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Lost In My Mind.


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I’m hoping to find some good over the counter drugs/meds let my mind and body rest.

Something that’s sold all over Thailand and Legal..

I’ve been extreme insomnia since I was 17. My mind just races over in memories and thoughts when it becomes dark.

No one really sees it and I never talk to anyone about it.

The only thing is load music and a bottle of whisky to chill me out. Somewhere where its to load to have a conversation.

I feel happy like I scratched that irritating itch.

But every night in a club is impossible I need rest. But I can’t!!

No load music with head phones and Beer dose not help.

Sleeping Pills? My body has over powered them but something really strong might help? That Relaxed Drug? don’t know the name but is over powers anxiety?

I’m not scared of anything or paranoid.

I’m not depressed.

Don’t really have anger problem. Unless some starts something 1st. maybe hehe.

But in other words I really just need a CHILL PILL!!!

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I have see the negative impact that insomnia can have on peoples lives. I can only make the following suggestions which you may know already.

Don't lie awake in bed. Get up and do something. You don't want to associate your bedroom with being awake. Don't have a television in your bedroom, it should just be a place of sleep. Avoid caffeine.

These might help a bit but it sound that in your case there is some type of anxiety problem which will likely need more professional help. I personally don't believe medication is the answer, but I'm not an expert.

I once suffered insomnia through being a drunk. I gave up alcohol a few years ago and now sleep like a baby.

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Bkkblueeyes, alcohol is part of the reason you are staying awake at night....Another solution would be for you to wake up early, 7 am, go for a jog 5 kms...have a balanced breakfast....go for a swim in the late afternoon...go to the gym then sauna...eat a balanced dinner....cut out caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes....Trust me you will get tired and sleep.

Some of the reasons you might lay awake at night might be due to lack of exercise and mental stimulation...Keep your mind and body active during the day and have a healthy diet and regular pattern/routine of sleep,work and exercise. Try it for 2 weeks, the worse that can happen is that you get healthier, stronger and a different perspective.

The drug you are reffering to is probably Xanax, you definetely want to stay away from that....it is dangerous, very addictive and the effects wear off over time.

Go the natural way!

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bkkblueeyes, i don't know if you can get it in thailand or not but i use to use Ambien. back then i needed a prescription. in fact i was a bit addicted to it for a while because it worked so well. it will knock you out. now i'm chemical free.

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Tranquilizers and strong sleeping medications are all controlled substances in Thailand and need a doctor's prescription. In addition, many of them are addictive, and will also stop working over time as you build up tolerance. They are not meant for long term use.

You need to address the cause of your problem rather than try to medicate it away. The usual suspects are caffeine, alcohol and anxiety; the latter can be at an unconscious level that only becomes apparent when you try to sleep.

My suggestions: reduce caffeine intake to a minimum and limit it to the first hour or two after you get up.

stop or greatly reduce alcohol intake

therapy and/or meditation (see www.dhamma.org)

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I always keep a book on the headboard. I have a small light on the headboard and I read until my eyes start to close. I put the book down, turn out the light and normally fall asleep easily. I always envy my wife. She can fall asleep anywhere and anytime.

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