. She even told me more ways to tell if a girl is a Ladyboy or not! To this day, I am still good friends with that cute Thai girl! She is no longer working in Go-Go's though - she has an Austrailian boyfriend now :wub:

Yes, The Ladyboys in Thailand can be very beautiful and very sexy!One has to be very careful! As my Thai friend once told me, he said that the "Ladyboys in Thailand are the most beautiful of any country"! I'm not really sure even to this day if that hot sexy woman in the Go-Go was really a ladyboy or not, but I am happy that I did not find out firsthand or afterwards! :o

But for the record, I like genetically true women (XX), but I can see why Ladyboys would be in demand...

I've seen quite a few men with ladyboys and even knew of one that married a ladyboy and moved him to Germany.

Wonder though, what the attraction is. I mean, you're not really gay if you want a ladyboy are you, because they are cross-dressers or transsexuals. But yet, if you are straight, why not get a real girl?

To each his own, just curious that's all.

[nasty and unnecessary comment on european women deleted] /PLC

During my second trip to Bangkok, I once went into a certain famous Go-Go bar in Soi Cowboy on a recommendation from a expat friend I met in Chiang Mai. I had never been to any Go-Go bars in Bangkok, and I was shocked how much different the Go-Go where from the One I been in Chiang Mai. I was escorted to a seat, and was soon joined by a nice girl. We hit it off very well, but I was not interested in her in any way sexually,she seemed too young, but she was very cute. But My eyes were glued to this incredilbly tall , very beautiful and sexy Thai woman,who was also very nud_e :) The sexy Thai woman on the stage saw that I was staring at her, and then smiled at me. The girl I was taking to noticed me looking at the girl on the stage, but said nothing. I then bought her a lady drink and we talked until it was time for her to dance. The girl that I was talking to went on the stage, and danced, also nud_e :) very nice body also,by the way. Meanwhile, I got a tap on my shoulder, and one of the other dancers told me that there is a girl that like me. I turned to see that it was the incredibly hot looking Thai woman that I was looking at on the stage! I couldn't believe my luck! I invited her to sit with me, and we chatted, and I noticed that she was very ...Err....Physical with me.... I had never barfined a Go-Go bar girl at this point in time, but at that moment, I was very close to making that important first fateful decision! But suddenly, the Hot Sexy Thai woman had to go back to dance her set on the stage. As soon as she left, the cute Thai girl that I was talking to earlier got off the stage, and came back to my table. She told me that she was looking at me with the other girl on the stage. She then asked if I like that woman, and I , being the honest guy , said "Yes", I like her. The cute Thai girl then got very close to me, and told me that that Sexy Thai Woman on the stage , the one I was lusting after, was really a Katoey......"Ladyboy". I could not believe her, I saw that woman nud_e, I saw no extra bit where there shouldn't have been, and the woman had the most incredible breasts I ever seen on a woman.

The cute Thai girl smiled at me and said, "You like man!" :D I started to get wierded out, so I decided to leave and go to another bar, but I told the cute Thai girl that I would come back .

Two days later, after talking to some expat friends of mine, I returned to that same bar, to see if that Hot Woman was really a Ladyboy. The cute Thai girl was on the stage, and smiled at me when I saw her, and as I was escorted to my seat, The Hot Sexy Thai Woman appeared out of nowhere, and told me that she missed me - "Where you" :D I looked her up and down, and even did the "Hand Test".....I could not see an adams apple, but she was very tall for a Thai woman, and her hands were as big as mine. Also, when I saw her dance, even though she had the perfect breasts and no weiner, she had the ass of a guy -_- very narrow pelvis and zero body fat....Even the thinist go-go dancer on the stage had some form of cellulite, which is natural for even young, fit Thai women. But she was very beautiful almost too beautiful! :D So I asked her point blank, if she was a Katoey, in Thai. She laughed,and replied in English that I was crazy, that she was a woman, but her demenor changed, and she suddenly said that she had to go dance....But she didn't go on the stage, I saw her drinking with some fat balding guy on the other side of the Go - Go stage. I don't know if I insulted that incredibly Sexy Hot Thai Go-Go dancer, or if she was mad at me when I found out her secret before I barfined her :D

When the Sexy Hot woman didn't return to my seat, the cute Thai girl came back to sit with me, and she was smiling. She told me that everyone in the bar know she is Katoey :( , and I thanked her for warning me. She even told me more ways to tell if a girl is a Ladyboy or not! To this day, I am still good friends with that cute Thai girl! She is no longer working in Go-Go's though - she has an Austrailian boyfriend now :wub:

Yes, The Ladyboys in Thailand can be very beautiful and very sexy!One has to be very careful! As my Thai friend once told me, he said that the "Ladyboys in Thailand are the most beautiful of any country"! I'm not really sure even to this day if that hot sexy woman in the Go-Go was really a ladyboy or not, but I am happy that I did not find out firsthand or afterwards! :o

But for the record, I like genetically true women (XX), but I can see why Ladyboys would be in demand...

hehe that was a nice story. gotta make sure youre not too druk when visiting go-go bars.. you never know.


