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Wife Beater

drunken monkey

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All the men on my soi beat their wives, Its just part of the culture.

    My wife didnt want to marry me after she saw me hitting a heavy bag.

    She said "You kill me 100%"  I said dont worry - me no box wife.

My wife asked me once "you box me when you get angry" I didn't know what she was saying until her father told me i said to her and her father No I may get angry but not to the point of hitting someone My wife ran over and hugged me :D

It's sad that men or women have to resort to violence to get heir point across Yes I say women because I live in the states and I've seen big men beat by women of course with a stick or handbag at the time.

My wife's friend who is a mia noi she is beaten at least once a week according to my wife, She pays for everything The apartment they have and even the first wife's house well part of it. She says she loves her husband :o

I have a question for the farang women who answered not sure how many answered but I ask this If you have a Thai Husband Would you let him hit you? Also directed to the men Would you let your wife hit you?

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I still think it would be foolish to interfere in a Thai-Thai domestic . Even most Thais turn a blind eye. It is surely making the husband, b/f ect, lose face. And losing face to a farang is even worse. It might sound harsh, but it is the way things work here. People have been killed for alot less .

As for calling the police, woudn't do that either. They will not be much help. As someone said, let the girl's family deal with it . Just my opinion

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Even most Thais turn a blind eye. It is surely making the husband, b/f ect, lose face. And losing face to a farang is even worse. It might sound harsh, but it is the way things work here. People have been killed for alot less .

spot on.

after my incident with the local hard case my brother in law had a word with me and told me it's all about losing face, especially over a woman and to a falang.

the advice given was "this is not the uk ,this is thailand,and you are not thai.

and if they lose face they will get you,either today or tomorrow, and if you are a big bloke then three or four of them will come and get you. just ignore it, its not your business."

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Guest fj2003

why getting involved in a story u don't know

mostly evenback home u will have the trouble after no matter who the girl or her boy

just get it as a free reality show like our tv soaps back home

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Chivalry. Total chivalry <deleted>.

Let me aks you this. Would you be so quick to intervine if it was a Thai guy hitting another Thai guy? Or hitting a fat ugly som tam lady? No didn't think you would. Subconciously thinking about sex aint ya?

I would never hit a woman.

Unless she attacked me. Then I am hitting an attacker, not a 'woman'.

And belive me, I would not pull my punches.

My friend nearly got murdered by his wife for coming home half an hour late. She stuck him in the neck with a carving knife. He thought she had just girly punched him on the collarbone. Until he went to his brothers house, and his brother pointed out that he had a 12" knife sticking out of him.

There could be a million reasons for a guy to hit a woman. Walk away, it's not your problem. Some women actually get off on it.

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agreed with the majority.

back home I wouldn´t hesitate, no matter what race, colour or creed

here, I hesitate withouth hesitation. DO NOT GET INVOLVED.

Although, when it´s a western man/thai girl, I certainly do intervene.

When it´s western man/western woman, funnily enough, here in LOS I do not. <deleted>"k ´em.

When it´s Thai girl beating western man... I run a mile!! :o

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Personally I would stay out of it. Not easy when you are brought up differently.

I am not sure calling the police would be much good either. I do not think that they are too quick to become involved in a domestic incident in the LOS. Certainly i do not think they would have done a few years back. No different than in the West a little earlier

However having said that I hear (on the the thai tv news I understand) that alledgedly our beloved Khun Chuwit ex - MP owner and failed Bangkok governor candidate was interviewed by the police this week after hitting his wife. He asked them why they were not out catching real criminals- drug pushers.

My sense that in time Thai attitudes like those in the West will change towards domestic violence but I am not holding my breath

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A few years ago a mate and i were sitting with our gfs near Charansanitwong 41. We were eating and having a few beers. Me and my mate(hes from Denmark and i'm fro Scotland) were the only farang there. Anyway the next thing this ute pulls up and a guy jumps out. Before you know it this guy has got a women by the hair and a knife to her throat. We didn't speak enough Thai to understand what he was saying. Apparently she was his wife and was sitting with her boyfriend. The kids were in the back of the ute, screaming. It was one of the kids birthdays. and she was out with her boyfriend. But anyway my mate says to his gf" Call the police" He was serious. He said if she didnt do it then he would. He was my mate. But i told him " If you call the cops and they come and this guy sees you on the phone. Then who will he have a go at?" ie the 2 farang. So i said if he calls the cops and this guy decides to have a go. Then i'm gonaa have a go at him(my mate). The Thais were doing nothing so why should we. Basically never get involved

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Thats different. You do what you have to do. Years ago when i lived in Scotland. There was a man and his wife fighting in the street. This guy ahd just punched his missus squre in the face. So some guy who had just came out of the pub seen this and ran over. Then prceeded to beat the shit out of the wifebeater. You would think that the wife would be happy. No instead of thanking him. She started to have go and ended jumping on his back and pulling his hair. I say dont get involved if you dont know the people. if you do. Then at least try and reason and calm things down. Not always possible. I know but at least try.

