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Cosmetics And Girly Stuff....


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I've always wondered does price determine qualilty and vice versa?

I mean you can choose between paying a couple hundred baht on supermarket brands such as Olay or L'oreal etc...or pay a couple thousand baht for high end brands such as LaMer or SKII.

Are we paying for their marketing campaign and falling for their psychological mumbo jumbo.... or do these brands really have that special something?

Let me start the ball rollling, I've tried:

Origins = it was good the first round I bought it but then the second time I got a rash.

Shiseido = very good for delicate skin types but the effects seemed to be subtle.

Olay Total Effects = used this for a period of time and it was really good.

I'm wondering if any other ladies here feel the same about the short effects of these brands and that you need to alternate? But my mother has used Revlon Moondrops for over the past 30 years and she looks radiant if I may say so!

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I think it's a combination of how your skin is and how the product works. I have sensitive skin and happily used Clinique for 25 years. Then I got a sunburn over here, and discovered that the Clinique was too harsh. I have been trying brands, from inexpensive (Olay) to expensive (Borghese) with not much apparent diffeence. It seems to be a matter of finding what works with your skin in its current condition. I think I might spring for Shiseido or Kanebo before I leave. I try to bring some skin-whitening products back to the US with me to resolve the inevitable freckling I get from the occasions when I accidentally stay out past my sunscreen time limit.

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I used Estee Lauder for years but a few years ago started using L'Oreal Plenitude Night Cream while still using the face softener stuff from Estee Lauder. Found Estee Lauder to be quite a bit more expensive in Asia tho so have stopped using it for now. Seems to me that the L'Oreal stuff is just as good anyway.

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I think it's a combination of how your skin is and how the product works.

Have to agree with that.

We all have different skin types and products react differently to each type. I have a friend who simply uses water and soap :o yet has the most beautiful skin (quoting the beautician :D ) for a thirty something year old. Then there’s me (a twenty something year old :D ) who’s tried most products and found the love of her life skII :D. I do believe some of us are slaves to marketing and won’t look twice at an item that hasn’t appeared in Vogue, as we like to believe in “quality” (esp if it accompanies a lovely price tag – been guilty of this myself). However, good skin is not simply due to the products we use but to a number of factors such as genetics, diet, environment, etc (we all know the horrors reflected in the mirror after a good night out). When it comes to the long term usage of a product am not sure of the effects – guess there are two possible outcomes: 1) Skin gets better and better; or, 2) like antibiotics, one becomes immune and the product no longer works.

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I've found as I get older my skin changes so much that I am on a continual cycle of testing out new products. when I was in LOS I required not a lot of moisturiser, just vasalene intensive care with aloe vera as the air was so humid other products made my skin too greasy but since moving back to the UK with the colder, dryer climate I am using a light day cream (from AVON and it's bloody brilliant amazingly) & a night moisteriser from Estee Lauder which is really rich & soaks ino your skin whilst you sleep, I have noticed though that using a daily facial wash (from AVON again) has made a huge difference too as unlike when I was in LOS, my skin feels so much cleaner & fresher. 6 months ago I was using a completly different mositeriser & cleanser but one day it just irritated my skin & I had to stop, so after another round of testing, I have found a good match again but since I am only 29, this is gonna get really annoying if every 6mth or so I'm going to have to change again, fortunately AVON now do ranges to suit every age group, so in 6 months I will change to their +30 range :D & I hope that it will be as good as thier +24 range as it's fairly cheap in comparison to named brands such as SKII & just as good if the results so far are anything to go by :D

p.s. I love these girly threads :o

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I read somewhere that the best thing you can do for your skin is to drink alot of water and stay out of the sun.

I am lucky, my family all has really nice skin and I had a very smart mother who taught me the importance of staying out of the sun (plus the fact that I find laying out in the sun deadly dull and can't do it for more than 10 minutes). My skin is very good and most people don't have a clue as to my real age when they meet me. Of course, my youthful exuberance helps :D . My older sister is 40 but looks about 35 and acts about 25 so I guess it runs in the family. :o

I don't take alot of stock in fancy skin creams, I remember reading somewhere that the only thing that really had any effect was retinol and that was temporary, ie when you stopped using it the good side effects stopped too.