I am very interested in the Lady Boy's sceen. I haven't decided to make a stab (no pun intended) but I know a few blokes who say the sex is great. I want one that has had the full serice of operations I have heard called post op. Any recommendations on where to get one, how to have sex with them, and warnings?

Hope people don't think this is to nuts but some guys swear to them.

i guess that even the least attractive thai katoey is better looking than most fat arsed pot-bellied european women... :o

Sounds like you've never been to Thailand nor Europe. It's a long way to the airport from Putney...


Hope people don't think this is to nuts but some guys swear to them.

I thought you specified without nuts? :D

As for choosing, the same rules as elsewhere, pick one you like, safer from a bar than from the street.

I've seen quite a few men with ladyboys and even knew of one that married a ladyboy and moved him to Germany.

Wonder though, what the attraction is. I mean, you're not really gay if you want a ladyboy are you, because they are cross-dressers or transsexuals. But yet, if you are straight, why not get a real girl?

To each his own, just curious that's all.

Some guys like the fact if the ladyboy has not changed themselves that everything is in one package I mean part man and part female My friends mom her son is a ladyboy he changed everything whenever they come over i politely excuse myself and drive to the nearest store :o


It always amazes me where they get the money to have the op, unless they really need it to work professionally. I suppose they could always get a bank loan or finance? :o

You can always tell a ladyboy, they are the ones with the least amount of clothes on - oh, and they are six foot tall.

I am very interested in the Lady Boy's sceen. I haven't decided to make a stab (no pun intended) but I know a few blokes who say the sex is great. I want one that has had the full serice of operations I have heard called post op. Any recommendations on where to get one, how to have sex with them, and warnings?

Hope people don't think this is to nuts but some guys swear to them.

go to the bars in Pat Pong, dont bother looking they will find you.


It's true that real gay men don't want kathoeys, and the kathoeys don't want gays either. In the early stages of their transformation, they seem like queeny or effeminate young men, and that can be quite attractive to gays- but later on, it's clear that they don't have anything to do with masculinity at all.

I have one friend at the moment who started with a boyfriend and wound up with a kathoey. I think neither of them is really very happy about it, but my friend is too hung up on the guy to see how little they have to bond them together- except the money, which is why the kathoey is hanging around even though he wants a straight California beach boy (haha, good luck).


You can always tell a ladyboy, they are the ones with the least amount of clothes on - oh, and they are six foot tall.

...and they do the Tina Turner walk :D

Up the bum, :o no thanks, don't like pain :D

You can always tell a ladyboy, they are the ones with the least amount of clothes on - oh, and they are six foot tall.

Yeah, and they over-characterise women's traits. They roll their ass/sway their hips more when walking and are always touching, preening, combing their hair. Also they're usually limp-wristed.

I've known a few guys over the years that have said that they would like to try a Katoey because like lesbians, they know how to please their own sex. But I still reckon it's 'half-way to being a queer'.

I think neither of them is really very happy about it

Why not split then??

As I said- the farang is too hung up. I think he's one of these types that looks for troublesome partners and keeps hoping they're going to change despite the odds back into the romantic image he had of them before he got to know them. I've tried to show him the way things are going, but honestly, I don't think he wants to know. The little ladyboy has now developed an "attitude"- she was more or less the Thai equivalent of a trailer park kid, now she's a "big city gal." He complains to me about her running over to Silom at all hours, chatting up other farang on the web on HIS computer, etc., etc., but he "trusts" her. Of course, the kathoey's just in it for the money, though I'm sure there's some friendship and affection there too. But it's just not a good viable long-term thing, which is what my friend supposedly wants.


hehe that was a nice story. gotta make sure youre not too druk when visiting go-go bars.. you never know.

Yeah, you never know! :o

Fortunately, I drank ( and still do drink) only soda at the Go-Go's even though at some places, the soda was as expensive as the beer. I want to be sober enough to visit as many go-go bars as possible :D Also I was by myself,and wanted to keep a straight head while in these places. Which is very good thing when you go to Go-Go's - There are many beautiful Katoeys at some places, and pretty hard to tell if they are really women even when one is sober!

I was told that one way one can tell the beautiful Bargirl is really a Katoey is that they ask for the fee for the proposed lustful deed in advance, along with, and at the same time with the barfine... I guess for insurance for later... :D

I am very interested in the Lady Boy's sceen.  I haven't decided to make a stab (no pun intended)  but I know a few blokes who say the sex is great.  I want one that has had the full serice of operations I have heard called post op.  Any recommendations on where to get one,  how to have sex with them, and warnings?

Hope people don't think this is to nuts but some guys swear to them.

