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Opening Ports On My Pc


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I have a new program on my PC, for this program to fully work and to upload i need to open Ports 21 and 3306

Can anyone advise, as i have already searched Google, but found nothing.... I have been told the process is quiet easy,

Many Thanks

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A couple of questions. What operating system are you using and do you have any third party firewalls installed? Also, if no firewall on the PC then are you referring to your ADSL router (which model if any)?

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A couple of questions. What operating system are you using and do you have any third party firewalls installed? Also, if no firewall on the PC then are you referring to your ADSL router (which model if any)?

What operating system are you using - Xp

do you have any third party firewalls installed - Dont think so

if no firewall on the PC then are you referring to your ADSL router (which model if any)? - I get the internet from TOT, Land Line


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