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My older sister is 40 but looks about 35 and acts about 25 so I guess it runs in the family.  :D

Thai girls, whatever age they are, act at least 10/15 years younger than their farang counterpart.

So, I guess your sister found the right country.

She will blend in easily.

Can't say anything about you, Sbk, shy...:o:D

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My older sister is 40 but looks about 35 and acts about 25 so I guess it runs in the family.  :D

Thai girls, whatever age they are, act at least 10/15 years younger that their farang counterpart.

So, I guess your sister found the right country.

She will blend in easily.

Can't say anything about you, Sbk, shy...:o:D

Nothing wrong with that – my motto is act the way you feel :D As far as I’m concerned, we only have one life so make the most of it and indulge in all the pleasures one can have (I will now be labeled a sexual deviant) :D.

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My older sister is 40 but looks about 35 and acts about 25 so I guess it runs in the family.  :D

Thai girls, whatever age they are, act at least 10/15 years younger than their farang counterpart.

So, I guess your sister found the right country.

She will blend in easily.

Can't say anything about you, Sbk, shy...:o:D

My older sister lives in the US, tends to date guys in their early 30s. They are the only ones who can keep up with her :D .Neither one of us are immature, just energetic. :wub: There is a difference. Never fell into that middle aged soccer mom thing so I guess that is how I manage to stay young. It's funny but the women my age who don't have kids (and this would be mostly friends from home) still seem young whereas alot (but not all) of the women I know with kids have that "middle aged mom" look about them. They remind me of when I was a teenager and my friends' parents all seemed so old :D

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It's funny but the women my age who don't have kids (and this would be mostly friends from home) still seem young whereas alot (but not all) of the women I know with kids have that "middle aged mom" look about them.

Probably true.

Without children, the relationship in between men and women needs to be extremely strong to last.

Men are not faithful by nature (sorry to say) and the children "help" keeping them home.

So, it will require a lot of effort from a woman to keep a man without the children to "cement" the relation.

And love does not last unfortunately...Only a comfort zone and a certain empathy towards the partner remain after a few years.

And it is much stronger when you have children.

Hence staying "young" is almost compulsary for the wifes without children.

(And I do not say it is not important for the ones married...)

But unfortunately, not sufficient most of the time.

Sorry to be so negative, Sbk but do not worry, there are always exceptions... :o:D

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It's funny but the women my age who don't have kids (and this would be mostly friends from home) still seem young whereas alot (but not all) of the women I know with kids have that "middle aged mom" look about them.

Probably true.

Without children, the relationship in between men and women needs to be extremely strong to last.

Men are not faithful by nature (sorry to say) and the children "help" keeping them home.

So, it will require a lot of effort from a woman to keep a man without the children to "cement" the relation.

And love does not last unfortunately...Only a comfort zone and a certain empathy towards the partner remain after a few years.

And it is much stronger when you have children.

Hence staying "young" is almost compulsary for the wifes without children.

(And I do not say it is not important for the ones married...)

But unfortunately, not sufficient most of the time.

Sorry to be so negative, Sbk but do not worry, there are always exceptions... :D:D

Well then, I guess we must be the exceptions. My husband does not cheat (nor does his father) and after 15 years of marriage we still love each other. And I imagine that after this long it is not my looks keeping him home but my sparkling wit and intelligence :D

I think, if children are needed to "cement" a marriage then perhaps the marriage isn't really that strong anyway.

But anyway, went to Koh Samui today, wore sunscreen and my hat and it rained instead


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It's funny but the women my age who don't have kids (and this would be mostly friends from home) still seem young whereas alot (but not all) of the women I know with kids have that "middle aged mom" look about them. They remind me of when I was a teenager and my friends' parents all seemed so old 

SBK, this is so true. I never thought this would happen to my friends and I am convinced that it's because they've had the stress of bringing up kids and I haven't - but mumsy is the word. I probaly have more time to devote to myself and my skin products whereas they selflessly put everyone else in the family first before themselves. My married, mum of 3, best friend came over from NZ last month - we hadn't seen each other for a year. The first thing she said to me after hello was "God your skin looks good". This sounds very immodest, but I'm 36 and she's right!

