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Dear Thailand Expatriate:

I am taking a global human resource management course at the George Washington University. I need to design a training manual that would be used to train expatriates going to Thailand. A requirement of the project is contacting expats in order to obtain knowledge about Thai culture that would make an expats’ transition to Thailand as smooth as possible. I would be grateful if you would take a few moments to read the questions below and email your responses to me at: [email protected]. Also, please feel free to include any other information I missed that may be of importance.


Houtan Mova


Employer name:

Dates of Assignment in Thailand:

Parent Country Information




Questions: (Please do not worry about running out of space, all information will be saved in the answer box.)

1)How were the medical and health systems in Thailand compared to your parent country?

2)How was the culture in Thailand? Was it difficult to adapt?

3)What types of difficulties or observations did you make in terms of religion in Thailand?

4)How would you describe Thailand's economy?

5)What kind of difficulties did you experience when interacting with natives due to the language barrier?

6)How was the transition for any additional family members (i.e., spouse, children, etc.)

7)What type of pre-departure training did you receive? How would you improve your pre-departure training or preparation to Thailand?

8)Based on your experience, what do you feel is most important to know upon arriving in Thailand?

9)Other information, advice, or tips for Thailand expatriates:

Thank you for your participation in the questionnaire!


Do it on a web site and post the address here. Most people don't mind helping out with research, but you need to make it accessible.

Ask George, via e-mail to put a link in the weekly newsletter as well may also help.

Good luck

Do it on a web site and post the address here. Most people don't mind helping out with research, but you need to make it accessible.

Ask George, via e-mail to put a link in the weekly newsletter as well may also help.

Good luck

A good idea. Do it that way you'll get responses, the way you are doing it now requires more input from the expats than they are likely to give.


I'd be more than happy to help out but I am not willing to give my real name or the name of my employers.

I no longer wear a company issued jacket, I have removed the company sticker from my car windscreen and I have eveen stopped giving out my name card.

I have had too many people who I eiether don't know or barely know turning up at our office claiming I have given them a reference or promised them an introduction.

Apart from that, I think the most interesting aspect of expat working life in Thailand is not one that most companies would like to publicise.

I am referring to the problems that arrise between expats when the inevitable cut backs come around.

Those of you who have not worked as an expat in Thailand witin an international company have little idea of just how nasty things can get when there is reduction of staff planned.

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