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asking the forum an dall you travelleres:

do you think it is worth the deal to invest on main land, e.g. around Hat Yai, Nakon Si Tammarat / both close to Malaysian border? As a matter of fact I have been working in tourism for years (in europe) and I do have the opinion that most of the tourists heading to Thailand STILL (unfortunately) do compare vacation in Thailand with vacation on an island....Will I have to face just a few backpackers come and see my bungalows on mainland or is there a REALISTIC chance within the next 3-5 yrs that ordinary, no sex-tourism-oriented tourists will give theirselve(s) the "kick" to spend a 1-2 week holiday? Furthermore, anybody here in this forum who seriously thought about investing in tourism in VIETNAM which seems to be MORE AND MORE interesting than Thailand is........?

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