Apart from having no kids, my secret is Olay Daily Renewal (£10) accompanied by Olay Total Effects Anti Wrinkle cream (£14) - for those troubled areas! I thought that maybe I was a victim of marketing last year, so I swapped my Olay for a cheaper normal everyday moisturiser. I was horrified to notice the difference in less than a week. I definitely had more lines and my skin just looked generally more tired. I soon switched back. I love my Olay and won't swap again. I also use Borghese Fango mud soap everyday which I wouldn't be without.

I recently bought my sister (41) some cream which is marketed as 'botox in a jar'. It is a quick fix for wrinkles called Avotox. It seems to be working. After 1 week some deep lines that she had under her eyes completley disappeared - but by the evening they had come back! So, when she puts it on in the morning - they go, but she has to reapply if she's going out at night. You can only get it mail order at the moment, but it really does work. So if anyone was thinking about Botox, I woudl recommend this first - no needles, just cream. Avotox website. So when I get to the stage when my Olay just isn't enough, I will give it a go.

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Katy, does your sister have kids?? :D

I have used olay in the past but I've never tried the total effects one. Maybe I'll give it a go. I am 38 and am just now developing fine lines around my eyes, wouldn't mind delaying that awhile! I try not to squint and wear sunglasses whenever I am outside so I think that must help delay the squint wrinkles.

And katy, I do tend to agree, women with kids generally do have more stress than women without (unless you are married to one :o ).

OK, here is a girly question, my nails are so soft they don't break they just tear, and easily. I've tried polish but it just chips off within a day or so. I've tried quite a few of those nail hardeners but they don't help either. Problem is, I bit my nails up until a couple of years ago. I suspect that is why they are so weak, and they are really ridged too. Mainly my thumbnails but all of them to some degree.

So, any nail cure suggestions??

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OK, here is a girly question, my nails are so soft they don't break they just tear, and easily. ...

So, any nail cure suggestions??

I had the same problem then I bought nail polishers back home in Canada.

It is similar to an emery board except not abrasive.

There are three parts, one to smooth-out the ridges on the nail, one to buff and one to do a finish polish. The immediate result is a shiny nail, the long term result for me has been stronger nails. I never use polish on my fingernails now.

I found these same nail polisher files at Booth's, there they sell it in an all-in-one file package. One side is half blue and white and the other side is gray. Much cheaper than back home too. :o

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I've always wondered does price determine qualilty and vice versa?

I mean you can choose between paying a couple hundred baht on supermarket brands such as Olay or L'oreal etc...or pay a couple thousand baht for high end brands such as LaMer or SKII.

Are we paying for their marketing campaign and falling for their psychological mumbo jumbo.... or do these brands really have that special something?

Let me start the ball rollling, I've tried:

Origins = it was good the first round I bought it but then the second time I got a rash.

Shiseido = very good for delicate skin types but the effects seemed to be subtle.

Olay Total Effects = used this for a period of time and it was really good.

I'm wondering if any other ladies here feel the same about the short effects of these brands and that you need to alternate? But my mother has used Revlon Moondrops for over the past 30 years and she looks radiant if I may say so!

Shopgurl Just watched a program in the US about your thread and they had an expert chemist find out if the ingredients in the high end products have any difference to them and he said no.

Most were just skin moisturizers, and had nothing to do with what the salesperson may say about the product. He said that cooking lard is probably the cheapest thing to use for your skin and most likely the best. But that's up to you. :o

He said all the products had very little different things about them. The High End products and the ones you can get from a nearby department store or mall.

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Most were just skin moisturizers, and had nothing to do with what the salesperson may say about the product. He said that cooking lard is probably the cheapest thing to use for your skin and most likely the best.

Interesting that you should say that as have a mate who uses Extra Virgin Olive Oil on her skin and she looks great (seriously, am not joking – but I also think this might only work for Mediterranean skin, as she’s Macedonian). :o

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Most were just skin moisturizers,  and had nothing to do with what the salesperson may say about the product.  He said that cooking lard is probably the cheapest thing to use for your skin and most likely the best.

Interesting that you should say that as have a mate who uses Extra Virgin Olive Oil on her skin and she looks great (seriously, am not joking – but I also think this might only work for Mediterranean skin, as she’s Macedonian). :o

I thought he was joking but he wasn't and he was from england :D Just Joking!!

He said that some chemicals in the skin products might be harmful to some people. He said try to go the natural route if you can like natural aloe and other natural products, but he said no difference in anything on the store shelves.

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