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So don't get involved if it's someone you don't know?? but it's OK if you know the person :o

See when i was in Thailand last I met my wife's friend and her husband Later on My wife told me he had another wife, Because of how I am I was mad inside but didn't show it.

Her friend's husband drank alot and he wanted to get me drunk so we could go out to a bar or whatever I told him no What wrong many pretty thai women in Thailand!!! I said i already have a pretty woman (my wife) :D

We left not too long after he asked me I'm supposed to go with him and leave my wife just like he is going to leave his also No <deleted> Way!!!

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I have a question to ask when i was in Thailand last my wife accidently hit me in the chin it was not a hard blow but after that she waied me and then closed her eyes was she expecting me to hit her back?? :o Of course i didn't do it but made me think about it for a while after reading this thread the memory came back to me and i thought i would ask.

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Better to call the police anonymously...any intervention on that situation could have brought you upon a concealed weapon of some sort.  That's defintely a shitty situation.

I saw a similar situation (except she was knocked to the ground several times and once briefly lost concienceness) on the street in direct view of a policeman. No action taken.

Quite dissettling

:o Coffee!!! :D

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Everyone here says don't get involved :o but what if the Thai woman is a friend of your's?

of friend to your wife? What do u do then just call the police??

or your wife's mother?

and perhaps when the police get called in they do nothing but on the side tell you that they'll have your wife's father kicked-the-he11-out-of for a small fee?

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Let me aks you this. Would you be so quick to intervine if it was a Thai guy hitting another Thai guy? Or hitting a fat ugly som tam lady? No didn't think you would. Subconciously thinking about sex aint ya?

Hats off medicinebox, top statement.

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>>I guess, if it looked like it was escalating and nobody was intervening, I would call the police.

  Police wont do anything if they are married

What about divorce between two Thais? Seems uncommon - why?

Seems that the loss of face would be on the husbands' side.

Is the wife entitled to half the assets like in many western countries?


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My missus and I had a fight cause she was too drunk and I left the pub before her. I woke up in the morning and she wasnt in bed. I found her in the downstairs area of our apartment block. She told me that she passed out there and that someone had inteferred with her as her underwear was askew. This was confirmed by night security who said he saw another night watchman from another building enter the area my missus was. My missus was irrate and approached the accused. My missus said that she was going to hit him and there seemed to be some agremeent between the two parties to let this transpire. Well without thinking too much I decided this was my responsibility and cracked him a couple of times in the jaw. Yes, absolutely i felt that I had lost face by his actions! my missus seemed satisfied. But of course, if back home I would have gone much further. 2 years later and nothing has ever come of this. As I suspected if Thais knew the full story they would not be so willing to back thier countryman!

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> So don't get involved if it's someone you don't know?? but it's

> OK if you know the person

If you know the person you're more likely to understand the situation. But again, only proceed if you actually do understand it, and have a modicum of conflict solving skills in Thai.

> can somebody tell me what diana 35 pills are???

They're a type of birth control pills that (can potentially) seriously mess up a person's hormones and emotions. Actually it's not even certified as a birth control pill: not being able to get pregnant is listed as a side effect! Another side effect is that it makes her breasts bigger. This is why it's popular not just with women but also with ladyboys.. In fact it was a ladyboy hairdresser who suggested them to my gf saying it would add some extra diameter to her chest. He didn't mention it would also make her suicidal a couple of days per month. :o They're widely sold in pharmacies, 'under the counter' for some reason. I'd advise anyone to steer well clear of them unless prescribed by a physician to be used in the way it's intended. (Reducing acne I think. )



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I watched a domestic abuse scene a few months ago. The woman ran out of the bldg and the man was literally dragging her back in again. She screamed about how he beat her, etc. He denied it of course. By this time a big crowd of people had gathered to watch as if it was a soap opera. The police showed up finally. As the woman explained to the police what was happening the man lashed out at her and the police had to hold him back. They escorted her into the bldg to get her clothes and then drove her off in the police truck. That's almost scarier than her abusive husband!

I would tend to stay out of such situations. When Thais go that far it means all ###### has/will break loose. Those kinds of folks do not possess any self-respect or respect for others. Their lives are out of control. I don't want to be on the receiving line.

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