It's pretty hard not to run into them in the nightlife scene in Bangkok, and I believe other places. I never been to Patpong , at least during the nighttime, but you could try at Nana Plaza , it seems that the Katoeys are taking over the place now! :D

If you are really interested, you should go to Casanova in Nana , on the second floor left hand corner. I was almost dragged bodily into the place last year when I tried to walk past it from the G-Spot bar :wub::D Some guys might enjoy that , but I didn't want to be groped by a half a dozen strong sexy beautiful Pre/Post op Thai shemales... :)

Voodo - a GoGo on the first floor of Nana seemed had alot of Katoeys there. Is it still at Nana? I thought it was a regular bar at first. Very pushy staff. "girls" on the stage were a mix of genetically true women and Thai shemales, and the Katoeys ran the range between definite fugly she-men to HotUltraSexy - female Ladyboy. I ordered a drink before I realized what I was looking at -_-:o The waitress was very pushy little Thai girl, kept bugging me and pointing to the stage, saying "Want her? Want her?"

I gave in, and told the waitress to bring over the hottest "Girl" on the stage. I ended up getting not only a drink for myself (soda) and the dancer, but for the annoying waitress too!

After awhile the Mamasan came over and was pressuring me to barfine the Beautiful "girl" next to me. I felt like I was suddenly being rushed, and I couldn't really tell if the bargirl was a really a man or a woman. She was very hot looking and very beautiful.... But she was not built like an average Thai woman, more like a farang /white woman, very tall and curvy.If she was a guy, she was definitely Post-Op. Anyway, I did not want to take any chances, so I lied to the girl and told her that I would be back....She ( He? It? ) saw thru me, and told me that she knew that I would not come back! :D I literally ran out of that place into the next Go- Go, "Bottoms - Up" I believe it was called at the time. Not a ladyboy in sight there! :(

As for actually having sex with them, that I can safely say I have no experience or knowledge regarding that, and don't plan to for the forseeable future ( Narachon knocks on wood.. ) and for warnings, I guess you have to remember that these Ladyboys may look and act like women, they are still men, with the same strengh and temperment! And some can be quite dodgy! :)

Trust me, In Thailand, You don't look for Katoeys, they come looking for you! But Happy Hunting nevertheless :D


I read somewhere that some men like them because their are no games, Like with a bargirl. Some will try to get as much money as they can from you. Some Guys continue to send money to them after they have gone back to their home countrys. With ladyboys it's just sex that's it no games but that's what i read not sure if it's true or not :o

My mate shagged a katoey three days after the op, as the katoey was desperate to get f**ked.

The bed was drenched in blood. Sick.

Yuuk......I don't even want to imagine that scene....I can only guess which "hole" was used :D

I also can't imagine that it would have been safe for either party.... :o

Wonder though, what the attraction is. But yet, if you are straight, why not get a real girl?

To each his own, just curious that's all.

Some guys like the fact if the ladyboy has not changed themselves that everything is in one package I mean part man and part female My friends mom her son is a ladyboy he changed everything whenever they come over i politely excuse myself and drive to the nearest store :o

Sweetheart, there is only one way to find out. Give it a try! Don't be afraid, normally spoken they won't bite and if they did you might save a lot of money in the future (or even join their ranks).

Silly Mac, your friends moms son is nobody else than your brother in law.

I understand that you hurry to the next store to buy some lubricating substances.

Is your friend a he or a she and does he/she agree with the fact that you have sex with his/her brother?

It is nice to hear about somebody who openly confesses his pleasures with ladyboys. Many of your collegues keep it cowardly secret.

Good for you Mackieboy! Especially as I understand that you are from the States, where prudity rules.


I wonder how often the real females rat out the ladyboys to customers or if they keep their mouths shut or encourage you to walk out with the ladyboy? I've seen a lot of post-ops (although not in the nether regions) and it is hard to tell.

Anyone seen the after-surgery? Is it realistic?


I think most of the Farangs don't know what a ladyboy is.

When Thais speak about a ladyman(boy) they mean a lesbian girl dressed and act like a man. So a ladyboy is a girl. A man dressed and act like a girl(lady) is in thai called manlady or more common Katoey. :o


I was in a bar in Phuket and asked what the attraction was to a guy in Katoey bar. He said that it was because he could cross sabre in the middle of the night!

I am very interested in the Lady Boy's sceen. I haven't decided to make a stab (no pun intended) but I know a few blokes who say the sex is great. I want one that has had the full serice of operations I have heard called post op. Any recommendations on where to get one, how to have sex with them, and warnings?

Hope people don't think this is to nuts but some guys swear to them.

i am busy researching the whole thai katoey phenomenon at the moment & hope to have my book on the subject published early next year...

i do hear tell that katoeys may be procured from the following places: -

casanova bar at NEP...

obsessions at NEP...

KC3 at patpong....

hanging around lower sukhumvit (after 2am)...

kings corner at PP (post-ops)...

oh... & the list goes on, but you now have a few places in which to begin your quest... :o

My mate shagged a katoey three days after the op, as the katoey was desperate to get f**ked.

The bed was drenched in blood. Sick.

the katoeys a <deleted> idiot and your mates obviously a sick man. :o

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